View Full Version : Per Request...HERE'S MAGOO!!

10-11-2004, 06:00 PM
Magoo pictures have been requested so here is my little "Host". He has had company a lot this week and he has welcomed everyone and wants all the attention. He climbs the cat tree on command just to show off to guests. He is such a ham!! Gotta love the hairy boy!
Oh yeah, the last visitors asked the dreaded question after looking him in the face..."Are you sure he's blind?" Good Grief!

Here he is!

Magoo attempts to suffocate Rosco

Grampy says "Hold on there Boy!"

Magoo trying to find Rosco at the bottom of the tree

Rosco gets past him so Magoo is going up after him

Just hangin out

I was laying on the floor under the tree and Magoo is "looking" down at me "Whatcha doin down there Ma?"

The next few pictures are Magoo just being cute.



Well folks, that's our boy.:D

10-11-2004, 06:05 PM
Awwww, Magoo is so handsome!!

Thanks for the pictures :D :D

10-11-2004, 06:05 PM
OH!!! Look at the big fluffy "mane" around his neck! He's sooo cuuute!! I love the ones of him playing with Rosco!!

"Are you sure he's blind?" = Duh!! ;) :D

10-11-2004, 06:09 PM
I always love seeing pictures of our famous Magoo! He always has a way of making me feel like a new person.

I have only one complaint! I want More pictures! LOL, thanks, Lisa for sharing pictures of sweet Magoo!


10-11-2004, 06:10 PM
He's such a handsome boy! :D

I love the "Just hangin out" one.

10-11-2004, 06:11 PM
Yay! Magoo pics!!

:D :D :D

10-11-2004, 06:25 PM
Magoo rocks! Is he a Maine Coon?

10-11-2004, 07:06 PM
Originally posted by jazzzytina
Magoo rocks! Is he a Maine Coon?

I have no idea what the little stinker is. He looks like he has some Maine Coon in him but he's pretty small. Most Maine Coon males get really large but we have no idea about his past. He's just our Magoo!:D

10-11-2004, 07:30 PM
Thanks for the Magoo fix - :) I never tire of seeing him.

Is his eye puffing up again?

10-11-2004, 08:00 PM
Magoo is such a handsom boy. I love your cat gym tree. Looks so much fun. Thank you for posting Magoo pics. He's so popular. Have a great evening.


10-11-2004, 09:38 PM
I hope to someday be welcomed and greeted by Magoo... now all I have to do is figure out why I'd be in Tenessee so I could just "swing by" :D

10-11-2004, 10:28 PM
Yay, Magoo!!! He's just the cutest thing and I love to see him playing with Rosco.

Great pictures and Lisa, we don't care if his expression is always the same or you think we've seen enough - keep the Magoo pictures coming on a regular basis!

10-11-2004, 10:47 PM
Haha, are you sure he is blind? That's a bright question. I can't ever get enough of Magoo!

10-12-2004, 05:53 AM
Thank you! That was the perfect wy to start my morning! I love the fact that he was "tracking" the little guy....

10-12-2004, 06:02 AM
Magoo was not my favorite kitty this morning! At 3:00 am he sat in the middle of the bedroom floor and began squaling. He has a very distinctive meow so I knew immediately that it was him. I jumped up thinking he might be stuck, lost, or hurt. All he wanted was for me to play "Chase me up the tree" with him!!!:eek: He whined and carried on until 4:30 when I got up. BRAT! He has never done that before so I guess I'm going to have to play extra hard tonight and wear him out. GEESH! :rolleyes:

Aside from being a punk this morning Magoo thanks everyone for the nice comments. Now if momma can only stay awake at work today she will make sure to take lots more pictures of Magoo tonight.

10-12-2004, 06:23 AM
Sweet! Sweet! Sweet! I can never click on a Magoo thread fast enough. Sorry about Magoo's early morning wake up call! LOL! My Andy used to choose 3:00 AM to start pushing things off the dresser in the bedroom. He told me I was just out of sync with his internal clock! Oh well, just try a little concealer under your eyes for the bags. HA! It works for me! :D :D

10-12-2004, 06:29 AM
What is it about 3:00am? That is Julie's favorite time to play on the dresser or 'hop on mom'. Recently she knocked the cable box off the top of the TV trying to jump from there to the bed.
Nothing like an extra caffeine type day!

10-12-2004, 07:17 AM
Ooooohhhhh Magoo pics!!! Gorgeous. Gosh if this cat ever knew how loved he is - he'd freak out!

I'm sure he's very sorry Meowmie for being a complete RatBag this morning (he he he!!) His excuse? He doesn't know when it's time for bed;)


10-12-2004, 07:18 AM
Hi Magoo!!! It's so wonderful to see you playing with your little brother you are such a sweetheart!!!:D

Lisa ... is his eye puffy again? It looks a little swollen in these pics, or am I just being paranoid here?:eek: ;)

10-12-2004, 07:30 AM
Yep, his eye is swelling again. I was going to try to hold off on the surgery until the first of next year. With the holidays coming and needing every extra penney at this time of year, I wanted to wait. I guess we will have to get it drained again until we go for the surgery. He must really have a BIG tear duct in there that produces lots and lots of water!!:eek:

10-12-2004, 09:01 AM
Scrappy Magoo,must be a Super Hero,like Daredevil,where his other senses,overcome,what is nomally a handicap! The Orange,of Scrappy Magoo,with the Little Orangie,remind me,of Scarppy,and Michael,all those years ago...

10-12-2004, 09:08 AM
Hey, 3:00am is not just play time for kitties... it's also play time in Dog Land too:rolleyes:

I just love Magoo... who wouldn't!!!:D

10-12-2004, 10:21 AM
3AM must mean something special in the anoimal world...that seems to be about the time our guys start to get goofy..Zingo jumps on the bet and "must" be petted at that time. He will push his head under my hand like a dog will just for attention. I have tried to put my hands under the blanket, but then there is that feeling of being watched...sure enough, I open my eyes and there is this cat face about 5 inches from mine just staring....Hunter jumps up and wants to be cute and cuddly. He will throw himself down on my shoulder and rub his face against mine...despite the early hour...I love when he does that!

Don Juan's mom
10-13-2004, 01:35 AM
What a handsome boy! And I love how he's being a "grampa" to Roscoe and Abigail.


10-13-2004, 06:00 AM
What a lovely kitty kat, he looks ready to pick up and cuddle!! And as for that ginger kitty with the big brown eyes, awwww, so adorable!

10-13-2004, 01:55 PM
He's just soooo beautiful.What a gorgeous cat.Thank goodness he found you.:D

10-13-2004, 02:06 PM
Great pictures!
Now we need a video of Magoo climbing the cat tree on command.:D

10-13-2004, 02:12 PM
I hoped to see Rosco too when I opened this thread. The two are too too sweet together- like grandpa and boy:D

Kisses to them and little Abigail mouse:)

10-13-2004, 04:24 PM

I am SO in love with that boy!!! He puts a smile on my face everytime you post pictures. Such a success story.

10-13-2004, 04:47 PM

I love this picture of Magoo! He's acting like such a kitten huh? We LOVE YOU Magoo! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D