View Full Version : Does your dog have any weird habits?

10-09-2004, 09:43 PM
Does your dog have any weird habits that you think are funny? My dog likes to "dig" holes in plastic baskets, such as laundry baskets or her kennel. :P

~Miranda Rae~

PJ's Mom
10-09-2004, 09:48 PM
Hmm...Bailey cleans out the litter box for us...if you know what I mean. Peej really isn't too weird. :D

10-09-2004, 10:07 PM
Lol....Heidi would do that too if we had a cat. Eww....dog are kind of nasty, but they are SO cute and everything! Cute dogs! :D

10-09-2004, 10:44 PM
Kodie has alot of weird habits,i dont know where to start:rolleyes: ;)

PJ's Mom
10-10-2004, 12:20 AM
Originally posted by Miranda_Rae
Lol....Heidi would do that too if we had a cat. Eww....dog are kind of nasty, but they are SO cute and everything! Cute dogs! :D

Bailey thinks I don't know she does it...but I do! :D

Aspen and Misty
10-10-2004, 12:28 AM
Nova doesn't like her feet or tail touched when she is sleeping or lyeing down. She will jump like 7 feet in the air and then make this grolwy snorty noise like "How dare you!"

When you are talking to Connor he pretends to be a tough guy. He acts like he isn't listening, and he looks either straight ahead or to the side. After you are done, he will turn really fast and lick you once and then turn back. Like, "Aww mom, you know I love when you talk to me like that, but not in front of the girls!" LOL. One time my friend was over and I was talking to Connor in my baby voice telling him he was a good boy. My friend said "I dont' think he is listening to you." and I said " Yes he is, watch." and I started to talk to him again, and then stopped, and he turned really fast, gave me one lick and turned back. She was like "Does he always do that?" and I said yes.

Connor also has cheek bones that he has controlle over. When he is listening to you, or really happy about something, he moves them upwards. When he is just being normal he has them relaxed. You can tell when he is and isn't listening to you by his facial expressions. I've never met a dog who can move there face so much!


10-10-2004, 08:17 AM
Too many to list.. especially Nala!

10-10-2004, 08:50 AM
lol...those are funny, especially Connors. I haven't heard of a dog that moves its cheek bones! Your dogs are cute! :D for some reason Nala reminds me of Heidi....i don't know why but she does. lol. :confused:

Miranda Rae :)

10-10-2004, 03:41 PM
Aspen and Misty, RB Max use to do the cheek bone thing. Max was soooo easy to read. I could tell what he wanted just by asking him a question & reading his face. It also made it easy to tell when he was & wan't playing around when snarling (he was almost never angry only playful).


Hmmmmm... RB Max use to LOVE to roll in cat poop. I tried & tried & tried to break him out of it but it never worked. guess he just liked the feel of the poop behind his ears, cause thats the only spot he would put the cat poop. OR he did it for lots of bathes heheheh.. He use to LOVE bath time, he smeled & looked & felt good after them :)

Once he swallowed a WHOLE bag & it came out whole!! thats the only reason we knew he did it hehehehe

10-10-2004, 04:22 PM
Ollie likes to paddle in the water bowl :rolleyes:

Squid likes to bring the mail to me but he has to make sure it's well and truly 'dead' first, and by the time it gets to me it's usually shredded and unreadable http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v296/junoandtwister/nono.gif And he can chase his tail nonstop for about 3 hours ... never catches it though ;)

Toby doesn't really have any weird/bad habits, except he always drools when he's watching people eat and it's gross :p And he's afraid of our chinchilla, if he sees him he'll sit in the corner and shake :confused: Strange ...

10-10-2004, 05:58 PM
beanie acts like he wants to go outside then when we get there he gives me this look like. "why on earth did you bring me out here?"
i guess it's more irritating then a wierd habbit,but we go through it EVERYDAY!

Buddy Blaze Lover
10-11-2004, 09:32 AM
Oh gosh, Blaze has a lot of interesting habits! He sleeps in weird positions (like on his back with his feet straight up in the air!), he likes to stick in feet in his water bowl on hot days as well as his toys (hehe), he HATES having his nails clipped...and let's see, oh, he LOOOOOVES playing in water--the hose, pool, ANYTHING like that, but he HATES rain, thunderstorms, or anything of the sort!! It's really funny!! He's got others, but I can't think of any right now...;)

Samantha Puppy
10-11-2004, 09:48 AM
- Samantha refuses to let all four of her legs touch the bathtub while she's getting a bath. One of her front paws is held up like a priss. She will change which paw she holds up about halfway through. If I pick up a hind leg to wash it and she has to have her front paws down, one of them goes back up the second I finish with the hind leg.

- She follows me EVERYWHERE. When I go up or down stairs, she goes in front of me and stops, tripping me up. :rolleyes:

- She loves cat games and cat toys, especially when I put my hand under a blanket and move it around really fast. She pounces on it like a kitty.

- She could be at her most hyper but if I break out "The Claw" (think Jim Carrey in "Liar Liar"), she stops whatever she's doing, gets very serious, and watches The Claw until it gets close enough and then attacks.

- When I scratch the outside of her hind leg, she stretches it straight out and points her toes.