View Full Version : I got a digital camera! (A Few Pics)

10-09-2004, 03:17 PM
My birthday is next week, and my husband got me a digital camera. It is a Canon PowerShot A75, and so far, I am loving it. The first pics are actually loaded onto my laptop, so I will have to post them later, but here are a few that I snapped this morning.

First, here is Chloe. She is not as easy to photograph with the digital because of the delay. She has a knack for moving at just the wrong moment.


Here is our handsome Samson kitty-boy.


And, finally, here is Saphirah keeping the clean towels warm.

Now that it's easier, I will be posting many more pictures!

10-09-2004, 03:19 PM
Okay, I need to figure out how to resize. This is the first time that I've taken photos straight from iPhoto into Photobucket.

Edit: Never mind, I figured it out.:)

10-09-2004, 04:04 PM
Beautiful kitties!!!!

10-09-2004, 04:09 PM
Yippie! I'm so glad to see them! I have two towel warmers myself... isn't it nice?

Chloe is a beautiful lady!

10-09-2004, 04:33 PM
Yay! We'll get to see lots of pictures now of your beautiful kitties. I must say, Chloe is gorgeous! Her fur looks like velvet.

10-09-2004, 04:37 PM
Chloe says thanks for all of the compliments! She does have very soft fur, and as an added bonus, she sleeps on my pillow at night.

Saphirah is an expert towel warmer, although she prefers the white towels. I wonder why?;)

10-09-2004, 04:59 PM
You have beautiful kitties. Saphirah seems to take her duty has official towel warmer very seriously.

10-09-2004, 06:01 PM
Congratulations. We're thrilled that you got us PTers a pressie (more photos of your cats) for your birthday!

:p :D :p

10-09-2004, 08:21 PM
Beautiful kitties! Please give Chloe a kiss for me on that darling pink nosey! It's just too cute for words. :D

10-10-2004, 11:28 AM
You,certainly,cant be blamed,for showing,off those GorgeousCats!

10-10-2004, 11:29 AM
Cuteness! Your cats are gorgeous....they look so soft and cuddly. Give them some kissies on their noses. :D

10-10-2004, 12:27 PM
Beautiful cats, very beautiful. :) I LOVE Chloe though, she's stunning!

10-10-2004, 10:53 PM
Yay Dusty!! After all this time on PT, now we FINALLY get to see more of your your babies:D They are adorable!! What a wonderful birthday gift - digital camera - you will start to wonder how you lived without it;) Oh, and Happy Birthday!

10-11-2004, 07:45 AM
Thanks for the birthday wishes. (My birthday is actually this coming Saturday, but hubby wanted to give me my gift early.) I have used the camera a ton already--for the cats and dogs, for work, for church--and I haven't even had it a week. I have more pictures that I will try to get onto Photobucket this afternoon.:)

10-11-2004, 08:22 AM
Congrats!! These photos are great! Even the black kitty turned out well in the photos, and I know how hard it is to take photos of black animals!

I have a Canon PowerShot A200, and I'm happy with mine, too! :)
