View Full Version : Startling behavior

10-09-2004, 08:40 AM
You probably all know that Paul and I went on vacation recently and were gone for several weeks to the states. Since we have gotten back, Boomer has been velcro kitty with me, but on more than one occasion he has been :eek: NASTY:eek: to Paul. On one occasion in particular, Boomer was sitting on my lap getting snuggles. Paul walked in the room and as soon as Boomer saw him his ears went back, his tail poofed up and he let out a very loud hiss right at my hunny! Paul took a step closer and Boomer growled one of those deep growls that means that he REALLY means business. The first time Paul told me about Boomer doing that to him I didn't really believe him! After all, why would my kitty do that? But then I caught him in the act. Is he being territorial? The most reasonable explanation I could come up with was that Boomer blames Paul for us leaving, but he isn't ALWAYS nasty to him. Most of the time he acts scared when Paul walks towards him but then begs to be scritched. Have you heard of a cat acting like this for no reason?

10-09-2004, 08:45 AM
That is unusual,unless Paul,picked,up an odor,maybe petting,a dog,that Boomer,does not care for!

10-09-2004, 11:50 AM
Wow, I guess Boomer is a major momma's boy. Hope he settles down soon.