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10-09-2004, 11:03 AM
I am asking this for 2 reasons.

1) Just out of curiosity

2) For ideas ;) Tigger doesn't play much so Im hoping to try to find something that he might like!!

Also they don't HAVE to be toys, just anything they like to play with ;)

:D So what are you cat's favorite toys?

10-09-2004, 11:17 AM
Josie LOVES balls! She has a new one that lights up when it bounces against something, and she plays with it all the time! She also loves anything that's feathery. I guess it reminds her of a bird . . . and of course her white mouse . . . that thing has been licked to death, thrown all over the house, and pounced on numerous times!

Good luck finding Tigger the purrfect toys!

10-09-2004, 11:20 AM
Balls, furry catnip mice with feather tails and the plastic ring from a milk jug.

10-09-2004, 11:43 AM
Laser pointer, twist ties, plastic ring from milk jug. anything that costs a lot of money she doesn't like. We've bought scads of toys from petstores only to have her chase a twist tie or some piece of dirt around on the floor. Sasha is also enamoured with the bed covers and likes to attack them.

10-09-2004, 11:51 AM
They ALL love the laser pointer for sure!!!!

Shiloh - wadded up pieces of paper (plays fetch with them), plastic rings, toys on a string

Skylar - milk jug rings, crinkly balls, stuffed animals

Lucky - mice, the blinds :eek:, toys on a string

Chance - mice, foam balls, anything that dangles

Merlin - human sized fuzzy slippers, flip flops, mice

Missy - fuzzy mice

Magic - catnip mice

Maya - plastic bottle caps, foam balls

10-09-2004, 01:08 PM
Well, the hit for all my cats is those balls with bells. I just have to pick one up and roll it across the floor and cats come running. Then Poucner LOVES the feather teaser. Both boys love those fur puffs (like a pompom made out of fur) and will walk around the house with them in their mouth. TOO CUTE.

Pouncer likes those itty bitty fake mice. Allen loves simple string... no frills, just string. :D

10-09-2004, 05:28 PM
Nesta loves those little foam balls that bounce. She also loves to KILL her liitle catnip sock.

10-09-2004, 06:14 PM
Cassy: Milk jug rings. um, perhaps that should be MILK JUG RINGS!!! , catnip mice, human toes under covers, pencils and pens -- especially if being propelled by a human, the laser pointer (sometimes), feathers on strings, foam balls, and the 'Cat Dancer' toy.

Olivia "Livvy" -- Livvy doesn't like to play much ... occasionally she will bat at the feathers on a string, or roll in catnip or bat at catnip flavored bubbles, but really prefers her roosts -- a padded ledge on the window sill or the top 'bunk' on the cat trees...

Sassy (RB) -- Sassy ADORED his 'cat dancer'. It's either three or four rolled up cardboard wedges on a thin strip of wire that bobbles when you hold it. He adored it... They are usually less than $4 at pet stores. He also enjoyed feathers on strings and the occasional foam ball...

When Cassy craves attention, he'll also sit on a table or cabinet and push things off one at a time, but this is'nt really a toy.

10-09-2004, 07:12 PM
Julie's favorite is a long grey shoestring. She drags it all over the house, flips it, plays tug of war with me, and generally has a blast.

10-09-2004, 08:19 PM
The boxes that the cat toys I bought, came out of. :rolleyes:

Other than that, Halo has some shoestrings that she drags around. Note: We tied the shoestrings to a wand so that she doesn't try to eat them. Our RB kitty Kuhio once ate some yarn that gave her some intestinal difficulty.

10-09-2004, 09:07 PM
Originally posted by kuhio98
The boxes that the cat toys I bought, came out of. ...

Oh yeeeeaaaah... however did I forget this terrific favorite?

:rolleyes: :p :rolleyes:

10-09-2004, 10:25 PM
Plastic bags (but I watch them carefully when they get near one.) Also, the plastic rings from milk or water jugs. They love those.

10-09-2004, 10:39 PM
Plastic bags and brown bags Sash loves to dive into. He also sometimes enjoys me to throw a ball for him and Cat Charmer is another of his favorites. :D

10-09-2004, 10:50 PM
Beans loves plastic bags. They all absolutely adore their kitty light, and Brynja and Bownie also love those "feathers on a stick/cat ticklers".

The Beddy Bear, Jade, loves to chase strings where I tie knots at the end of it, and Boomer loves gadgets and those little plastic containers inside Kinder chocolate eggs (I usually put a couple of kibbles inside to make it make noise + he always end opening the container when chewing on it = there's an extra surprise).

10-10-2004, 11:26 AM
The Found Cats,Love The Animal Welfare Mice,and The Fishing Cat Toys,and The Feather Sticks!

10-11-2004, 11:34 AM
I bought a 6' X 8' roll of outdoor carpet in a box at Lowes this weekend - I needed the carpet because we were going to make her a cat scratching post. Which turned out great! :) Well hubby puts the box on the foor and it is about 6 feet long and has a few openings and she was in it quick and I heard her scratching on the bottom cardboard in it too! :) Also we bought some Sisal rope at Lowes 3/8" by 50 feet for $4.44. (Walmart has 1/4" for $1.99) We only used some on the post so I cut a length of it off and she liked playing with it when we moved it around. She will attack a sock waving at her and just a rag and I put catnip on a small stuffed animal and she flipps him around everywhere. She likes to attack the cover on my chair that we got in MExico and get the yarn to come off it... :) A feather thing we got at Carlos and Charlies in Cozumel. The papertowel rolls... So far I haven't bough her any toys. She didn't play at first - she looked at me and said I'm not going to be silly at my age (2-1/2 years old) but she can't get enough now! :) :) I have a ball that lights up and I'm going to try it. I hung a plastic slinky from a bar stool and she payed a little - not much with it. :) She LOVES her new box! hahaha Debbie

10-11-2004, 11:34 AM
It sounds like the milk jug rings are a hit! Our milk doesn't come in jugs LOL