View Full Version : my first cell phone :D

10-06-2004, 09:29 PM
my dad needed a flip phone type cell because his old one was not compatiable with his hearing aid. anyway so for my birthday(at the end of the month) my dad gave me an early birthday present! a cell phone! its his old one, but it is not actually that old lol it just was not compatiable with his hearing aid. so I get my first cell phone! and I am included in his plan, and he is paying the minuts for me for the next 3 years! :D he siad I have unlimited time on weekends, and calling him is free, but on weekdays I have to use sparingly. its a Nokia 3595 and is really neat lol I have been playing around with it since I got home(my dad gave it to me, when he picked me up from dancing :p) and really sucking at the games on it ;) lol

10-06-2004, 11:11 PM
cell phones are great! yours has games? I'm so jealous!!!

I have my dad's old cell phone too - it's years old though. I'd really love one of those ones that takes pictures!

PJ's Mom
10-06-2004, 11:14 PM
I have a Samsung E715. it takes pictures and does a bunch of other stuff. it's a really cool phone, but taking pictures with one isn't all it's cracked up to be. ;)

Congrats on the new cell! :D

10-07-2004, 12:07 AM
I love my cell phone, I have a T226 Sony Erricsson. Now I don't know what I did without mine before!

Glad you got you one too!


10-07-2004, 07:21 AM
Be careful through the week! Those minutes add up fast!

10-07-2004, 11:14 AM
CONGRADULATIONS on getting cell phone :)
Here in Iceland EVERY one has them LOL :D I have Sony Ericsson T310. And this is my 3rd cell phone LOL :D

10-07-2004, 03:17 PM
We have cell phones galore in our house, hubby fixes them up at work and we get them free, I have a really cute silver one, Samsung cdma 2000 its so small, believe it or not it had been left out in the rain for few days, and it has dropped out of my useless handbag cell phone holder heaps of times from a height as well, and it still works like a dream, highly recommend it, it retailed a few mths back at 500 dollars but now you can pick it up for $399, I love that mine was FREE.

My young daughter has the best one, it has a camera, which takes excellent photos it's a Hyundai TX95c, she worked hard for it,on her paper round, and put all her birthday money from all the family, sold some old toys and hey presto, one kewl phone.

I actually think a cell phone is a necessity today, especially for young people, I feel better knowing I can always contact my daughter need be.

Between mobile phones lying around and remotes, I often get confused and pick up a phone to change the TV channel, lol.

10-07-2004, 04:09 PM

I got a Virgin Mobile flip phone for my birthday last year as a gift from my grandma. My mom likes me having it so she can contact me if she needs to.