View Full Version : Drum Roll Please?? HERE'S BIRDIE!!!!!

10-07-2004, 08:21 AM
Looking plump and so much cleaner and healthier than such a short time ago! :D His 'plumage' plucking days are over, and he's grown back most of his feathers lol! He had a visit from Chip for a while last night, and was unsure of what to make of silly purring machine Chip. :confused:


He has a few favorite toys, but manages to chase them out of the cage all the time! :eek: :D


Birdie and Chip's shiny black butt! Chip was leaving..he had enough socializing with Birdie, though all Chip did was lay there and purr! :D


PEEP....PEEEEEPPP..what do you mean no bottle?



Birdie's favorite toy is the feather ball Auntie Leslie brought him!:D

10-07-2004, 08:26 AM
Birdie,is looking,so much better,every time,its a pleasure,to see him,as its obvious,that your love,and TLC,are making,a big difference,in his life!

10-07-2004, 08:28 AM
Gary, he's sprucing up his tuxedo for the much anticipated Catmus Party! He can't miss that event! ;)

10-07-2004, 08:30 AM
Oh Jan, he is looking so much better. You can see in his face that he has just been through so much suffering...but his eyes are starting to light up from all the wonderful care you have been giving him.

10-07-2004, 08:32 AM
This is wonderful to see! He was such a pitiful little boy before!!!

So his tongue is working now???

Give Birdie *kitty kisses* from Josie & me!!!

10-07-2004, 08:34 AM
He is full of it now! From this pitiful little guy day #1....:(


To a playful plump little guy! :D Christa..his tongue is starting to regain function! He eats dry food now, and is keeping his new fur coat cleaner! Kissies coming up for the Birdie Boy! ;)

K & L
10-07-2004, 08:42 AM
Birdie looks so much better! I'm so glad he's improved. How's his tongue situation doing?

10-07-2004, 08:57 AM
This is the most wonderful and touching thing I've seen in a while. Birdie you are loved by so many and it sounds like all those special PT prayers have once again helped another sweet baby in need.
I can't even find the words to express how happy I am to hear that Birdies tongue is starting to work again and he's eating DRY FOOD!! What a little miracle he is!
Jan you have to be overjoyed seeing all this improvement! Thank you again for giving Birdie the chance to heal. God Love you both!

10-07-2004, 08:59 AM
Birdie does look so much better!! He is so handsome. Thanks for sharing the wonderful pictures!


10-07-2004, 09:02 AM
This is the very first time I have openly wept at my computer. It awes me that some folks still care enough to love this previously pathetic littlest one of God's creatures...into what is he becoming now. Just no words to express. Thank you so much.

10-07-2004, 11:16 AM
That poor little thing deserved a happy ending, and I am sure glad you gave it to him. I am so happy to hear that his little tongue is working better now. I am so happy I could just toss him in the air and say "WHEE!!!" but I won't :P

10-07-2004, 11:22 AM
I'm so happy!

What a difference. Are you keeping him?

10-07-2004, 11:23 AM
Awww!!! He's such a hansome little boy!! :)

Great news that he's doing better now.

10-07-2004, 11:37 AM
That poor little guy. He looks so much better.

10-07-2004, 11:38 AM
Oh, Birdie.

I'm so happy for you. You have the most wonderful Mommy in the world.

Sweetheart, keep getting big and strong for us.

10-07-2004, 11:40 AM
Birdie looks wonderful! You are surely his guardian angel. We all know where he would be without you.
This is such a great success story, just like Magoo, and all the other little PT kitties who were blessed to find their people when things were looking very dark.

God bless you!

10-07-2004, 11:45 AM
Oh just look at that sweet, sweet kitty face.
Birdie has stolen my heart. I am so happy to see him doing better. Thank you so much - it must give you such a wonderful feeling to have saved this guy.

10-07-2004, 11:58 AM
Aww sweet little Birdie! He sure is a little miracle kitty. Thank you for taking him in and nursing him back to health! I SO happy that his little tongue is working again.

10-07-2004, 12:08 PM
He's so precious.And what he went thru and to be so lucky on 1 and a million to find you.:D
Mike will love to see this picture later.

10-07-2004, 02:37 PM
His favorite thing to do lately is hide under his lambie skin! (Fake one of course) ;) He plays peek-a-boo from underneath...just too cute. :D NKBurlington....and those who're wondering...I'm kind of sure he has a wonderful forever home to be with Carla & Mike (and Marshall, Tucker etc.) :D He is shy, but loves to be cuddled, dear lucky little boy! ;) And I agree...there's just something to be said for PT prayers! They pulled this little guy from death's doorstep! ;) :)

10-07-2004, 02:59 PM
OMG there are no words to describe how I feel looking at these pics. Birdie is sure lucky to have you and a furrever home to go to. Bless you for all you do and you are right; Pet Talk prayers do work.

Please plant a kiss on his little forehead from me.:)

10-07-2004, 03:35 PM
Mike said he looks really great Jan.You really know your stuff.As soon as I get home from the Hospital I'll call you and you can update me and Mike.I hope I'm better than last years operation.I couldn't move for awhile after.I can't wait to get it over with.Mike has Saturday and Monday off.Which is rare.So Tucker is getting his stitches out on Saturday morning.Tucker looks like he has a bulge under his eye where it was sewed.I hope there's no fluid like Magoo.
Mabe it's just skin and fur.You can call Mike over the weekend to check on Tucker.He really is a gentle soul.Just like Marshall.I'm glad they have each other to play with.I think Birdie and my Bowie will hang together.Bowie is shy and about 2 years or less.I think they seem the same type.;)

10-07-2004, 03:39 PM
Carla, Make sure Mike asks the vet taking out the stitches about the bump. He took all his antibiotics like a good boy right? Hope all goes smoothly for you tomorrow...OUCH! How long will you be in the hospital?

10-07-2004, 03:42 PM
I'm happy he's doing so well. He has unique colors; black and white of a true calico and a light brown of a dilute calico, and he's a boy!

10-07-2004, 04:41 PM
He's such a cutie!

(Not to change the subject, but our cats have 2 of those "Thing 1" cereal box toys. They love to play with them. The toys disappear periodically and then suddenly reappear. We have not yet discovered the hiding place.:) )

10-07-2004, 04:44 PM
I'll be in the hospital til Tuesday??But I'm sneaking out on Sunday I hope:D
And Dr.Dunn gave Tucker a 24 hour Antibiotic shot.Weird I thought but that was all.I asked for pain med and antibiotics and he gave a pain 24 hour shot also.So I didn't give Tucker anything.Polyflex injection was the antibiotic I presume because the other was pain relief injection.

10-07-2004, 05:00 PM
IMO Tucker should have had some Clavamox as well. Hope Dr. Dunn's on this weekend. The vets rotate Saturdays as there's only one vet on duty. Hope all goes well with the baby!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
10-07-2004, 05:03 PM
Awww.....look it the pretty Birdie, all nice and clean and hairy! :D He's adorable! It looks like he has a bit of orange mixed in with his tuxie colors. Is that right or is it just because of everything he's been through. If he does, it certainly is unusual coloring, isn't it. Almost like calico and calico males don't really exist, do they? Doesn't really matter, as long as Birdie is healthy and happy, that's all that matters. :D

10-07-2004, 05:06 PM
He will need so much love and attention.I'm lucky if it works out and he comes to our house.He will be lucky too because I don't work and stay home all the time...and talk to the cats all the time.:eek: :D

10-07-2004, 05:10 PM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom
Awww.....look it the pretty Birdie, all nice and clean and hairy! :D He's adorable! It looks like he has a bit of orange mixed in with his tuxie colors. Is that right or is it just because of everything he's been through. If he does, it certainly is unusual coloring, isn't it. Almost like calico and calico males don't really exist, do they? Doesn't really matter, as long as Birdie is healthy and happy, that's all that matters. :D

Nope Deb..Birdie's still a bit discolored from his former lack of grooming skills, and his vitamins which stained his fur terribly! But he's not the least bit anemic any longer. He's PINK, PINK, PINK!!!:D

10-07-2004, 05:42 PM
What a handsome little Birdie!! The before and after pictures are truly amazing. You're an angel, for sure, Jan.

10-07-2004, 05:52 PM
Oh Jan, little Birdie is looking so much better and to know that his tongue is starting to function and he is eating dry food has just made my day.

It's so good to know that he will be going into such a good, loving and caring forever home. Thank you Carla & Mike for taking Birdie into your home.

10-07-2004, 06:25 PM
So he is true black and white like my KiKi?

10-07-2004, 06:35 PM
This my KiKi.He would like another black and white cat that looks like him.:D

10-07-2004, 06:52 PM
Looking good Birdie! I am so happy to hear how well you are doing. What a precious little guy!

10-07-2004, 07:03 PM
Originally posted by catfamily
So he is true black and white like my KiKi?

He's totally black & white Carla! The staining will come out in the wash LOL! Once that tongue's 100% he'll get whiter and whiter! All the tan color is stains, and fur still coming in from his days of plucking! ;) ;)

10-07-2004, 09:01 PM
I want to pet him! I want to pet him! I want to pet him! ... I need to calm down but I can't...because I want to pet him!

10-08-2004, 12:01 AM
Birdie, I love you! You are so precious, and you look 23020968045680428206452086697035680 times better (no exaggeration here). I am glad your tounge is starting to work, and you stopped that hair pulling. You dont need to be nude when winter hits! Thank you Queen for taking SUCH GOOD CARE of lil Birdie, and loving him like you do. It is appearant to see how much you love birdie, and that he loves you back. Congratualtions and good luck with birdie. I will still pray that he continues to flurrish and become one handsome lil man. *cuddle cuddle* to Birdie.:D

10-08-2004, 06:55 AM
I'm so glad to hear that Birdie has a forever home already picked out for him.

He's in great hands and you're all so wonderful for looking out for our little cat friends.