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View Full Version : Please wish my friend good luck during his surgery..warning, gross content!!!

10-04-2004, 11:13 PM
My poor friend. I just shiver when I think about it.
>>I'm gonna talk about whats wrong with him, its gross, so scroll at own risk!!!!

I was talking to my friend while eating my lunch at work, a couple of days ago. I noticed he was filling his schedual out & he had 2 weeks off being sick. I asked how can u know ur gonna be sick for 2 weeks??

He said didn't I tell u?? no. So heres what he told me.

I have *something* Herneia (sp). Oh I know what that is, its when ur intestine pops out & bulges ur belly. He siad right but this is different & worse.

This one is when ur small intestine pops into ur testicles. He said it makes a 3rd buldge down there & is quite sore, while sitting (hes not a small guy).

He said it could take 3 months to get the surgery, but the dr. had a cancelation & told him its his if he wants it. So he getting it done on the 5th!!!

I wont see him for 2 weeks, but I hope he pops in to tell us how hes doing. I've known him for almost 3 years now & he's helped me with alot of medical things.

He is not religious so Wishing him luck is best :)

10-04-2004, 11:22 PM
I never heard anything like that before. Hernia's yes, but not this.
It's a wonder the poor guy can even sit down. OUCHY!

I wish your friend the best of luck on his sugery and hope he has a full and speedy recovery.

10-04-2004, 11:29 PM
So do I. I want him to stop talking about he can't fooling around with his boyfriend. Hes just so upset about it & I know his b/f is upset too.

Atleast he has someone to baby him through this. his b/f is taking 2 weeks off as well to make sure he ok & gets fed & so on. He's lucky he has someone who loves him this much, hes gonna need it...

I still shiver when I'm typing this.. the pain, ouchy!

10-05-2004, 01:27 AM
Kingrattus, I wish your friend all o the luck in the world. Having gone through surgery myself, I know the the pain, and discomfort will be tough on him. So I'm that he has you to help him through.