View Full Version : OMG... please help me prepare for the home visit!!!

Samantha Puppy
10-11-2004, 04:39 PM
The lady who's doing the home visit is coming TOMORROW! As I stated in another thread, I've lived with an older, established cat before but never kittens. What sort of precautions do I need to take for tomorrow, be aware of for the cat lady, and start making a habit to follow?

I know toilet seats need to stay down. And I know blind cords need to be kept out of reach. I know some plants are poisonous, but we have no plants in our house aside from a fake kitchen table arrangement. What else?!?!?!?!?!

10-11-2004, 05:08 PM
I'd make sure about not leaving coins and jewlery lying around on tables etc. Anything small that they might could swallow. Or an liquids that may be dangerous to them. Godd Luck to you!

10-11-2004, 05:38 PM
Oh, and no rubber bands around.

Good luck! You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.

Miss Meow
10-11-2004, 05:43 PM
Good luck :)

And maybe an area or room prepared where you'll have the kittens settle in before they explore the rest of the house and its occupants???

Also check power cords, windows and screens are secure, and gosh, can't think of anything else. But I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you - I just read your other thread and hope everything goes well :)

10-11-2004, 05:47 PM
I can't think of anything else. Don't worry! I'm sure it will all go just fine!!:D

10-11-2004, 05:48 PM
Put away sewing needles and string.

If I were you, I'd try to make it obvious that Samantha is as well taken care of as humanly possible. Make sure she sees a clean water dish and food bowl, toys, etc. Make sure she's wearing a collar w/tags and that the lady notices it. I'd try to show off what a responsible pet owner you already are, you know what I mean?

A room where you could isolate the kitties for their first few days, until they get used to their new surroundings, would be ideal to show the lady.

Man, this is one tough adoption!! :eek: They don't mess around, do they? Good luck! If the lady has half a brain, she'll recognize that these kittiens will be in the best hands possible with you! :D

10-11-2004, 06:43 PM
Jeez she comes to check your home? :eek: Good luck! (do they actually want to get these cats homes or keep them) it seems like they're giving you a hard time. I know you want to give the cats the best homes possible, but aren't they going a bit far?

Samantha Puppy
10-11-2004, 06:49 PM
All the rescue organizations do home visits prior to allowing you to adopt an animal from them. I thought that was the norm everywhere... is it not? :eek:

10-11-2004, 06:50 PM
Not here.... Maybe where I live is just wierd, I guess it's a good idea, I just think it's none of thier buisness what your house looks like, but I guess you need to do these things nowadays... Good luck

10-11-2004, 09:46 PM
When I did a home visit for a kitten that was being adopted from the rescue I volunteer for, they told me to be on the lookout for walls with holes, small crevices they could crawl in, etc.

She might ask to see where you plan to put the litter boxes... plan to show her THREE places (they say the rule is one box per cat plus one extra.)

When they came for Pouncer's home visit, she walked in and met Nicki and Allen. They basically want to make sure your exisitng pets aren't starving or sickly. I cleaned like the devil the day of the visit, but honestly, they aren't looking for dust and dirt particles... they just want to see if you will be able to offer a safe and loving environment for the kittens.

Good luck! I'll keep my fingers and paws crossed it goes well!

10-12-2004, 09:17 AM
Actually,for the first few weeks,you should close,any small places,where the Kitten,being nrevous,might hide,but I think,that you will find,that things ,will be All Right!

10-12-2004, 10:45 AM
Also make sure you have covers on your empty sockets. That way the kittens claws don't get stuck in them.

10-12-2004, 10:58 AM
Let us know how is goes today!!!1 ;) :) I'm sure it will be fine don't get urself too nervous! ;) :p

10-12-2004, 11:20 AM
Gosh guys, I'm feeling like a bad kitten mom because I didn't do much at all to prepare for Rocky and Rumor. We do have too many wires around for them (behind the tv) but there isn't much I can do about that.