View Full Version : Flea Collars? New Addition to family.

10-05-2004, 08:21 AM
I brought our new sweety "Joany" home last night for the first time from the vet. We did notice her scatching a few times - not much. Is this a good indication of fleas? Would you guys use a flea collar? She has such short hair and seems really clean. I asked the vet if they checked her for fleas and ear mites and the lady up front said they normally do a little lookover - but that was all she said. I should have insisted on talking to the doctor but it was lightning real bad out and I just wanted to get her home. She went exploring right away. By the way she is 2 years and four months old according to the vet.... :) :) She is soooo tiny! Only about 7 pds. She ate a whole lot last night. Debbie

10-05-2004, 08:44 AM
We always use Frontline, Advantage, etc. NEVER the stuff from the supermarmet (like Hartz) since some cats have had severe reactions to it (including death! :eek: ) Its a bit pricey, about $10 a month, but worth it because its really keeps the fleas away.

The vet really should have checked for fleas, but what they shold have done and what they did are two different things! The clinic I use has two doctors. The opne ALWAYS checks, and the other can't seem to be bothered. I asked once if Allen had fleas and he was "eh, I don't see any." Sure enough the next day the poor boy was covered n them.

If I haven't already said it, Congratulations on the new kitty! You're sure to have lots of fun and gets lots of love from her.

10-05-2004, 08:48 AM
I would get the Ova Collar,from the Vet,as we have found that,to be about,the best,and safest collar,out there!

10-05-2004, 09:33 AM
Thank you both. I finnlly found the "search" feature here and have been searching all the previous threads too. I'm not sure she needs it or not. I called the vet again and they said they did not check for ear mites but will when I bring her in to get her stiches out in ten days. She asked if I saw any fleas on her but I really didn't look real close as she just had surgery and I was hoping she would rest and get used to us. I'm glad you mentioned not to use the supermarket Hartz stuff - I didn't know it was dangerous. I'll look into Advantage or Front line. Debbie