View Full Version : Still in pain & no solution...

10-08-2004, 08:33 PM
I am sooooo depressed tonight guys!
I spent a total of 4 hours in Urgent Care today. I was supposed to see my gyno. but the pain got so bad I ended up in urgent care. I had blood work done, x-rays taken & even had to drink some nasty concoction they came up with to see if I had an ulcer. What did they find? NOTHING, not a darn thing wrong. First it was....oh let's check for the gas thing, then maybe it was an ulcer, bladder or yeast infection or a simple virus. Then they looked for other things, still nothing. But before I left they told me they were going to check my blood work for my liver, pancreas, & gallbladder. The doc thought it could be gallstones....nope, everything fine. I'm MORE depressed now then when I went in at 2:00. The sad part is, I'm still in so much pain! The doctor gave me a prescription for Oxycodone (not oxycotin) which he said is like codene to help me sleep better at night. That's ok for now but, what if I'm STILL in pain after today or later?! He told me to then go into ER & they could try to help me. Talk about FRUSTRATION! Anyways, thanks for letting me vent. I'll probably take some pills in a little bit & hopefully sleep through the whole night tonight!!!:(

10-08-2004, 08:42 PM
I'm sorry to hear... I have a diff type of pain lol I've got tylenol 3's with codine, they help a little..... should take another soon though.... Hope you figure out whats wrong soon... GET WELL SOON:)

10-08-2004, 08:57 PM
How frustrating! I hope that you feel better soon.

10-08-2004, 09:15 PM
I know what that kind of pain is like.

The Dr.'s spent from grade 4 to grade 8 trying to figure out why I was in so much pain. My knees would hurt first & its the kind of pain that no matter how u more or how many pain killers u take its always there. Then it would go into my shins.

I was in so much pain, I would cry & cry & cry for hours. Most times it got so bad (so I've been told, I don't remember any of it it was that painful) I would squirming all over the place screaming & crying & litterly destroying the couch. I do remember when it would calm down a bit & find myself in my dads arms or rolled in a blanket that my dad put around me or squeezing the life out of RB Max (dad said he never whimpered or tried to get away, he would just try to get closer to me & sucked up all the pain I was causing him).

I think I had about 10-15 x-rays on my knees & I was taken to the big city to a Sports Hospital, in hopes to find something.

Saddly I went there when I wasn't in too much pain. But they think they found the cause & refused to fix it due to my age. My knee caps r really high up & they r guessing while I'm growing its ripping my tendons & ripping nerves apart. They said when I stop growing it'll still hurt but not nearly as much.

They were kinda right. My knees don't hurt as much, but when they do, watchout.. If it happeneds at work, I do my darnest to ignor it, then on the bus I try hard not to cry & then at home I rush into the shower to cry in there & turn the water really really really hot until my knees turn red & oddly enough it seems to help a bit. it takes the edge off.

Every day I walk with someone or past a big mouth, I hear the same thing, u walk funny. No $h!+ I don't know how to walk normally anymore. I don't bend my knees right in an unconsciencs effort to avoid pain (which isn't really there anymore). I try to correct myself & just end up weaving & shaking.. I do try to mimic the person I'm walking with in efforts to be able to copycat their walking. So far it kinda works, but I do forget to do it & end up walking runny anyway.

Sometimes nothing can be done & it really sucks. I'm too young to have knee surgery, already tried asking & my parents begged too. It drove my parents insane. There was noting they could do to help me.

Hopefully the ER Dr.'s will have better luck, they should have more exp in odd things.

10-08-2004, 09:31 PM
Oh Tina I'm so sorry that you are still in pain. It must be so frustrating and to not sleep at night is just making it worst. Hopefully those meds will help a bit tonight and you can have some sweet dreams.

Prayers and hugs on the way.

10-08-2004, 10:01 PM
I'm sorry Tina. I know that must be very frustrating besides painful. Hope you get some relief soon.


10-08-2004, 10:22 PM
How frustrating! You'll be in my prayers, I hope that the pain goes away, o if it's a symptom of a greater problem, that someone figures out how to fix it!

10-09-2004, 12:58 AM
:( Sorry you're still in pain...

Like I said earlier, when I had it, nothing worked either, and my loser doctor told me it was normal. :rolleyes:

It hurt terribly bad for a few days. It would sort of leave sometimes, but then come back in a sudden sharp stab. Not fun. I still had to go to school and stuff, although there was a day I stayed home when it got really bad. But after a few days, it went away by itself. You just have to be careful with yourself.

How long has this pain of yours been going on now?

I hope the docs find what's wrong.. :(

Take care!! *hugs*

10-09-2004, 09:18 AM
I've had the sharp pains since wed. night. The weird part about it (you'll probably think I'm crazy) is my pain seems to be moving into a different position now. On thur. & fri. the pain was terrible on my LEFT side, now fri. while I was at the doctor's office & today it's only on my RIGHT side. When I take a deep breath or this morning I had the hiccups, it hurts so bad & feels like my rib cage is going to rip out. OH, it is frustrating when you don't have an answer & you know something is wrong with your own body. I would be fine if only the pain would go away & I have to work so that doesn't help matters. Plus, it doesn't help when people say, "You don't LOOK sick!" AGH.....please pain go away!

10-09-2004, 12:29 PM
Sending lots of good thoughts that you will be allright
and the pain goes away.

10-09-2004, 06:22 PM
I hope you are feeling better soon and free of pain.

10-09-2004, 08:39 PM
Originally posted by teenster3
I've had the sharp pains since wed. night. The weird part about it (you'll probably think I'm crazy) is my pain seems to be moving into a different position now. On thur. & fri. the pain was terrible on my LEFT side, now fri. while I was at the doctor's office & today it's only on my RIGHT side. When I take a deep breath or this morning I had the hiccups, it hurts so bad & feels like my rib cage is going to rip out. OH, it is frustrating when you don't have an answer & you know something is wrong with your own body. I would be fine if only the pain would go away & I have to work so that doesn't help matters. Plus, it doesn't help when people say, "You don't LOOK sick!" AGH.....please pain go away!
Not crazy. That happened to me too.. but for me, it started on my right side, and then went to my left side. I thought I was going to have a heart attack!

Have you gone into ER for it yet? Maybe they might be able to figure out what's wrong...

10-10-2004, 12:46 AM
That is horrible!!! :( I'm so sorry you're in so much pain.

Have they ANY idea where your pain is coming from?

Have they ruled out surgical complications?

Have you spoken with your doctor yet?

One good thing about the ER is you wont be in pain for long. They'll usually set you up with an IV and will give you pain medication. Don't be afraid to go there if your pain is still there tomorrow, its always best to stop it as soon as you can.

Please let us know how you are feeling. You poor thing. :(

10-10-2004, 01:28 AM
I'm so sorry to hear that you're in so much pain.:( I sure hope that the doctors will be able find out the reason. Please take care.

10-10-2004, 03:05 PM
Sorry you're still in such awful pain - my heart goes out to you.

I hope they solve it very soon. Take care {{{Hugs}}}}


10-10-2004, 09:14 PM
i hope you get better! i get a pain sometimes in a muscle and it happens usually when i do a certain thing. it doesn't happen very often though

10-12-2004, 08:58 AM
I just got through reading your other thread and was hoping so much that you would no longer be in pain :(. I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers that the Doctors can figure out what is wrong.


10-12-2004, 09:03 AM
Sorry to hear you are in such pain. Could it possibly be your ovaries????? Like a cyst?

10-12-2004, 11:14 AM
Has your obs/gyn checked for endometrosis? That would cause the kind of pain that you seem to be describing (and it can be removed with surgery).

10-12-2004, 12:06 PM
Your Endometriosis is obviously having a bad flare up. DON'T let the doctors convince you it is otherwise. Tell them firmly it is Endo and you need help with the pain management.

Have you joined any Endo user groups?

Sadly there is no cure for Endo...only pain management. But we need to push doctors into finding a cure. Trying to have a baby can't be the only solution...and even that is not 100%.


My Endo pain moves depending on the day. Some days it's on the left side...sometimes the right...sometimes both. Sometimes higher in my abdomen, and at other times lower.

I truely feel for you.


10-12-2004, 04:20 PM
Yes I found my endo. when I was 21, I'm 29 now.
I just had my 2nd surgery on Sept. 21st & my doctor told me that I should be pain-free for awhile at least. Honestly, I couldn't even describe the pain to you.....it was so severe though. I have to tell you all I feel much better however, when I take a deep breath I still feel the sharp pain. It's really odd but I hope it stays away for awhile. I too feel for anyone that has to go through any sort of pain.
I have been to several "support groups" but I hated it. It just seemed like no one was truly listening like they do here! For me, most of them seemed very judgemental as well. Like, well if you do this then this is what will happen, etc. etc. It's hard to explain, it's like if you've never been in the situation how do you know type of thing. Some people are VERY supportive while others make you feel terrible about youself. This is just what I have experienced.
I have other issues that I am trying to work through as well. I'm sure just like everyone in the world does only, sometimes you just need someone TO LISTEN, NOT JUDGE! Do you know what I mean?

10-12-2004, 06:51 PM
Oh Tina - I just peeked into General and am so sorry to read that you are still having this pain! I DO understand some of your frustration since my battle is against migraines. I also have endometriosis but it is never so severe as what you describe. The migraines sometimes make me feel as if I am going crazy and sometimes I have had doctors who think I am just trying to get drugs:( I am 50 and they started at age 13 or so - went away only with pregancies and nursing my babies so I know that they are aggravated by hormones and am just wishing that menopause would hurry up and possibly take them away. Sometimes, I get strange migraine symtoms like strokes with numbness and slurred speech and wonder if I should go to ER or not - but like you - afraid of what type of caregiver I will come in contact with. Thankfully, I know have a Neurologist whose wife suffers migraine and carry a "doctor's note" with me to the ER with instructions that state I am a long term migraineur, that I may present with stroke-like symtoms and not to give me the typical migraine medications, and to please quickly administer narcotics because I am NOT a drug seeker. I wonder if you could approach your doctor with a similar request?? Surely you need some *hope of pain relief* for those times when the pain is very severe?? If the gyno/surgeon does not understand the sporadic nature and the changes associated with endometriosis - the way the pain can change and shift - perhaps you ned a doctor who understands it better - a woman perhaps? Just a thought.
Again, I am very sorry that you are still suffering. ((((Tina))))

10-12-2004, 07:15 PM
How are you feeling today??

10-13-2004, 09:27 AM
I've been feeling a lot better!
I still have the pain on my right side though. It comes & goes either when I take a deep breath or move around wrong.
I'm definitely not going back to my doctor for awhile. I just received the bill for my surgery that I just had.....AGH:eek: I don't know what makes a person sicker.....getting sick or receiving their bill for it!:(