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View Full Version : Masar, the King of RATBAGS!

10-11-2004, 12:49 AM
Guess what my Mischief Man did last night? He brought home a bag of fancy frankfurters!

Matt woke me up VERY EARLY this morning to tell me that 'the boy' (as we call him) had managed to get into something or brought something into the bedroom because all we could hear was Masar licking away very loudly and chewing on something!
I got up, had a look, thinking that he had found some chicken and had a bone stuck in his mouth (which has happened before!), couldn't see anything, brought the boy onto the bed and opened his mouth - it was clear - so left him alone and went back to sleep.
I got up in the morning to go to *my new job, yay!*, raced around getting organised, and headed out the door.
When I came home, Matt informed me that he went into the lounge today and found a vacuum-sealed bag of frankfurters on the floor (which was no longer sealed, obviously!), and there was a grand total of 3 left in the packet.
We think that the packet held somewhere between 10 and 12 frankfurters, and whoever they belonged to had taken one or two out for their dinner.

So at some stage during the night, Masar snuck into someone else's house, stole their frankfurters, and brought them in through the cat flap. I do remember hearing a loud bang against the door of the cat flap not long after Masar woke Matt up this morning!

These were not cheap frankfurters either - $NZ10.78/kg, the packet was almost 1kg in weight and cost $10.45! I do feel sorry for the owner of the frankfurters as well - that's a lot of money to spend! And they were obviously wanting to have more than one meal out of those frankfurters!

I will attach a pic of the boy, taken at Christmas last year. He is turning 4 this month :)

RATBAG! :rolleyes: :D

10-11-2004, 04:39 AM
He's a MEEZER!!!! Oh how gorgeous - I'm in love!

Apart from falling about laughing at this wonderful 'tail' - I don't believe for one minute he's a Ratbag!!:D :D Not much!

What is it that makes Meezers such Nawtee kits? They just seem to attract trouble wherever they are. Our RB Meezer - Kisi - used to drive me to distraction - she was so nawtee - but funny with it!

I take it 'The Boy' won't be eating today!!!?? He'll probably sleep the day away - with a very full tum:D :D


10-11-2004, 11:06 PM
lol! yeah, he only had a 1/2 scoop of bikkies for dinner last night :)

I wrote a good behavioural report about him last year as part of my vet nurse course - if anyone is interested, I will post it if you like!

He is also due for vaccinations this month - last year we took him on his 3rd birthday! (It will probably happen that way this year too!)