View Full Version : Good thoughts please for Don Juan

Don Juan's mom
10-12-2004, 02:14 PM
Don Juan is limping AGAIN :( , this time on one of his back paws. He has no obvious injury, so I suspect he just took another hard landing. But we have an appointment this afternoon with our VET (Very Expensive Technician), Dr. J.

Let's hope Don Juan is OK. :) And let's hope his mom gets through this without spending a lot of $$ she doesn't have. :rolleyes:


10-12-2004, 02:16 PM
Get better Don Juan, and stop leaping around like a real tiger! ;)

10-12-2004, 02:33 PM
Prayers on the way for Don Juan.

10-12-2004, 02:44 PM
I just finished looking after some kitties for a friend of mine who was away for about 3 weeks. One of the orangie boys started limping on one of his front legs. I examined it all over and did not see any visible injuries and he didn't seem to squirm with pain so I decided to leave it for two days and if the limp was still there then over to the whitecoats. Anyway, after two days it got better and was completely gone in 4 days. I'm assuming that he was fantasizing about being Tony the Tiger too and jumped off something and landed hard.

Poor Don Juan. Please get better sweetie and be a good boy at the whitecoats.

10-12-2004, 03:07 PM
*hugs* to Don Juan.

10-12-2004, 04:29 PM
~~~ <Healthy Vibes> ~~~ you gorgeous tabby-boy, you!

~~~<Wealthy Vibes> ~~~ to Meowmy, too! :rolleyes: ;)

Don Juan's mom
10-12-2004, 07:35 PM
Well, we're back, after a shot of cortisone, a lecture on weight control and $73.50. This does not include approximately 1 gallon of gasoline at $2.22:eek: .

Don Juan will be fine. I have some pills to give him :rolleyes:. And I'll have to start buying Iams Weight Control formula. :D

Thanks for all your good wishes. Here's hoping that's it until his next annual shots.


10-12-2004, 07:39 PM
Oh, I hope the sweet boy will be feeling better soon!!! :) Sorry for the ache in your wallet too!!!! :D

10-12-2004, 09:54 PM
Awww :( I hope he feels better soon!!

10-13-2004, 01:34 AM
I'm glad DJ is fine now. So sorry about the pocket ache.

Did you say you've been cast in a show in another thread? Fingers crossed I read that right and that this will help you both. (P.S. Weight control can also be helped by uping the critter play time, which might help you both.)

10-13-2004, 09:09 AM
The Found Cats,Pray,that thier Party Buddy,Don Juan,is all right,and running around soon!