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View Full Version : Time for that yearly torture fest- er Vet trip!

10-12-2004, 10:36 PM
Hey everybody!
I'm just about ready to take Boomer is for his physical and shots. I hope he gets a clean bill of health! Last time he weighed 13 lbs or so i think, so we'll see how much my plush little prince weighs after a year of living with me:D :D :D

P.S. Wish me luck in sneaking him to and from my car without anyone in my building seeing us! I claim that he is a 4 legged extremely large and hairy goldfish, but I think if they see him (out of water:p) they might suspect that I'm breaking that whole "no-cats" rule.:D :D

10-12-2004, 11:45 PM
we're back:) Boomer weighs in at a whopping (not) 13lbs 2 ounces! He was given a clean bill of health, but we were told that he may need his teeth cleaned next year because there is a little bit of tartar build up:( Oh well, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it:) Boomer is very happy to be home, but keeps coming over and getting back in his carrier:D Does he want to go again??:rolleyes: :D
He was a very good boy for the vet and only howled once when I let go of him so we could weigh him:D The rest of the time he had his front paws up on my chest and his nose hidden under the hood of my hoodie:D
Good Job Boomer!

10-13-2004, 01:39 AM
Good boy, Boomer!

Missy: A thought -- what about transporting him in a small aquarium? (Not a good thought perhaps, but it does kind of keep the big goldfish theme going...????

10-13-2004, 09:07 AM
Yes,it is once again time,to corral,the Found Cats,who are masters,at hiding,and running! And how,on Earth,do they know,whos turn,it is?The Scheduled Ones Hide,and the Others,are in the Open!

10-13-2004, 10:18 AM
Good boy Boomer! Glad to hear you got a clean bill of health.

10-13-2004, 10:36 AM
Good boy Boomer!! Glad all is well. Missy - do you guys have the tartar control Pounce treats?? I think they are Pounce anyway. I have seen them on the shelves - might be worth a try. I don't really understand why I keep reading about teeth cleaning - none of our cats have ever had this. Is it a relatively new procedure?? All of our cats have lived to ripe old ages and have been to the vets regularly. Maybe because they only ate dry food??