View Full Version : Do you think terrorism will ever just be a "nuisance?"

10-12-2004, 06:33 AM
Talk about a gaff! This statement from Kerry really sent me reeling. Once again, I don't think he has a firm grasp of what is going on. Ask Israel if terrorism can ever be viewed as just a nuisance. They have lived with the threat of terrorism longer than we and dealing with it has become a way of life for them as it is now for us. September 11th changed the world forever. Terrorism will never be just a nuisance.

10-12-2004, 06:51 AM
I would love for terrorism to be a nuisance. For terrorists to not have any power or leverage. For their numbers to decrease and their acts become smaller and less deadly. That sounds great to me!

But I guess Bush and Co. don't want that to happen because they thrive on people being scared and fearful. They want the public to be so frightened that they fear any change and let them do whatever they want in the name of safety.

10-12-2004, 06:57 AM
I hope one day we can think of terrorism like we did in the days before 9/11. For me, I would need to regain the trust in our government to protect us. I can't do that with Bush as President.

Related article:

Bush campaign to base ad on Kerry terror quote

Democrats: GOP again taking senator's words out of context

Monday, October 11, 2004 Posted: 3:20 PM EDT (1920 GMT)

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Bush's campaign announced Sunday its plans to use as the basis of a new commercial a quote from an 8,000-word New York Times Magazine article about Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry.

The parsing prompted the Kerry camp to retort that the soon-to-be-released Bush ad was another example of the president's campaign taking words out of context to create a misleading impression.

In the magazine article, a largely analytical cover story by Matt Bai, Kerry is asked "what it would take for Americans to feel safe again."

''We have to get back to the place we were, where terrorists are not the focus of our lives, but they're a nuisance,'' the article states as the Massachusetts senator's reply.

''As a former law enforcement person, I know we're never going to end prostitution. We're never going to end illegal gambling. But we're going to reduce it, organized crime, to a level where it isn't on the rise. It isn't threatening people's lives every day, and fundamentally, it's something that you continue to fight, but it's not threatening the fabric of your life.''

Kerry was a prosecutor before he got into politics, and made fighting organized crime a priority.

Bush campaign Chairman Marc Racicot, in an appearance on CNN's "Late Edition," interpreted Kerry's remarks as saying "that the war on terrorism is like a nuisance. He equated it to prostitution and gambling, a nuisance activity. You know, quite frankly, I just don't think he has the right view of the world. It's a pre-9/11 view of the world."

Republican Party Chairman Ed Gillespie, on CBS' "Face the Nation," used similar language.

"Terrorism is not a law enforcement matter, as John Kerry repeatedly says. Terrorist activities are not like gambling. Terrorist activities are not like prostitution. And this demonstrates a disconcerting pre-September 11 mindset that will not make our country safer. And that is what we see relative to winning the war on terror and relative to Iraq."

The Bush-Cheney campaign also announced it was releasing an ad highlighting Kerry's comment.

Reuters reported that the new Bush commercial's script asks "How can Kerry protect us when he doesn't understand the threat?"

Kerry campaign spokesman Phil Singer called the Republican charges "absolutely ridiculous."

"This is yet another example of the Bush campaign taking John Kerry's words out of context, and then blowing it up into something that is nothing," he said.

"The whole article is about how John Kerry recognizes that the war on terror requires a multipronged approach. It's not just the military aspect, but you need diplomacy to be able to enlist your allies. The Bush people have never understood that. John Kerry has always said that terrorism is the No. 1 threat to the U.S."

Kerry consistently has rejected assertions that he underestimates the threat of terrorism or views the battle against it as solely a law enforcement matter. He argues that law enforcement and intelligence are critical elements of the battle against terrorism, and that Bush has said the same thing.

New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, who was chairman of the Democratic National Convention, where Kerry got his party's nomination in July, said on "Late Edition," "Senator Kerry has said that the No. 1 threat to America is international terrorism, al Qaeda."

10-12-2004, 07:02 AM
Originally posted by Pam
Talk about a gaff! This statement from Kerry really sent me reeling. Once again, I don't think he has a firm grasp of what is going on. Ask Israel if terrorism can ever be viewed as just a nuisance. They have lived with the threat of terrorism longer than we and dealing with it has become a way of life for them as it is now for us. September 11th changed the world forever. Terrorism will never be just a nuisance.

Pam, I agree with you on this . . . I couldn't believe my ears when I heard him say this. And I was listening to him, not taking what he said out of context.

But, I'm sure he just talked about it wrong, kinda like he did with the 87 billion. ;)

Not too surprised.

10-12-2004, 07:15 AM
Originally posted by Soledad
I would love for terrorism to be a nuisance. For terrorists to not have any power or leverage. For their numbers to decrease and their acts become smaller and less deadly. That sounds great to me!

And what do you think the Bush administration has been doing? I shudder to think how Kerry would handle things. Maybe appoint Jane Fonda as Secretary of State. :rolleyes:

10-12-2004, 07:20 AM
So I guess if you've been in the same room as Jane Fonda you're suddenly her biggest supporter and believe everything she says. :rolleyes:

Bush and Cheney have done nothing but create fear in America, making sure that Americans are completely on edge and scared about everything so that they don't think for themselves. You're doing a great job supporting their cause.

Al Qaeda has never had so many recruits, and you can thank Bush and Cheney for that. Bin Laden LOVES Bush...he's never been so popular, recruits keep pouring in and cells are forming all over the world.

The only problem is you can't simultaneously scare the bejeezus out of America and then claim that they're safer under you.

10-12-2004, 08:35 AM

I think I understand what Soledad is saying!

Leave the terrorist alone and they'll go away!!!

Am I right? I mean, we're just a bunch of bullies! We started this shoving match, we should just pick up our toys and go home!

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

10-12-2004, 08:37 AM
Originally posted by Soledad
So I guess if you've been in the same room as Jane Fonda you're suddenly her biggest supporter and believe everything she says.

LOL He wasn't just in the same room.

10-12-2004, 09:33 AM
I really don't want to compare america with israel, they have dealt out their fare share of terrorism.

10-12-2004, 11:42 AM
Originally posted by Soledad

Bush and Cheney have done nothing but create fear in America, making sure that Americans are completely on edge and scared about everything so that they don't think for themselves. You're doing a great job supporting their cause.

Oh brave one.......

I tend to think that 19 no names flying airplanes into buildings a tad more frightful than the two old men running the country.

There is a difference between fear and paranoia.

Fear is people trying to totally repeal the Patriot Act. There are some parts that are necessary to keep us safe. The bobos that are crying that it interferes with their personal freedoms are a little touched......why does the government care about our porn files, surfing in the chatrooms, having 'cyber' with people in Kalamazoo, or cruising Ebay, looking for "adult toys"??...

Like I have said before.....

When you decide to take the tools away from the government
that are used to keep us safe, be prepared to feel scared. When you stop profiling, trying to crack the hard drives of suspected terrorists or spying on a group of people that are

A) gonna drop an Ebola bomb in your neighborhood

B) gonna drop a filthy bomb in your neighborhood

C) pull a Beslam in some elementary/primary/kindergarten.

Then the collective weasels, who don't want government intervention, will start into a giant frenzy, ripping at each other, the people in charge and anyone else in the general vicinity.

God forbid this happens.

And when it does, I hope the people who objected to our lackluster and bland attempts curb this kind of behavior take a long look in the mirror and blame themselves for being a bunch of wussies.


Originally posted by caseysmom
I really don't want to compare america with israel, they have dealt out their fare share of terrorism.


I remember the stories of Israeli men blowing themselves up in Arab neighborhoods- when that wouldn't work they sent their wives and children.......to kill other women and children....

10-12-2004, 11:53 AM
Originally posted by Pam
Ask Israel if terrorism can ever be viewed as just a nuisance.

Israel is FAR from innocent...

I'm with Caseysmom on this.

10-12-2004, 12:00 PM
Originally posted by popcornbird
Israel is FAR from innocent...

I'm with Caseysmom on this.


Can you post some stats or info on this????

Lady's Human
10-12-2004, 05:44 PM
When did israel:

Blow up a pizza hut on a holiday?

Blow up a wedding hall during a wedding?

Blow up a school Bus?

Blow up commuter busses during rush hour?

Demand the complete destruction of a nation and all its people as the only way to peace?

10-13-2004, 02:32 AM

10-13-2004, 02:33 AM
or just look at the daily paper


10-13-2004, 11:11 AM
Originally posted by caseysmom
or just look at the daily paper


That happens in Lost Angeles a few times a year.....

Just the other day a 14 year old boy-riding his bike-was shot in the street, while he was on his knees pleading for mercy, 19 times.

If no one had been shooting rockets off, no one would have been killed.

What does blowing up a bus constitute??:confused:

Lady's Human
10-13-2004, 06:53 PM
Why did the Israelis shoot the 13 y/o that was running toward them? Possibly because Hamas has been using women and children as bomb couriers, and the suicide bombers have been as young as 10 y/o. If they weren't afraid of getting blown up by kids, maybe they wouldn't have shot her. The 10 y/o in the story MAY have been hit by israeli fire, it's not definite. If the Israelis had not been recieving fire, maybe they wouldn't have had to shoot.

Most of the civilian casualties on the palestinian side have been accidental, as opposed to the civilian casualties on the Israeli side, which have been caused by targeted attacks.

Again, the Palestinian Charter still calls for the complete and utter destruction of Israel as a nation, as opposed to the Israelis, who while they have been violent in their methods, have been willing to come to the peace table and make real attempts at peace. The palestinians, however, have continually rejected peace offers from Israel, and even when they have accepted the peace offers have continued the bombing of civilians. In the last round of peace talks, the palestinians rejected the state offered to them by Israel. The leadership of the PLO has no interest in peace, as in peace they would lose their power and be tossed out like the corrupt garbage that they are.

10-13-2004, 06:58 PM
Originally posted by Lady's Human
In the last round of peace talks, the palestinians rejected the state offered to them by Israel. The leadership of the PLO has no interest in peace, as in peace they would lose their power and be tossed out like the corrupt garbage that they are.


Check out any map offered by any arab county and you'll see that Israel is missing!!!!!

'nuff said!


AND speaking of nuisance..

Check your local "propaganda" station and check out the film clip of the young man in Beslam, the place where those bees turds blew up 340 people, dressed in a suit.

A suit worn to a funeral that should not have happened.

Look closely at him and then think of what you can say to make his tears stop flowing......

Try to explain that ALL people are not not that vicious, cruel or friggin misguided....

Then explain to him why terrorism is a 'nuisance'.

Then try to erase the pain in his heart.

Hopefully we can do it without terrorists subjecting innocent people to their crap.

10-14-2004, 01:28 PM

Gen. Brent Scowcroft (ret.): "Can we win the war on terrorism? Yes, I think we can, in the sense that we can win the war on crime. There is going to be no peace treaty on the battleship Missouri in the war on terrorism, but we can break its back so that it is a horrible nuisance and not a paralyzing influence on our societies." [U.S. Institute of Peace, CONFERENCE ON AMERICA'S CHALLENGES IN A CHANGED WORLD, 9/5/02]

General Scowcroft served as the National Security Advisor to both Presidents Ford and the first President Bush. Born in Utah, he graduated from West Point and served in the Air Force in a number of capacities including Assistant Air Attache in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, Special Assistant to the Director of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Military Assistant to President Nixon. From 1978 to 1987, General Scowcroft remained actively engaged in national security affairs, serving on the President's Advisory Committee on Arms Control, the Commission on Strategic Forces and the President's Special Review Board, also known as the Tower Board. He earned a Doctorate in International Relations from Columbia University.

Edwina's Secretary
10-14-2004, 03:51 PM
Do I think terrorism will ever be just a "nuisance?" Certainly not as long as Bush and his ilk are in power. He is the best recruiting tool yet for terrorism.

Violence begets violence....and violence seems to be his answer to everything.

As long as we continue to ignore the search for WHY people hate America (and no....I don't believe it is because we love freedom... :rolleyes: ) terrorism will continue. We cannot kill everyone. You cannot kill a weed by cutting off the top. You must get to the root.

This administration has no interest in the root.

10-14-2004, 04:01 PM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary

Violence begets violence....and violence seems to be his answer to everything.

You are right.

People the go looking looking for a fight are the first ones to cry foul when they get hit back.

It usually starts with a flexed bicep and a verbal challenge to
"take" someone on.

Please make up your mind.....

Violence begets violence and in the same post you advocate "going after the root"..

Either we fight and die or we sit and die....

We go after terrorists or we don't.

I think we should invite them to sit down, have a beer and we can find out why they hate us...

And it's not that we LOVE freedom, It's because we Have freedom....

10-14-2004, 05:54 PM
Originally posted by Albea

Gen. Brent Scowcroft (ret.): "Can we win the war on terrorism? Yes, I think we can, in the sense that we can win the war on crime. There is going to be no peace treaty on the battleship Missouri in the war on terrorism, but we can break its back so that it is a horrible nuisance and not a paralyzing influence on our societies." [U.S. Institute of Peace, CONFERENCE ON AMERICA'S CHALLENGES IN A CHANGED WORLD, 9/5/02]

General Scowcroft served as the National Security Advisor to both Presidents Ford and the first President Bush. Born in Utah, he graduated from West Point and served in the Air Force in a number of capacities including Assistant Air Attache in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, Special Assistant to the Director of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Military Assistant to President Nixon. From 1978 to 1987, General Scowcroft remained actively engaged in national security affairs, serving on the President's Advisory Committee on Arms Control, the Commission on Strategic Forces and the President's Special Review Board, also known as the Tower Board. He earned a Doctorate in International Relations from Columbia University.

Way to go Alicia.:D So apropos. It's hard to argue with this

10-14-2004, 05:57 PM

where does Malicious Terrorism fall on the Terror alert color scale????

Black and blue???