View Full Version : Help! my dog got skunked!

10-10-2004, 08:57 AM
My dog chased a skunk the other night, and while she doesn't smell too bad, she still smells skunky - does anyone know if a tomato juice bath will really work? She hates baths, I have to take her to a dogwash to do it, and I'd like to be able to just wash her once! thanks!

10-10-2004, 09:01 AM
Tomato juice does work. We used it on my childhood dog when she got skunked once. There also might be something at the petstore for it. My dogs have not gotten skunked, so I am not sure.

10-10-2004, 09:04 AM
It may sound silly but it works. 100% better than 100 gallons of tomato juice.
1 litre of Hydrogine Peroxide
1 cup of baking soda
1 - 2 tbsp of liquid soap (dish soap or hand soap)

Rub this well into the hair/skin. Let it sit for a couple minutes and then rinse out well. It may sting the eyes , so make sure you really rinse this well. It also may lighten up your hair a tad if left in too long.

This works because:
The hydrogine peroxide destroys the protein in the skunk spray.
The baking soda helps absorb the odor.
And the soap helps hold it all together and cleans it out.
AMAZING but simple.

10-10-2004, 12:25 PM
I used the peroxide, baking soda and soap mixtue on Disney last year when she was sprayed by a skunk. It did help but I don't think anything but time will totally get rid of the smell. For 8-9 months afters she was sprayed she would still smell like skunk whenever she got wet.

10-10-2004, 09:29 PM
Thanks for your input - I'll try the peroxide mix - and maybe follow with a tomato rinse! We were amazed to go out and find a very large DEAD skunk this evening - another species to add to her list of prey...in spite of the smell, she looks very pleased with herself tonight.
(I love the picture of Sarah - I'll bet no skunk would mess with her!)