View Full Version : Ergh!!

10-04-2004, 05:29 PM
Im so mad right now.

Here's the story, In 4th hour today (Last period) i was carrying around my binder, which has a whole bunch of pictures on it, front and back. Mostly the front is just pictures of family/friends, then on the back is this HUGE section with pictures i took of cami and some more pictures of family/friends. My friend was looking at my binder, and says "Ew. Why the Hell do you have a DOG on your binder?" Uh because i can? I actually said, "Because it's my dog, and I love my dog just as much as i love my family, therefore she gets a space on my binder too." She looked at me like i was physco, but i just smiled, took my binder and went to my seat.

:( :(

10-04-2004, 05:40 PM
Is she still your friend :confused: :D I couldn't stay friends too long with someone who doesn't love animals! :p

10-04-2004, 05:54 PM
Not Cool!!!! I do have a friend that isn't necessary an "animal person", but she still respects the love I have for my pets...that is a true friend!

Who needs someone like that girl!!! Obviously, she has never had the affection, love, and happiness that a pet can bring!

Blessings <><

10-04-2004, 06:20 PM
this girl has nooo taste!!!!! good for you for telling her what for!!

10-04-2004, 06:32 PM
It's her problem for not liking dogs. Then again i probably would have told her off :X lmao -so mean-

10-04-2004, 06:32 PM
I'm glad you stuck up for your your doggie! This girl I know told me to "Make dog food outta Darn" (my favorite pony at the stables) "Use Snowy as a fur coat" and to "Give Taffy to an exterminatior"

Obviously that friendship didn't work out.....:rolleyes:

10-04-2004, 10:11 PM
:eek: Your "friend" said that to you???
How rude. :(

I, too, wouldn't be friends with someone that said that kind of stuff to me. All the friends I have respect the fact that I have 4 dogs and love them like family and would never say something like that to me... (at least not to my face lol)

10-04-2004, 10:17 PM
I was treated the same way for the first few years I had RB Max. Then one of the known bullies (not one of my bullies tho), asked why I draw my dog so much & why I paste him all over my books. I told its because I love my dog, hes my best friend, no matter how stupid I am or how little others think of me, he will always love me.

After that he wouldn't let others bother me about my dog. He even met my dog & like him.. Saddly he only stuck up for me for that & nothing else.. oh well can't have everything hehehe

10-04-2004, 11:49 PM
Good for you !!! You tell em'

Some people are like that, they never have experienced the love of an animal....maybe one day...Until then keep sticking up for your furbabies :D You did good !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
