View Full Version : More Bon!

10-11-2004, 09:35 AM
Yes, as Kay said yesterday...I am one lucky dog...hehehe. :p

I got to spend the whole day with that baby boy, Bon!! Let me tell you he is one awesome pup. First of all his face is just to die for. Absolutely Adorable! He has the sweetest personality and seems so laid back. He will just sit beside you and lean into you and let you pet him forever. I fell hard for this little guy! His coat is so soft and when you rub his belly it feels like silk. I'm not exaggerating that either! When we first got there yesterday he was a bit intimidated by Tori. Then Tori and Roxey started having a good ol' time and he just didn't know what to think of all those goofy husky noises...lol. He would start to walk up to them and then back off if they seemed to get too close. OMG...that boy is so cute. He would actually go and hide behind Mark when he wasn't sure of things. Before long though Bon and Tori were having a good ol' time with big sister Roxey keeping a close eye on her brother and making sure Tori stayed in line. What a great sister! Then before I knew it Huney even joined in for a bit and all four dogs were really having a blast. I don't think I have ever seen Huney move like that. That girl is just as fast as the Husky Girls! My girl, Tori, plays rough and by the end of the evening Bon was taking care of himself. I figure maybe a couple of more visits and all Bon will have to do is take one of those big paws and just swat Tori down and hold her there...lol. By the end of the evening Bon was barking, growling, bouncing and playing. Mark was giving me a hard time and saying that my dog was ruining his pup! I just say....NOPE, she is teaching him how to play like a husky!;) Gosh you guys, I could just go on and on forever about that baby boy. I fell in love with him and I think he loved me right back ;) For some reason though that wasn't good enough for Anna and Mark they still would not let me bring him home!!! I just don't understand why!:p :p

To Anna and Mark...you guys already know how I feel. I am extremely happy for you both. I think you guys are so lucky to have found such a wonderful pup and most of all I think Bon is even luckier that you found him. He could not have asked for a better home, better sisters and most of all better parents. Well, except maybe if he was here at my house ...hahaha...had to get that in there!:p ;) :p ;) I had a great time yesterday. It was a wonderful and happy day!

Robin :)

Enough rambling....on with the pics!

One huge pup!

Sweet boy

Plenty more to come.....

10-11-2004, 09:37 AM
Absolutely Adorable!

I'm soooo happy here! Who wouldn't be?!

I can't think of anything else except...HUGE!..lol

Sometimes he seemed almost as big as Tori...he's not yet...but he will pass her up real quick!

One happy mommy!

I had to bring him a toy

Still more...

10-11-2004, 09:38 AM
Who could resist this face!

Look at that paw!:eek:

Get her, Bon!

The Husky Girls gang up on Bon

Pretty Huney

The always stunning and beautiful, Roxey

And...last but not least...My gorgeous husky girl, Tori


YOU CAN SEE ALL THE PICS HERE! (http://www.imagestation.com/album/?id=3124560093)

10-11-2004, 09:47 AM
Oh Robin what great photos :D. Bon is gorgeous as are the girls.

Thankyou so much for sharing with us and i am so glad you all had a good day.

10-11-2004, 09:54 AM
Awesome Pictures..........My goodness they are great.....!!!!!!!!!!
I love em' all can you tell ???????LMAO.....Great shots for sure..I can't even pic a favorite they are all so good...Glad you guys had a great time....They all are beautiful dogs....Again Congradulations on getting BON Anna --------- Hugsssssssss

Thanks for sharing these Robin :)

10-11-2004, 09:58 AM
What a fun day you all had! His paw is HUGE. I'm wondering how big he's going to get. He'll be quite a bit bigger even when I get there. Poor Duke will be the smallest dog there, I think. He weighs 70lbs. I'm hoping to get some video of them all playing, though. I'll be leaving on the 9th, instead. Am trying to arrange more time off. I'm only going to have 9 days and am somehow going to see my brother in Maryland after my visit to Ohio. Lots of driving. I love that pic of Tori prancing. So cute. They are all beautiful. Bon does look very soft and shiny. I know I couldn't refuse that face. He is just adorable.

10-11-2004, 09:59 AM
I'm sooooooo sooooooo jealous!!

All of the smiles in these pics gave me the biggest smile here at school.

10-11-2004, 10:06 AM
Bon is so adorable--What a face!! :D

I loved the pictures, I really like the ones of him and Anna :)

10-11-2004, 10:25 AM
All of the pictures are so great! But I especially love the ones of Anna and her big baby boy!! :D

And Tori is beautiful as always, Robin!

Thanks for sharing them!! Congrats again, Anna & Mark!!

10-11-2004, 10:53 AM
Great pics Robin! You lucky dog.... ;) :D

10-11-2004, 11:10 AM
I am so jealous! At a dog show I was at last month, a gal came in with a mastiff - I understand what you said about the coat. I couldn't stop petting this pup, his coat was soooooo soft.

Great pictures - It's nice to see Anna's beautiful smile back. And it's obvious Bon has found his perfect home.

10-11-2004, 11:22 AM
Wonderful pictures Robin!!!

10-11-2004, 12:26 PM
Bon is such a doll! He brings so much joy to everyone! It is so nice to see Anna's beautiful smile again.

10-11-2004, 01:59 PM
Robin, I had to come back to see these pics again....


Isn't it great to see such a beautiful lady and such a kind hearted person happy again?

If I could i'd give her and Bon a great big HUG! :D

10-11-2004, 02:09 PM
I love the pictures:D I am so happy for Anna, Mark and the girls:D

10-11-2004, 09:17 PM
Oh Robin, you know the pictures you took yesterday are just terrific! We had such a great time yesterday with you and Tori.
Of course Bon is back to himself today (so no, Tori didn't ruin him;)) and Roxey even scared him tonight when she ran at him outside in the dark:o
He's just the biggest baby and is missing his daddy tonight since this is his first night without him:(
Not only has he learned sit, but now I've gotten him to down! He's going to be one smart guy!

10-11-2004, 09:25 PM
Bon is already such a photogenic pup. I truly look so forward to watching him grow. Thanks for sharing these Robin! Roxey is indeed stunning, that pic of her is excellent. I really liked the last picture of Tori too, she looks so happy :)

10-11-2004, 11:31 PM
great pics Robin!!
Looks like everyone had a great time of course!! :)

10-11-2004, 11:40 PM
Congrats Anna again! Bon is one gorgeous pup! I can't wait to watch him grow up through pictures. Congrats to you too Bon on learning your commands so quickly, you're sooo smart:D :D

10-11-2004, 11:54 PM

Can I officially "HATE" you ..................:D
Yes, yes, I am jealous!!!! :D

Thanks so much for sharing your pics with us. It is wonderful to see a SMILING Anna .............

Love to you and your girls. HAH - Tori SPOILT or RUIN him ...... NO WAY!!!!!!! :D

Miss Meow
10-12-2004, 12:23 AM
I just love that photo of you and the dogs - you look so damn happy! :D

Great photos of herd and hoomans!

10-12-2004, 12:50 AM
Oh my goodness, that's a CUTE pup!! :) What kind of dog is he??

Congrats to Anna and Mark! You sure have a gorgeous little big one. ;)

10-12-2004, 01:00 AM
Great pics, and what a cutie!!! Congrats again Anna!!! Looks like you had a WONDERFUL time Robin!

How big will he get?

10-12-2004, 10:50 AM

Anna, I am SO happy for you! :) Bon is such a big sweetie! LOL my jaw dropped to the ground when I saw how big he was, and how big he was going to be! I'm glad Roxey and Huney are doin well with Bon!

Tori looks so cute! She reminds me of Nebo. :D

10-12-2004, 11:51 AM
You are so lucky! lol I love the pics, Bon is just plain wonderful! He is so handsome, and so big already! :D