View Full Version : Too cute (4 pics)

10-11-2004, 04:37 PM
I know there are a lot of awesome picture threads right now but these were just too cute not to share. I had my camera with me on my walk today to get some pics of the fall foliage of the trees. When I got back the camera was still on and I got these adorable pics :)

Tasha running, Tommy looks odd because he just jumped off the deck with a heavy log.

Then they were standing on the deck and I started talking to them. Tasha looked so adorable. Tommy had a humongous log :p




I'll be posting a few of the tree pics in general.

10-11-2004, 04:42 PM
Oh my! The T's have certainly brought a smile to my face. Especially that sweet Tasha.. Those ears are too funny!!
You share pictures anytime you wish to, Jess!

10-11-2004, 04:43 PM
Thats a big ol log there Tommy! LOL how cute!

10-11-2004, 04:45 PM
I love them! Did you ever watch Ren and Stempy? Every time I see Tommy with that log, I think of the log song :) Your dogs are cute as ever.

10-11-2004, 04:46 PM
I love Tasha's expression in the last one - LOL! Tommy - how big is that log :eek: It's amazing how much they can carry in their mouths isn't it? Squid can get 3 big chew toys in his mouth at once - he spends ages trying to pick them all up, just in case Ollie should happen to get one :rolleyes: Great pics :D

Miss Meow
10-11-2004, 05:13 PM
Oh my god, they're so cute :) Their facial expressions in the third pic are the sweetest!

10-11-2004, 05:15 PM
That is SOME big log you go there, Tommy!! And Tasha is just as beautiful as ever! :)

p.s. Your sig. is beautiful! I just love the big moon. :)

10-11-2004, 05:22 PM
Guess you guys were happy to see your mom, huh T&T?:D What precious expressions Jess! That Tommy is too funny! Is it just me, or are those logs getting bigger and bigger?;)

10-11-2004, 05:24 PM
LOL! Tommy with the Log's always makes me laugh.

They are soo cute! :D

10-11-2004, 05:24 PM
Hee hee hee! I love the last picture! :D

10-11-2004, 05:25 PM
they are so adorable, i love your dogs!

Holly's mom
10-11-2004, 05:35 PM
I love this picture:)

Tasha looks so cute, and I think Tommy has outdone himself with the size of that log!!:eek:

10-11-2004, 06:09 PM
Kay: I just love her goofy ears, they are so cute. When she was a pup they flopped all the way over like a lab's, then they started lifting up and I thought they might prick up like a shepherd's, one almost does but the other stayed flopped over :D

Sandra, DJFyrewolf, Amber, and Karen: Yes that log is huge. David took it and put it back on the log pile twice saying it was too big and he could just stick to his smaller ones, but Tommy insisted that is the one he must have. It is so cumbersome he has a hard time running/trotting with it because he keeps dropping it, but he insists on trying :p

Ash, MissMeow: I think the third one is my favorite too, I was asking them if they wanted to go in and get a treat, so Tasha was licking her lips :D

Anna: Thanks! I was really proud of how that moon turned out :D

Val: I never really saw much of Ren and Stimpy, I'd love to hear the log song, sounds like it'd Tommy's theme song LOL :p

Senorita: Thank you! I love sharing them with everyone here :)

Thanks again everyone!

Miss Meow
10-11-2004, 06:18 PM
Originally posted by K9soul

Val: I never really saw much of Ren and Stimpy, I'd love to hear the log song, sounds like it'd Tommy's theme song LOL :p

It's lo-og
It's lo-og
It's big, it's heavy, it's wood!

10-11-2004, 06:32 PM
What wonderful pictures! I always love seeing pictures of Tommy and that big old log! Makes me laugh everytime!

Thanks for sharing the pictures!


10-11-2004, 06:38 PM
Gee,,, is that the biggest stick he could find to carry?? Be a real dog and get the big ones!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

10-11-2004, 06:43 PM
lol Tommy!!! Silly boy...with a BIG log! Tasha, you are just a heart-breaker! I love your ears! hehe both are just too cute for words! Great pics!

10-11-2004, 08:16 PM
Tommy just cracks me up with his logs. Does he ever chew on them, or are they just to carry? :)

Love the one of them running. Tasha looks as if she's running for her life, lol.

10-11-2004, 08:22 PM
There are those cuties!

Tommy and those logs.. LOL. What a riot! He does look very proud hauling those things around. The most wood Daisy would fetch/pick up are sticks, but then again, we don't have huge logs or piles of wood over here. :p What a handsome boy.. *sigh* I love you, Tommy. :D

Tasha.. what a cutie you are! Her face is so expressive, and I love her ears! What a sweet girl!

Thanks for sharing these, Jess! I loved each one. They were overdue! :D

10-11-2004, 09:00 PM
Originally posted by Miss Meow
It's lo-og
It's lo-og
It's big, it's heavy, it's wood!

LOL I am going to have to find a recording of that somewhere.

Micki, he mostly trots around with the logs, but if we're out there for awhile he will eventually lay down and chew on them a bit. The funny thing is he seems to have favorite chew logs and favorite carrying logs. Usually his favorite chew logs are smaller ones :D.

The other day I was standing on the deck in my socks and he dropped one of those logs right on my foot.. that hurt! :o

So glad you all enjoyed these and got such a smile out of them! Tasha and Tommy send kisses to all. Tommy is hoping Daisy will see the pics of him with his huge log and be impressed ;)

10-11-2004, 09:11 PM
Originally posted by K9soul
Tommy is hoping Daisy will see the pics of him with his huge log and be impressed ;)

Deer TommEE,

Hey handsum! Mum told me there were sum new pixs of ya on the 'puter, so I had to come have a look see. My, what a strong dogEE you are! I *AM* very impressed. ;) It'z too bad we live soo far awayz from each udder :(.. I bet both of us would have lotz of fun playing with yur logz. Mum sayz maybee one day we can take a trip to Minnesota.

I'm not much of a *log* fetcher, but will tennis ballz do?


Much luv,
DaisEE <3


10-11-2004, 09:22 PM
Dear Daizee,

What a purdee pikshur of you with tha tennis ball! I luv balls too, espheshally inside, but when I'm outside my favorite is still logz cuz they are big and I can show off my hefty stringth! In the fall timez I sumtimez grab applez or garden stuffs like tomatoez that might be laying round. Maybee sumday we can meet and I'll show yu all my favrit logz! Yu are very byootiful!

Luv Tommee http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v145/k9soul/GIFS/pawprint.gif


10-11-2004, 11:06 PM
Great Photos, both are so adorable !!!

10-11-2004, 11:21 PM
I never can get over Tommy and his log fetish. It is the funniest thing! Those are very cute pics.

10-11-2004, 11:48 PM
Aww your pups are so cute!!! :D

Tommy has a thing for logs, doesn't he? :p He always seems to have one in his mouth. :)

10-12-2004, 05:54 AM
LOL! Pictures of Tommy and his logs always make me laugh. Whatta guy! LOL! I love the picture that Holly's Mom posted of Tasha. It is my favorite too. It almost looks like she is involved in an intense conversation with you. You have her undivided attention! LOL! Quick question ~ what are these little white thingies on your deck? Is it something that you have harvested from your garden? Maybe just stones? Forgive my curiosity! :D

10-12-2004, 06:59 AM
Ha Ha!!!!! :) Tommy, you are too funny!!!! What is it about you Retrievers and logs? A long time ago, we had a yellow Lab named Chuck and he LOVED to raid the woodpile too! :p And if we ever have any wood on our deck now, Honey does the same thing!!!!

Great pictures, Jessica. I love the one with Tasha licking her lips and Tommy with those "hound" eyes!!!! :)


10-12-2004, 07:31 AM
Originally posted by K9soul

The other day I was standing on the deck in my socks and he dropped one of those logs right on my foot.. that hurt! :o

HA HA HA!!! sorry... I'm sure it hurt... but that's kind of funny!

I just LOVE the last picture!! Tasha's lip licking is just too funny!!!

10-12-2004, 08:28 AM
Originally posted by Pam
Quick question ~ what are these little white thingies on your deck? Is it something that you have harvested from your garden? Maybe just stones? Forgive my curiosity! :D

Those are miniature white pumpkins! We actually planted those last year but we had a volunteer one pop up again this year and we let it grow. I had washed them off and set them out on the rale to dry off.

It was so funny last night, I put the dogs out around 9 or 10 p.m. to potty and when I came back to let them in, both were standing looking in the deck door, but Tommy obviously had something in his mouth. I opened the door and had him give it to me and it was one of those little pumpkins :p. The stinker. It didn't even have a dent from his teeth though, he has such a gentle bite.

Angie, I think that is funny about the log too now that it doesn't hurt. At the moment of impact I wasn't laughing though :D.

Thanks so much everyone for the replies. Makes me feel great that so many enjoyed these :)

10-12-2004, 12:04 PM
LOL Tommy you are too funny with that log in your mouth!:D
Tasha is so pretty!