View Full Version : Do you leave Food Out At Night??

10-07-2004, 11:53 AM
We have been giving her dry cat food at night in the vanity/bathroom she stays in but then my hubby thought it best to not do this so she would be hungry in the morning and eat all her food because that is how we are giving her her medication from the surgery (she got fixed). He did give her water obviously but I think we should leave her food too - is it cruel to not have food out all the time? Water is a deffinate - I'm only talking dry cat food.... Thank you, Debbie

10-07-2004, 11:55 AM
Remus is a "picker". He won't eat all his food at once so I have food out all the time for him. He is the sort who will eat when he feels like it so having a set time to feed him is imposible!

10-07-2004, 12:05 PM
I try to feed them twice a day, but most nights I "forget" to pick up their food before I go to bed. It does get picked up in the morning before I go to work; otherwise Mishi would eat everything. Mitzi's weight needs monitoring as she tends to be "plush" although not as plush as she was when I adopted her - the twice daily feedings on a lower calorie food have done what they were supposed to, so she's healthier and a bit less plush. :)

The bottom line is it depends on the cat(s) and their dietary needs. Ask your vet for what's right for YOUR cat.

10-07-2004, 12:08 PM
There is no way with mine.
Mishka will eat whatever is in front of him in one breath. If fact he eats so fast I once saw him almost choke on his food.
I used to keep his food supply in a Rubbermaid container with snap-shut lid. I got home quite late one night and found Mishka so full he could barely move. He figured out how to open the container and ate 3 pounds of his kibble...:eek: :eek: :eek:
I lock the container AWAY now.

10-07-2004, 12:14 PM
I free feed so they always have dry food available. I administer medicine with treats. No matter how much the little buggars ahve eaten they always seem hungry for treats!;) :D

10-07-2004, 12:17 PM
I free feed too with both of mine. Of course, I got some hateful looks yesterday, when I didn't know that the feeder had run out of food (it's in a room that I don't visit every single day). I finally figured out, after being followed, headbumped, nuzzled and bitten that something was up and the feeder was empty! :o Poor Mimi! Poor Butter! Bad Mom!! It only could have been empty about 12 hours or so at the most because I had checked it the day before, but I still felt guilty!

10-07-2004, 12:29 PM
I keep dry food out all the time. That way, with 4, they can eat when hungry. I give them each a spoon full of canned food twice a day too. After they've eaten what they want of that, I mix it with dry food and give to the strays outside.
I can't stand an animal being hungry!:D

10-07-2004, 12:51 PM
I measure out 2 cups total for all three (3x a day I fill 2 dishes). Lately, the portions I put out 1/3 cups at time is usually eaten with 30 mins or less. I just watch make sure everyone is eating if they happened to miss because they were sleeping they get feed later on. Eleanor is chow hound. Skinny and Thumper nibble. :) Looking at everyone they haven't missed any meals. LOL
They get food 6-7 a.m. 5-6 p.m. 11 p.m. before I go to bed.

smokey the elder
10-07-2004, 01:14 PM
I leave it out all night, but it still isn't enough.:D This morning I found a new bag of food with the corner chewed off and three cats helping themselves. Drat, I don't know how to use the new camera!

10-07-2004, 01:38 PM
I free feed mine so they can eat whenever they want to.:)

10-07-2004, 02:53 PM
I always make sure there is a little dry food in a bowl, just incase they need a snack, but really both of them sleep most of the night, so it probably is not necessary, and not cruel IMO, it depends what you get your cat used to, they are creatures of habit just like us,Lexie is always eager to have a few biscuits early in the morning, which hubby gives her usually.

I never leave a lot of food as My older cat Ash tends to pig out, and then just vomit them up straight away.

10-07-2004, 03:48 PM
I'm not sure. She seems to be upset if there is no food in the bowl - but that doesn't necessarily means she wants to eat. Maybe since she was a stray she likes knowing there is food. She eats a lot I think. I'll measure it out but it is probably 1/2 cup or a cup of food twice a day. She doesnt' seem to care for treats yet - it is ok but really she wants FOOD. I gave her can food yesterday - about 1/2 a tiny can (or 1/4 large can) and she ate about 1/2 of it. I ended up throwing it out. She liked it but wasn't hungry after she ate 1/2 - but she seems to pig out on dry food although she grazes. She finishes it all eventually. I'm not sure. I don't want her fat but she was real skinny when I got her and she just had kittens too. I'm feeding her Purina One for sensitive systems I think. Debbie

10-07-2004, 04:37 PM
We free feed our cats. We always add the new food at night before we go to bed to prevent the cats waking us up at some very early morning hour wanting food.

10-07-2004, 04:45 PM
I have always free fed my cats - that is until I took princess Emily in for what I thought was a belly tumor and was sent home with a lecture, a laugh and a bag of prescription diet food:eek: (no charge either - I think the staff had enough fun with me) Dylan is also overweight. Those two will eat anything I put out. So, now I feed them twice a day - 1/3 cup each feeding, each. Eliot is fed freely which is a bit of a trick but I put his food up on the refrigerator or counter and sometimes put it away but het it out when I am watching - otherwise my two piggies will polish it off. They will not make the effort to get on the fridge though;)
I have NO IDEA how I will handle the feeding with the kittens now - probably enclose them in the bathroom for their meals for about 20 minutes or so.

Felicia's Mom
10-07-2004, 08:49 PM
These cats get a measured amount of food twice a day.

10-07-2004, 09:16 PM
I think the fact that my cats go outdoors makes a huge difference in how much they eat, and how much exercise they get. I would much prefer that they stay indoors, peacefully, and I regulate their food, but at their age, and with their history, it would be a miserable existence for all of us.

So.....we take the risk, but they must come indoors to eat, which is a good lure, and they do spend more time inside than they do outside, and for the most part, they are right here in our yard, all the time. Butter gets a bit ambitious at times, and ventures a little further, but he has street smarts, and I just hope he will always be safe. **sigh**

Mimi has always been a lightweight, weighing in about 6 pounds, so freefeeding has no effect on her. Buttercup is a healthy 11-12 pounds, but in no way, fat, so he's ok too! :)

10-07-2004, 09:48 PM
I let Julie free feed for the most part. She used to be a little piggy, but she adjusted to measured feeding and now paces herself. She lets me know when the kitty face at the bottom of her bowl is showing (even if that is at 3:00 am)...so I try to make sure there is a little in her bowl before I go to bed. She doesn't eat wet food or treats. She just recently changed from Purina One to Nutro, in fact she is still getting used to the new stuff. At first she didn't much care for it, she would pick the old brand out of the bowl. I think because of the size of the kibble. She's eating it better now and I try to keep some kitty grass for her to nibble on so she gets her greens.

10-08-2004, 12:22 AM
I used to free feed but now I have 2 piggie cats named Sky and Cirrus. They'll inhale anything in front of them and still want more. Now I feed all 4 cats 1/4 cup of dry food two times a day. I also store their food in a plastic storage locker so they can't bite through it or open it up.:)

10-08-2004, 05:02 AM
I free feed. I have throught about feeding Cubby at certain times of day as he is getting a little umm well plump.

10-08-2004, 08:56 AM
With the 14 Found Cats,it would be too confusing,to take food,in and out,for me,so there is Always Dry Food 24/7,at six different Feeding Stations,so all,are ready,to eat,at thier leisure!

10-08-2004, 08:57 AM
Originally posted by DJFyrewolf36
Remus is a "picker". He won't eat all his food at once so I have food out all the time for him. He is the sort who will eat when he feels like it so having a set time to feed him is imposible!

Tigger is the same way, so there is always food out for him. :eek: Maybe thats the problem? LOL