View Full Version : ~ Cami's Birthday BASH. *October 30.

10-12-2004, 04:32 PM
Hey errrbuddy, its CamEE here......

October 30th, is my SECOND BIRRDAY, But my FERST "BASH". Mom sayz i can *IN-BITE* all of my pet-talk buddy's to be wiff me on datt day. (TRUST ME. I get lotsa giftsz and SNACK-EE's so you mite want to come so you can get dem too ;))

Mom sayz itsz not a real partee, dat itsz a V-I-R-T-U-A-L partee. She ferget'sz but sum udder pet talker did dah same thing awhile back. She's a COPY-CAT.

All ya hafta do isz send my hooman a picture of yer dawg......

Wait a MI-NITE. She wantz me to say disz for her.......

"PM me with 3 pictures, one of your dog standing, sitting and laying down."

Why does my hooman make stuff so *COMPLEEKAYTED*.. :rolleyes:

SOO, come to my partee, itsz gonna be lotsa FUNN!

EDIT- OH, I fer-got to tell you, Hooman sayz dat it wuldn't be very nice if only duh DAWGS came. She sayz to have sum mannerz and ask duh odder PETSZ if dey want to celebrate too ( :rolleyes: ). SO, If you hab anudder animanal and dey want to come, you can send dem too. (But i warned my hooman.. I told her dat errbuddy wont get 'long. It's gonna be a BAD day, wiff cats vs. birds, and dah dawgs vs cats, and EVERYTHING.)

:) -- CamEE

10-12-2004, 04:36 PM
Hmm..sounds really interesting. I will have to see if I can find pictures of Omar in all three of those positions because I know I don't have pictures of Chico in all 3 of those positions:D ;) :D

10-12-2004, 05:21 PM
Sounds fun! I'll get some pictures of the pups together, and just send them to you by PM or AOL. ;)

10-12-2004, 05:32 PM
Virtual party - sounds good to me, and it's the only way we can make it unless you feel like paying our plane fares :p Toby, Squid and Ollie would love to come! :) I'll PM you the pics soon. :D

10-12-2004, 05:50 PM
Hey cami,dis is Kodie!
mum saiz dat i could come to you Virtual Parti!mum saiz dat she has to take a pizture of me standing,sitting and laing down!:eek: dat mite take a while to get dose pictures.

I will PM his pictures soon!