View Full Version : im feeling so unhappy..

10-05-2004, 03:42 PM
Im starting to really feel unhappy living here,In houston texas.I just dont feel at home here,ecpecially at school,I have friends,but none that are close,and i just dont fit in at school,you know what i mean?It seems like when i lived in New Orleans when i was younger,i never fit in there either.But in Canada and Germany i made so many really close friends,and i felt so happy when i was living in those two places.But in the U.S,i dont seem to feel at home,i dont know why.Anywhere i go in the U.S i dont feel really comfortable as i did in Canada and Germany.
I just hope i dont get depression,b/c i felt like i wanted to cry all day,i dont know,i just dont feel happy.But im so happy that i have a wonderful family and pets to come home to and i have them with me.and i talk to my brother everyweek.(he's in college).Even my brother didnt fit in here,its so weird?
but on the good side,we might be moving to Kelowna B.C,next summer,so im really looking forward to that,and me and my mom might go look for houses on Thanksgiving break.and ill be closer to family,and close friends.:)
sorry but i had to ramble on about this to get it out of my head.

10-05-2004, 03:56 PM
we might be moving to Kelowna B.C,next summer
Sammy, Ashley and I only live 5 hours drive from Kelowna and Jordan and Jynnelle live around there too. You'd be able to make a few of the Pet Talk meetings and that would be great. :) Sometimes when I feel sad I log on to Pet Talk and read other people's stories and it makes me feel better. I know it's hard when you feel that you don't fit in but hang in there. We are here for you along with your family and furry ones.

10-05-2004, 04:49 PM
Were you born in the US Sammy? Where have you spent the most time, growing up? I know that my heart lies closet to those places where I grew up...my "roots." I've traveled all around the country, but feel most comfortable in the northeast, where I've spent my entire life. It sounds like you've moved around a lot during your young life and that's always difficult:( Hang in there and try to make the best of it. As you say, you're surrounded by a lot of human and furry love:) And moving back to Canada, a place you love, just might be in your near future:) And of course, we're always here for you:)

10-05-2004, 05:57 PM
thanks so much!!:) I was born in Canada,but only lived there for 5 years of my life(im 14 now),but i go there every summer.I have moved around quite a bit.
*I was born in Kitimat,B.C,and when i was 2 i moved to New Orleans
*5 years later,i moved back to Kitimat for 3 years
*3 years later,i moved to houston,texas
*after about a year and a half,i moved to Germany for 6 months
*then i moved back here,and ive been here ever since.

I hope that we go move to Kelowna,its a beautiful place,and i love it there:D

10-05-2004, 06:46 PM
Sammy. good luck in everything you do, I am sure things will get better soon....I wish you much luck in finding your place in this world and I am sure you will soon, I know what you mean about feeling like you don't fit in, I too feel that way at times and I am 41 years old...my biggest thing is finding the right job for me, I still haven't found that yet :( Oh well, the good news is I feel as if I am very close to finding it !!!!!!!!!
Good Luck sweetie

10-05-2004, 08:13 PM
thanks!!:D im glad i have some people to talk to,you guys make me feel so much better!:)

10-05-2004, 08:18 PM
That must be really hard. I havent moved at all. I go up to Canada in the summer though. I know what you mean about not fitting into that school. I feel like I dont fit into mine either. I hope everything works out for you soon. Pm me if you ever need to.:)

10-05-2004, 09:29 PM
Hope u get to come back to Canada :)

I like it here, I find alot of strangers r really nice. I've never been to BC, but I chat with a bunch of girls there & they r all fun to chat with :D

Out east r the friendlies people going!!, esp in NFLD!! I went there with the scouts & we were taking photos of iceburgs in July & we were standing on the road. These people saw us & said we could go on their land & take better photos. It was awesome. & these people shared their clams with us (I refused, I don't touch seafood, personal reasons), but my friends tried it & they all gaged & spat it out, running around like turds, & the people didn't get offended, they thought it was funny & knew we wouldn't like them.

& I made some friends there & got a silly nickname & was awarded a roll of toilet paper (long story!!!)

10-08-2004, 03:46 PM
Originally posted by sammy101
but on the good side,we might be moving to Kelowna B.C,next summer

AHHH!!!! :D I live in Kelowna! :D I hope you move here, that would be so awesome! Jynnelle (tikeyas_mom) lives here too. :D

10-08-2004, 04:26 PM
awesome!:D we wont know for sure for a while yet,but hopefully we do:)
thanks for all your posts!:)

10-08-2004, 04:29 PM
When you find out if you are moving here, let me know. We could hang out and be friends. :D Jynnelle and I both met on PT, and now we're best friends! :D

10-08-2004, 04:35 PM
lol! im excited now!thne we could have our own little PeT talk meetings and stuff..haha!that would be fun.:D