View Full Version : Sirrahbed! Sirrahned!!

10-04-2004, 05:23 PM
I got up this morning all excited to see pictures of your little ones!! I rushed to PT, opened it up, and NOTHING! Are you guys home? Are the kitties behaving? Did Emily spaz out? I need details and pictures!!
Puuuuuuuuuulllllllllllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeee eeeaaaaaaaaaseeeeeeeeeeeee:confused: :confused: :confused:
I need pictures!

10-04-2004, 05:25 PM
I've been waiting too. I can't stand it, I'm going to have to call to make sure they're home!

Edit: I called and the line was busy so I guess that means they're home.

Debbie and Dennis - we want an update please!

10-04-2004, 05:29 PM
Deb, do we all need to resort to WHINING?

Please, we MUST know what is going on with those precious babies!

10-04-2004, 05:36 PM
Okay, couldn't stand it and called back. Talked to Dennis - he'd just hung up with Missy and they are home safely.

Debbie will post later tonight so now we just have to wait a little longer.

Oh yeah, Carol (Persianmom) was there picking up Mysty so we should be getting an update from her soon too. We better Carol!!

10-05-2004, 09:52 AM
The Found Cats and FEEDER,are waiting too,with bated Tuna Fish Breath!