View Full Version : Would you mind living alone?

10-05-2004, 05:10 PM
First of all I know that many of you do. This question came to mind as my daughter and I were discussing something that my son said. He commented that he would never want to live alone. What are your thoughts? I think I could probably be OK as long as I had my pets - my dogs in particular because they at least seem to listen to me when I speak to them and I am a person that just has to talk! LOL! The cats sort of yawn. :) Anyway, it's just a silly poll, so vote what you think. :)

10-05-2004, 05:14 PM
I've been living alone for 10 years now and I LOVE IT!! I would not change a thing. My cats are all I need right now. :)

Edit: actually on second thought it's been 14 years....

10-05-2004, 05:14 PM
I think I could handle it as long as I had a dog (or 2), I think i would miss talking to people though. It seems like it would be kind of lonely.

10-05-2004, 05:17 PM
I think I *could* live alone alone , easy enough as long as I got out lots. I don't think I ever *would* live alone though, unless I had pets. I plan on getting maried though...I think lol. If not, I'll handle it fine though.

10-05-2004, 05:18 PM
I've lived alone for the past 6 years (ever since I left for college). I don't really mind it, but I am MUCH happier now that my boyfriend lives 5 minutes away and I spend most of my time with him now.

10-05-2004, 05:22 PM
I would love to live alone just with my pets. That's what I plan to do as soon as I can afford to move out. :p

10-05-2004, 05:23 PM
I really enjoy living alone, I have lots of friends to call if I get lonely or bored and and kitties as well. I don't think I could ever go back to having a roommate.

10-05-2004, 05:37 PM
I like being married, BUT... there are time when I really do miss living alone. I miss doing whatever I want, whenever I want. I really enjoy it when Michael's out of town, and he enjoys his time when I'm gone, too.

If anything were to happen and we split up or he (God forbid) died, I don't see myself marrying again or living with anyone. I think I would just enjoy being with myself. :)

PJ's Mom
10-05-2004, 05:38 PM
I would love to live alone. :(

10-05-2004, 05:38 PM
I think i'd do okay as long as I had my dogs.

10-05-2004, 05:46 PM
I could never ever live alone. :p I already hate going to camps ect. lol

10-05-2004, 05:48 PM
Hmmm.....not sure. If I spent most of my day outside and got enough socialization with other people, then MAYBE, I could live alone.......IF I had pets. I don't think I'd *like* to live alone though. Sometimes, I need someone to talk to. Sometimes I need a shoulder to cry on. I know that with the internet now, I could always log onto PT and talk to my PT friends ;), but its not the same as having someone with you in person. I can't see myself ever living alone and being happy. I live with my parents and brother now, and in the future, hopefully I'll get married and live with my husband/future kids. I just don't think I'm the type of person who could LIVE alone. I do enjoy my *alone time* when my family goes out, and I could probably handle a few days alone and enjoy it, but to *live* alone, always, is something I doubt I could handle. I NEED people. I would probably lose my mind if I was all alone for life,.....even if I had pets. I love it when my family goes out and I get to be alone during the day, but when night falls, I need them back. :p

10-05-2004, 06:04 PM
At this point in my life, I'd probably have trouble living with somebody. I'm so use to doing my own thing, I'd have a lot of adjusting to do. I have friends and family to talk to, so I never feel lonely. I don't think I'd be able to live alone without having dogs though. I love having something else alive in the house that responds to me when I'm talking to them. Otherwise I'd feel awfully nutty, sitting there just talking to myself. :) Also, my imagination would get the best of me, I think. I have a fear of waking up, with somebody standing over me. So I rely on Oz and Gully to sound the alarm (Murph'd sleep through a hurricane :)). With them around, I never have that fear at all. I'm actually probably safer with them then a husband. Friends of my sister, both slept through somebody breaking into their home. They're just lucky all they wanted was material goods. Think they went out and got a dog after that. :)


10-05-2004, 06:10 PM
Originally posted by ParNone
Also, my imagination would get the best of me, I think. I have a fear of waking up, with somebody standing over me.

Yeah, me too! :eek:

Have you ever seen that eppisode of CSI where the woman wakes up during a storm and thinks she hears something? Then she lays back down relieved when she realizes its a branch scraping the window. Then there's a flash of lightening and you see a man in a hoody standing there over her! :eek:!!!!! Scariest thing I think I've ever seen!

10-05-2004, 06:22 PM
Oh gosh yes, that scared the bejabbers out of me. There's a whole slew of shows, I'd have to give up watching, if I didn't have dogs. Any of the crime dramas, like CSI or Law and Order SVU. American Justice, Investigative Reports and City Confidential over on A&E. Perfect Crimes and Conspiracy over on the History channel. X-files. Anything that's even remotely scary would be off the list.


10-05-2004, 06:25 PM
I've been living alone (with no other HUMAN person) for quite some time now. As long as I have my furkids, I'm happy as a clam.

10-05-2004, 06:37 PM
Well, I'm used to living alone. Ever since my dad passed away, 4 years ago.I have Nikki & Daisy for company and my brothers come over to help out. I'm an old bachelor, but wouldn't mind a human companion.

10-05-2004, 06:40 PM
I would HATE it so much, I have lived alone for nearly ten years and hated every minute of it, recently My husband and daughter went away overnight and my son was out, and it was the first time in over ten years we had been apart, it was so scarey , I hardly slept a wink, and I missed them terribly., I was fortunate both Lexie and Ash kept me company, both sitting a few lengths apart from each other on the couch with me, it was like they knew, so cute.

Sometimes I think oh peace and quiet would be nice, and just being able to please yourself, and not have to worry about anyone else might be nice, but only for a second, I NEVER want to live alone again.

10-05-2004, 06:41 PM
Originally posted by moosmom
I've been living alone (with no other HUMAN person) for quite some time now. As long as I have my furkids, I'm happy as a clam. Donna, my opinion, exactly! LOL LOL

10-05-2004, 06:45 PM
I think David both you and Donna are kidding yourselfs,secretly you would both love a companion, it just has to be the right one, When are you two EVER going to meet. Carole raises her bow and arrow and sends some cupid arrows your way lol.

Ally Cat's Mommy
10-05-2004, 07:54 PM
I love having time to myself, so I think that IF anything ever happened that I was without a partner, I would be happy by myself.

10-05-2004, 07:56 PM
Now that I am single, I must
say I can survive living alone with my pets.

Now If given the choice, I would rather have a good loving human and my pets living with me. :D

10-05-2004, 07:59 PM
I'm not sure how'd I'd do on my own. I think I'd be okay with it I guess... I'd have to have my kitties with me though! :) I guess I might like having time to myself.

Samantha Puppy
10-05-2004, 08:08 PM
Nope. Went from living with my parents to living with my husband. When he works late or meets friends after work, I am miserable being home alone OR I invite a friend or my parents up for the evening so I won't be alone. Don't like it, not one little bit.

10-05-2004, 08:34 PM
I don't think so. I love being married, having a companion to share with, eat dinner with, and spend time with. And although, I would be thankful if it ever happens, I am thankful not having kids at this point. I like having my pets (who don't talk back). ;)

10-05-2004, 09:09 PM
No way in a million years! there are mabny times where I have the day to myself and usually by dinnertime I'm bored out of my mind and am waiting for everyone to come home and entertain me! :D

But then again I work from home, so I hardly get the interaction I'd get from working in an office or busy company.

10-05-2004, 09:12 PM
I know I could live alone. I'm fairly anti social & I grew up alone. But I know I'll never be alone again, I have Rob. & when Rob's not home I have Axle, & he should be around for a good 30 years :)

10-05-2004, 09:35 PM
I would LOVE to have the opportunity to live alone. I have never lived alone in my life.

I went from living with my parents, directly to living with a roommate in college for a little while, to living with my boyfriend, then we had our son. For a while my niece and her boyfriend lived with us as well.

My son is now thirteen years old, and I am SO looking forward to eventually being able to live ALONE. The other day my boyfriend said, "You know, it's kind of stupid that we are both making house payments on houses two blocks apart." I just stared at him and said, "Don't EVEN dream of it." Living with one other person is stressful enough, no way someone else is moving into my house!

10-05-2004, 10:21 PM
I really didn't mind living alone for a lot of years. Of course I had Helen with me most of the time, but in the summers, she was gone most of the time, and it never bothered me to be by myself. I think that it was a very positive experience for me (10 years), and I was very content. Then, along came Scott, who swept me off my feet and life changed dramatically!! :) For the better, I might add!!

10-05-2004, 10:32 PM
I lived alone for years. I moved out of my parents' house when I was 17 and was on my own until I got married at 26. I loved it. I never had a roommate. Didn't even have a fur kid til I was 24, bought my first condo and immediately got Glacier.

Even now, I still enjoy it when hubby goes away for awhile.

10-05-2004, 11:10 PM
I lived alone off and on for many years. I had my son 15 years ago....so I haven't been, and won't be alone again for a few more years. Living alone or with someone, either way is fine by me. I enjoy my private time a lot.

Desert Arabian
10-05-2004, 11:17 PM
Nope, I have no problem with it at all. I have many a times dreamt of living in Montana at the foothill of the mountains on my small hobby farm full of horses, mules, dogs, cats, and other critters.

I suppose it would get a little boring now and then and the need for "second hands" during projects would make me regret it now and then.

Other than that, I think I could deal with it.

10-05-2004, 11:38 PM
I'd love to live alone as long as I had my furkids with me. Unfortunately I can't because I need to have a roommate because the cost of living is so high here but that's my dream to some day live alone with my furry kids.:)

10-06-2004, 01:27 AM
Originally posted by ComedyDevil
I would love to live alone just with my pets. That's what I plan to do as soon as I can afford to move out. :p

Same with me :)

10-06-2004, 01:39 AM
Originally posted by YellowLabLover
Nope, I have no problem with it at all. I have many a times dreamt of living in Montana at the foothill of the mountains on my small hobby farm full of horses, mules, dogs, cats, and other critters.
YLL: if you ever need volunteers to help you, count me in. :) :) I'll sleep in the barn with the horses.

10-06-2004, 08:32 AM
Are you kidding?? I trying to kick my hubby out so the dogs and I can have the house to ourselves!!!:D

I would LOVE it!

10-06-2004, 10:15 AM
Nope! I like having someone live with me. I would go crazy without another person not living with me.

10-06-2004, 10:21 AM
Ive lived alone, and at the time I kind of liked it, but it did get really lonely at times. But ever since I moved in with my husband I don't think I could handle it. His presence is something Ive grown very acustomed to (He says the same thing :) ) Im one of those people that likes to just have someone there, even if they aren't talking to me or anything. Has to be the right person though, anyone else drives me nuts lol

Edwina's Secretary
10-06-2004, 11:01 AM
I lived alone for 20 years....from the time I graduated college until Don. No pets.... just me. It was a very difficult adjustment for me to share my space with someone. The last few months, when Don has been in SoCal except for every other weekend, I reverted. Now.... back to sharing my space!

10-06-2004, 11:30 AM
What a question! I just turned 50 and have never lived alone. Although I am a loner by nature, I moved from family to college to marriage and have known my husband since I was fifteen. It is hard to imagine a life without him since I miss him terribly when we are apart for even one day!! But should that awful day ever come, I know that with God's help I would manage BUT I would have to have my kitties. They are my loves and companions and I never want to be without kitties!!

10-06-2004, 12:24 PM
I live by myself and love it. Now, if I didn't have my cats, I would be nuts; well nuttier anyway!;)

10-06-2004, 12:39 PM
I voted "No, I already do and am fine with it." That's how I feel overall but there I times when I feel lonely and I miss human contact.

I go to my parents house once a week and I see Andy on the weekends.

10-06-2004, 02:12 PM
I feel very strange at the moment - Don and I have been wed for 34 years - he's often had to work away and when the girls were small I found it harder - not being able to drive.

But he went to China 5 weeks ago and was due home today - he knew after 4 days there - this return was never going to happen and told me straightaway. The job is HUGE and has been vastly undertimed.

So at present he should return home - hopefully - the first week in December!! Course I miss him - but it gives me lots of lovely time to do MY thing.
I do hate going to bed alone - listening to night noises on my own spooks me. :eek: :eek:


10-06-2004, 04:13 PM
I enjoy living on my own very much. Notice I didn't say alone
because with animal companions I never feel alone.:) I love
answering only to myself. Friends and family are a phone call away if I feel like talking to someone.

Cinder & Smoke
10-07-2004, 10:45 AM

"WE" don't *live alone* ~

We gotz DAD! :D

An iffin HE seemz *lonelee* - we load him up an take him
to a PT Gathurin!


10-07-2004, 10:56 AM
I miss living alone a lot!

I have been in all kinds of living situations the past 6 years (dorm rooms, sorority house, shared an off-campus apt. with three other girls, lived alone without pets, lived alone with pets, and living currently with my boyfriend). I loved being alone. There's nothing like it! You can pay all your bills on time, you always know where you are in terms of money. No one else's mess to clean up, no one's dog to chew up your favorite Italian leather sandals ( :mad: ), no one to bounce a check they wrote you for the water/rent/cable whatever. No one to come home drunk and wake you up by smoking cigarettes in the hallway and being loud. No one to be in your face all the time, when they're sick, mad, or annoying the crap out of you. No one to fight back with you when you're in a bad mood. No one to leave hair in the drain. No one to "borrow" your clothes without asking and never return them. I could go on! I have had my share of roommates! I'm done living with girls. I like living with my boyfriend, of course, but I do miss being on my own sometimes.

10-07-2004, 11:27 AM
I'm really very independent in nature and lived alone for many of the years I was single (until age 30), but getting older seems to have changed all that. On the other hand, I like things how I like them, and there are many personal traits that I would find hard to live with. [There is a level of clutter that I would find more than I could handle. I like peace and quiet as opposed to lots of entertaining, people coming and going, etc.]

Unfortunately at the age I and my husband are at, I have had to think about the possibility of what I would do if something would happen to him. In a perfect world, one of you PT people and your pets would come to live with me!;)

10-07-2004, 12:30 PM
Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke

"WE" don't *live alone* ~

We gotz DAD! :D

An iffin HE seemz *lonelee* - we load him up an take him
to a PT Gathurin!


He he he Cinder and Smoke - don't you dawgies go forgetting Bootz!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: No ones ever lonely with a pusscat to cuddle with xxxx


10-07-2004, 12:39 PM
I've lived on my own since my son left home which was in ... let me see ... August '86 - 18 years ago. Human companionship I have hardly missed at all, but to live without a canine and/or cat companion? Now that would indeed make my life a lonely one!!


10-07-2004, 01:11 PM
I am 52yrs young. I have a 27 yr.old daughter not living with me. I own my own home for 11 years.(alone). I rent out one room for extra help with bills. I have been married twice, divorced twice. Very bad both times. i have had a long relationship for 7 yrs. fizzle out because he cheated on me. I have my new pet/companion Chica, I love very much. I am off the market as far as dating is concerned. I don't want any more men in my life. The ones I have had were self centered, cheaters, liers. I don't need or want that again. I am doing just fine. I am happy. I have a lot of self asteem!! I always have. I am a pretty woman. That is not my problem. I don't like men trying to manipulate me. I have a strong mind. If the relationship can't be 50/50 and good, I don't want it.PERIOD!!!!:cool: :D :)

10-08-2004, 12:28 AM
I went from living with my parents to buying my own house. I lived completely alone from June to Sept when I woke up one day and it hit me that I had thought about getting a dog and if I wanted one I had better go and get one! And I haven't been 'alone' ever since. Other then when Shaianne had a stay overnite at the vet, pre Kylie. Since then, I have had Kylie with me.

I can't imagine doing it any other way. My house is small, but it is mine. I have my own yard and a 2 car garage. I don't have to worry about thin walls and my neighbors hearing me thru them (not that I do anything for them to hear but still) :p
If I want to stay up until 5 in the morning I don't have to worry about my neighbors hearing my TV. etc.
At this point I can't imagine living with a human. Who knows what the future will bring?!

guster girl
10-08-2004, 01:28 PM
I lived alone for six months, and, can't wait to do it again! I'm in a house with a roommate right now and really hope to get my own apartment soon. I don't think I'd wanna do it without a pet, though.