View Full Version : Anyone heard from Fox-Gal?????

10-07-2004, 12:59 AM
Anyone heard from Fox-Gal?????

After the last hurricane that hit Florida (Jeanne), did anyone hear from her??

10-07-2004, 04:27 AM
When was the last one?

I know I was talking to her on MSN a few days ago and she was very busy cleaning up after the hurricane and I think she said there weren't any pets lost/harmed this time.

10-07-2004, 05:42 AM
Well Thats' Good News...
I was wondering how she was....
The Last Hurricane was Jeanne...Hit 2 Sat. ago....This Sat. will be our 2 week Anniversary of The B----!!!
We Don't know what to do with ourselves on Sat. Nights anymore..!!!!!!!!

10-07-2004, 11:47 AM
Thanks captain for wondering about me. I'm still around, just haven't had the time or energy to spend on PT. I've lurked around a couple of times, but thats about it, maybe I should have said something, but didn't think my absents was noticed. We where without power and water for 9 day, so that made it a little hard to get online also. lol

Anyway, we made it through Jeanne, the pets and us. The rest of the place didn't do as well. We lost the roof of our shop, two sheds, the side wall of the house, the screen porch and water damage to the master bath, our bedroom and the kitchen. Then once the power was turned back on we found that a water pipe broke under the house causing more damage. Then to top it off I checked our storge unit, where Pauls have a lot of his mother things, only to find out that the roof came off that place too. So there's another problem to deal with.

We now have to replace the bathroom floor, bedroom floor, kitchen floor, one outside wall, the roof of the shop, the porch, and then figure out how to get all the damage items from the two sheds out of here. And of course all the tree's that where losted need to be cleaned up...........and then on to the storage unit to clear out.

Here's some examples of of the jops we have ahead of us.
Our one shed that decided it needed to go into the roof of the other shed. A two for one deal. :rolleyes:

Just one of our many damange trees. Cannilla seem to like it :confused:

And one part of the roof gone to Paul's shop.

There's other, but I wont bore you with the mess. I do have some amazing picture of our night in the hurricane spent on the lake, that I might post later. It's amazing what a hurricane can make a small normally calm lake change into.

10-07-2004, 12:34 PM
Libby, I know Valerie and I have worried about you for a while now. This past weekend we were talking about you wondering how you guys faired the storm.

I'm so sorry you've gotten so much damage. I sure hope this is the last hurricane for a while. They're too damned stressful.

10-07-2004, 12:47 PM
Libby, sorry you had such a rough time of it. Hopefully things will start looking up for you soon.


10-08-2004, 05:07 AM
There are Many of us that Have been Asking/Posting about your welfare....We have been Very Worried about you!!!
So Sorry about the damage to your Home and Outbuildings...
At Least You,Your Husband and your Pets are Safe!!!

I hope that Fl. is Done with Hurricanes for Awhile!!!!
Nobody can Take Anymore!!!!

Please let keep us updated!!