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10-04-2004, 06:59 PM
Lurcher's Houdini routine

A dog has been breaking out of his kennel at Battersea Dogs' Home and releasing his pals for midnight feasts.

The lurcher, called Red, learnt to free himself and his companions to carry out night raids on the kitchen at the animal shelter in south London.

His escapades came to light when staff set up cameras to discover how the dogs came to be running amok when they arrived in the mornings.

Video pictures showed Red escaping and opening the bolts on the other dogs' kennels. His kennel has now been made more secure.

Becky Blackmore, of Battersea Dog's Home, told GMTV: "It is really amazing because lurchers aren't particularly renowned for their intelligence.

"It is amazing that he has worked out how to get out of his own kennel but then also that he goes and lets all his friends out.

"They had lots of food, lots of fun and games and caused loads of mess."


That's one smart lurcher!!