View Full Version : Another update on Kiba's stay

10-07-2004, 08:18 PM
She is still doing very well. It's almost as if she never moved. She seems comfortable most of the time. She usually sleeps on my pillow (right next to my head :rolleyes:) and wakes me up VERY early for me to throw her ball :rolleyes: She'll run (make a purry meow sound), get it, and bring it back for me to throw again! Although I don't like doing that so early! esp after staying up late :o

Anyway. I've been working with my dog Josie as well. I've been making her stay a lot. Everytime I open the door to my room she has to sit and NOT move till I say. Also if I go on the treadmill she has to laydown in the room and stay still till I'm finished. I'm hoping it will teach her to focus more on what commands I tell her (IE LEAVE THE CAT!!!)

I made a muzzel for Jo..it's was just the waste strap to an old jacket (soft material) so it makes a very good muzzle. I just wrap it around a couple times and tie at the back. The most she can do is lick her lips.

I put Jo on a leash and got dad to hold her and I wrapped Kiba in a sweater so she'd feel more safe (and could hide in it if she felt scared) I slowly approached Jo while hold Kiba and let them sniff each other. Josie lanched at Kiba and tried to 'bite' her I think (luckily for the muzzle she couldn't do anything) :( Next time we took them close together Josie only tried to lick Kiba but Kiba gave her a little swat on the face which kinda startled Jo...

I have a feeling I can make it work. I've already decided Kiba was ment to live here so now I just need to put the effort in. Please be good Jo!!

One other thing I noticed differently between Kiba and my moms cat Smiten is that ifSmitten gets mad she'll attack you if you get in her way. The vet said that's what cats do..I forget the name..but whenever Kiba swatted at Jo, I just told her it was ok and started patting her and she never once attacked me. Right after Josie left the room too she seems fine again (IE, not hiding etc)

10-08-2004, 09:28 PM
bump :( No suggestions or anything??


10-08-2004, 10:45 PM
It sounds like you are doing the right things and being very patient. I know how much you want Kiba with you and I really hope it works out:)

10-09-2004, 12:30 AM
I agree I think you are doing just the right thing.
The only other thing I would suggest is maybe introducing them thru a baby gate?
I saw on a new show to tie toys (one cat toy and one dog toy) together with a string and put the string under the door and let them play together like that, the can smell each other and they are also interacting - tho they don't know it! ;)

10-09-2004, 05:04 AM
I was thinking about a gate, but they're not very big? Like Kiba could easily jump it I'm sure if she wanted..and I'm sure Josie could as well if she tried?

10-09-2004, 09:00 AM
Originally posted by slleipnir
I was thinking about a gate, but they're not very big? Like Kiba could easily jump it I'm sure if she wanted..and I'm sure Josie could as well if she tried?

I think you could like stack gates, you could put 2(or more)0 on top of each other or something :)

Im glad things are going well(for the most part ;)) and I hope everything works out!!

Good Luck!!