View Full Version : I want to move back to CT...

10-09-2004, 01:24 PM
I've been in Michigan for over 2 years now and I'm very lonely. I miss my kid and my friends. :( I hardly know anyone here except for the people I've met here on PT. You guys have kept me sane!!

I've been giving it alot of thought, have talked to my best friend Susie and my daughter. Let me say one thing, my daughter will NOT let me stay with her because of all my cats (and she's very independent and likes her freedom). Long story there.

Susie said I could stay at her beach house come Spring up to late fall (it's a very old house, poorly insulated and heating it would cost me a fortune). But she said I would have to limit my cats to 2! I'm going to try and see if she would let me bring them all and THEN try and find homes for them. I have more friends from my former rescue organizations that would help me.

I told her this was the worst mistake I ever made and she said, "No, it's not a mistake. That's negative. Consider it a learning experience." Boy have I learned!!!

I know that CT is expensive to live. But I was born and raised there. I have alot of friends there. I had a dream last night that I visited my old house in Wethersfield. (An omen possibly??)

I just need to find a job there. Can't really look for one till I'm ready to pack up and leave. I talked to my landlord last night and asked him if he would be willing to work out a deal where he buys all of my things and then rents this place out as "furnished". He said we'd talk.

The "family" and "closeness" I was told I'd have doesn't exist. Thanksgiving? THEY are going to Prague, Chekoslovakia (sp?) I wasn't invited, so I'll be alone. Mugsy has invited me to her home. Since I've been here, I've been more of a husband and pet sitter than anything else, and to be honest, I'm freaking sick of it!

I'm sorry to babble. But I'm depressed and miserable in Michigan. :(:(

10-09-2004, 02:08 PM
I am sorry that you are so homesick. :( I hope that everything works out for you. (((hugs))))

Cinder & Smoke
10-09-2004, 03:12 PM

We'll *miss* ya!

And remember - It'll be a Longer Drive to attend the
Findlay Gathurins! :p
Maybe you can hitch a ride with Karen & Paul? :D

10-09-2004, 04:16 PM
{{{HUGS}}} I am not up on the whole story as to why you'e in Michigan, but I can relate to feeling alone.

Is there any way to look for a job and a house long-distance? There must be someplace that is affordable and will allow the cats. Do you do something that you could work from home? Many companies are offering that option nowadays because that means they have to spend less money on rent and furniture themselves. If this is meant to be, it'll happen!

10-09-2004, 04:42 PM
Donna, I wish you all the luck in the world. But please don't do something that you'll regret....in this case, I mean giving up your cats. THEY are your family and they are the only ones who will ALWAYS be there for you when the going gets tough. (besides us, that is ;) ) Of course, I know that you will only do what's right, but I would hate for you to make a decision that you regretted later. We all want you to be happy.

10-09-2004, 05:29 PM

[QUTHEY are your family and they are the only ones who will ALWAYS be there for you when the going gets toughOTE][/QUOTE]

Don't I know it!! So are you guys. It probably won't be till Spring so I've got all winter to seriously think about it. I won't do anything foolish like move without a job, like I did here. But at least I know I have a place to stay till I can get things straightened out.

You guys are the best, as always!!!

Love you!!

10-09-2004, 05:58 PM

I'm so sorry that you are going through such a difficult time. I'm wishing you all the best and hoping things work out for you real soon. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.


10-09-2004, 06:02 PM
We'd welcome you back to New England, you know that! ;) You have a long time to decide, maybe a side trip to PA in the meantime? ;)

10-09-2004, 09:08 PM
And if you don't show up for Thanksgiving, we'll be severely depressed. :)

You need to do what you need to do. I agree with Jen about the cats, we need to find you a place where you can have them all.

10-09-2004, 09:14 PM
{{{HUGS}}} Donna. I'm so sorry that you aren't happy there. I trust that you will make the right decision when the time comes. In the meantime, we will always be here for you.

10-09-2004, 11:23 PM
hugs on the way to you Donna.
I wish I could offer help but I have none other then friendship!
We will certainly miss you at the meetings but there is always email.
Take care and hugs to you!

10-09-2004, 11:49 PM
oh Donna I am sorry to hear you are feeling this way, it sounds like moving back would be a good thing, I know you will give it a lot of thought, and hopefully all your kitties will come with you, let everyone on PT do their magical prayers for you, and the right job, and home will come up. Is where you are shifting , anywhere closer to David from PT? just wondering. lol;) :D

Aspen and Misty
10-10-2004, 12:11 AM
Originally posted by Karen
;) You have a long time to decide, maybe a side trip to PA in the meantime? ;)

Originally posted by carole
Is where you are shifting , anywhere closer to David from PT? just wondering. lol;) :D

Is there something going on here? LOL.

I hope that you do whatever is right for you and your family, including your fur-kids.

Could the furkids stay in foster care till you find another place to live? It would only be a little while without them, and then they could happily come back to live with you. I bet that would make them a whole lot happier then having to leave you forever.

Good luck, and I hope whatever the future brings, brings you much joy.


10-10-2004, 12:38 AM
I agree with the others. Move when its right for you, but try really, really hard to find somewhere that will welcome you and the cats. I know it'll be hard, but you found the place you're in now, so there has to be another in CT. I'll be praying hard for something good to come along for you. :)

I'm so sorry you aren't happy in MI. It WAS a good idea and I'm sure it has been a good learning experience. If anything, you can always say, "I've lived in MI". ;)

Good luck in whatever you decide. And...if I lived closer, you'd be more than welcome at my house for ALL holidays...and non-holidays. :)

10-10-2004, 09:19 AM
It's hard to be away from family and old friends.
I can understand why you would miss home terribly.

10-10-2004, 01:07 PM
Oh you guys! Now you've made me cry. But at this point, a dust bunny (no offense Miss Hoppy) would make me cry. I know I've got time. I guess I'm a little disappointed because there was SO much enthusiasm with my SIL and friend at the prospect of me moving out here. I was told that we'd be a real family, and my 3 nephews were all excited about it and how we would do things together as a family. Yeah, right. Then how come I'm staying behind at Thanksgiving and being told "It's only 1 day and no big deal"???

Sorry, I get a little carried away just thinking about it. :( Things will work out for whatever reason it may be. I'm SO glad I've got you guys. I'd be lost without you!

10-10-2004, 01:16 PM
So, does that mean that you are or are not joining us for Thanksgiving dinner??? ;) :D

10-10-2004, 02:18 PM
Who knows you might re-think your plans and shift to Pittsburgh? lol, stranger things have happened you know.

Cheer up Donna, we are all here for ya, for a laugh, a shoulder to cry on, you name it, we got it.

HUGS and positive thoughts coming your way, for everything to work out for the best, whatever that might be.:)

10-11-2004, 10:09 AM
I'd miss you a lot, but I understand. :) *HUGS*

Don't be sad. Though, I must say, you better be here in MI for my wedding! :D :p