View Full Version : Msyty

10-04-2004, 08:20 PM
Hi everyone

Msyts is home. She is such a little doll baby. Belive it or not we have not had any problems with the other furbabies. Oscar is the least friendly but we have had no hissing,. She actually tried to nurse Oscar. Taz is just so taken in with her. She follows her around and has even tried to play with her. Scarrpy has actully played with her. they have chased each other around. It is so cute. Toniight I'm going to let Taz and her sleep together. It will be ok the only kitty has done the holloween kitty is Msyty. I think it is because the other are so much bigger. Taz and Scarppy seams to like her. It is going to take Oscar a little more time. Right now she is on the computer desk looking to get into trouble. Thanks for such a cute little fur baby.:) :) :) :) :) :)

This is way to cooll. She is napping on my shoulder as I sit here and pay bills. Great joy. She suggles into my hair and purrs so queitly. :) :) :) :) :D

10-04-2004, 08:32 PM
WOW! It sounds like things are going great very quickly. Thats wonderful news and I'm sure they will all be friends in no time! It's a wonderful start!:D :D :D

10-04-2004, 08:39 PM
What a wonderful start! Congratulations, Mysty, on landing in a wonderful PetTalk home!

10-04-2004, 08:49 PM
Oh Carol, what great news how well Mysty is doing in such a short time. I can't wait to hear more about it and especially to see pictures.:)

10-04-2004, 09:08 PM
:eek: :eek: :eek:
Amazing!!! Here I've had mine for 24 hours and all I've had are hateful hissing and blows, plus a few swats from Jazz and Scout hissed and acted ugly through the window.:( I wished mine were so open to new kittens. Oh yeah, Ripley tried to spray their litterbox.

That's great Carol. Congrats on your new adorable baby. I think she has such a cute little spunky face.

10-04-2004, 10:05 PM
Wonderful news, Carol ... you are extremely lucky! Things will settle down for Lori and her babies soon too! Can't wait for pics of Mysty and her new siblings and catmom!!!:D

10-04-2004, 10:24 PM
Lucky you! I'm thrilled the introductions went well. She made herself right at home right away!

10-04-2004, 10:45 PM
Looking forward to hearing more kitten stories!!:D
She sounds adorable!

10-04-2004, 11:25 PM
I'm so glad to hear that the introductions have gone well. I'm also looking forward to pictures and more stories about her.:)

10-05-2004, 01:15 AM
Congrats on the new arrival. I saw her pics, BEAUTIFUL! She was so lucky to get such a loving home. I look forward to seeing more pics of her, and many stories! *kisses to your cats* for being so welcoming and kind to the new furbaby Mysty! Good luck and again, CONGRATS!:D

10-05-2004, 02:09 AM
Here is Mysty on the ride home drom Tennessee. Of the three kittens, she is the quietest and has the sweetest disposition - very calm and laid back. Here she as relaxing in the hammock.
Carol came over after work to pick her up - but first cuddled all three siblings.
Here is her sweet baby!
Isn't she adorable looking at Meowmie?
I think they look pretty happy with one another:)
:D :D Home to her three sibling - persian sisters and brother!!

10-05-2004, 04:55 AM
Carole - I'm so pleased the beautiful Mysty is home and settling in - aw how sweet wanting to nurse with Oscar.

Thanks for the lovely pics., Dedbbie.

Hasn't this been a sweet saga - five furry babies re-homed in one weekend! WOW!


10-05-2004, 05:16 AM
YEAH! I'm glad they accepted Mysty so quickly! I'm surprised Oscar is the one who is being the least friendly- we figured it would be Scrappy! Just when you think you got them figured out, they go and change on you!

10-05-2004, 07:35 AM
What beautiful pictures, Carole you must be thrilled! Mysty is a real sweetheart of a kitty, so I am not surprised she has just fit right in!;)

10-05-2004, 09:00 AM
That is Great News,taht they,are becoming Such Fast Friends,I always,worry about that when A New Cat,comes here,but as in your case,they are Pals,and get along very well!

10-05-2004, 10:03 AM
What great pictures Debbie. Mysty has such a sweet face and I bet Carol will be so happy with that little cutie.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
10-05-2004, 10:51 AM
Wow, sounds like she's making herself right at home. :D I'm so glad to hear the others have taken to her so well and it's good that the others want to play with her, she's going to need play buddies and if the others didn't play....well....I'd just have to suggest another kitten as a playmate for her.;)

Thanks for the pics Debbie. She is adorable and looks like a little sweetie. :D

10-05-2004, 11:27 AM
Isn't she just a dollbaby?? On the trip home, I rotated all three babies - holding one at a time while two stayed in the cage. Mysty played so contentedly and always snuggled right in under my chin:) While my two have the almond eyes of their mama, Mysty's are round and a brilliant blue that look so pretty with her peach and grey dilute coloring. What a sweety you have there Carol! I am thrilled that your crew has been so welcoming of her:D Don't fret about "Oscarette" being nursed - it is just a sweet comforting gesture and if soothes Mysty - all the better! Men can nurture too:)
So happy that you are enjoying that baby - typing at your computer with a kitten snuggled on your shoulder sounds heavenly:D