View Full Version : Problems with Sarah

10-10-2004, 11:45 PM
I am beginning to have problems with Sarah. She's getting really defiant. It's like she doesn't regard us as Alpha. She has quit coming when we call her. She doesn't care when we scold her. It is very frustrating. She is about 10 months old. Why do you think the sudden change? What all should I do to deal with it?

I am thinking about the nothing in life is for free program, but I'm not sure how I can apply that to her if she won't even come to me.

*Edit* And my other problem is that she is a runner. Big time. So like, when the door bell rings, I have to spend a few minutes chasing her all over trying to catch her before I open the door. She splits at any given opportunity and she's so hard to catch since she's small.

10-10-2004, 11:56 PM
I really recomend clicker training, maybe to work on come, stay..etc

I also think the NILIF thing is a good idea :)

Sorry I don't have alot of advice--our Pom was the same way!

10-11-2004, 12:00 AM
I recommend reading The Dog Listener, by Jan Fennell (sp?) It tells you all you need to know, and is very intersesting!

Edit: Oh yeah, maybe she's going through her 'teenager' stage? I know some dogs go through a time where they don't listen to you...not all, but I think quite a few.

10-11-2004, 05:46 AM
I don't have any advice, just read the thread and have a similar problem. Gracie is 4 and half months and she has just begun to show her defiance. She won't come most of the time and when she does she just gets close enough to not be able to catch her. She thinks EVERYTHING is a game..and when I fold clothes she takes off with a piece and runs behind furniture wanting you to chase her. I am going to look for the book recommended...I dont know much about clicker training, maybe I should look into that too

10-11-2004, 06:46 AM
A. dont chase her... the more you chase,, the more she runs,,,,

B. Dont have her food down all day,, only give it to her 2 times a day and for @ 10 to 15 mins,, wether she eats any or not.... Make her sit before giving her the food too.. and only after you have eaten,,,

C When she doesnt liste to you, cross your arms and look away... youll be surprised how fast your baby will come back to you on her own.....

its a pretty clear case of what you mentioned,, she doesnt recognize you as alpha and you need to change that ASAP!

10-11-2004, 09:14 AM
Thank you all. I am going to check out that book. I am so frustrated right now! I hope to God it is just a phase.

10-11-2004, 09:24 AM
Good Luck :)

10-11-2004, 10:41 AM
I would also keep her tethered to you. Then she won't have the opportunity to run from you. It will teach her to pay attention to you and what you are doing. It is also a very good bonding technique.
Tethering coupled with NILIF should be enough to set her on the right track again.

Good luck!

10-11-2004, 12:19 PM
It must be a pom thing. Bitsy is pretty good and most of the time comes when we call her, but not 100% of the time. She also sometimes runs away from us when it's time to go outside, so I leave her inside and I go out with the other 3 and they potty and we play, after a couple minutes I go back to the door and she's standing there ready to come out.

10-11-2004, 12:35 PM
Yes, I had this exact problem with my prior pomeranian, Teddy. In fact, this was the exact age that I wound up rehoming him. He's an excellent dog now, so I suppose it was the age. (Except he still tries to eat cats. :rolleyes: )