View Full Version : Trip to the USA

10-11-2004, 11:16 PM
Rob, Tom, Brent (friend) & myself drove down to Ogdensburg again today. Its thanksgiving holiday today so no good stores would be open & nothing good will be on tv. Os Off we went.

We stop at the Burger King like always & walk across the street to the ATM & it had a sign on it. It said they have moved to State st, ha, like we know where that is, we don't even know what street were on now hehehe.

So we were upset & Breant said there should be a McDonalds in the Wal-Mart we past & they should have an ATM in the store. So we had Big Macs & we super sized them so we could show Brent how HUGE the drinks & fries were compaired to the Canadian super sized.

We showed Brent the guns hanging off the wall in the store & how the ammo was sitting on a shelf. U wont see that in Canada so to us, its funny.

Then we went to pick up some junk food & we saw the funniest name of pop we had ever seen & we just had to buy it. Its called Dr. Thunder HAHAHAHAa it tastes like cheap Dr. Peper & Root Beer mixed together.

Then as were were getting ready to pay for the .50 cent 2L bottle of Dr. Thunder, & some chips, I saw this stuff u put into ur bottle of Coke & it adds flavour!!! The guys wanted the Rasberry ones, so we picked up 4 of those & 4 bottles of pop. & We'll never but that stuff again, it floats to the top, so it makes it soooo strong.. & we all know that shaking a bottle of pop is a bad idea, we did turn them upside down a few times trying to mix it, but it was still super gross.

& someone had the idea to put the pour spout in the middle of the package insted of at one of the ends, so as ur pouring it all over urself u might get some in the pop hehehehe

& Tom bought Coco Pebbles. After I noticed the box in the car I asked WHY??? He said cause they don't have them in Canada. & I said yes they do u dip. I ate them at my grandparents ALL the time & my grandpa sold them in his store. So he felt like a dip about buying them, but atleast they'll taste good eheheh

& we stayed in the USA for about an hour & then drove home again heheh