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View Full Version : do not understand peppers behaviour

10-04-2004, 02:14 PM
hi guys
anyone have any insight to this
my mom lives with me and my 2 cats pepper and dude
My mother had broke her hip and has been in hospital and rehab for over 6 weeks
she could not wait to get home and see pepper and dude
She finally got to come home on thursday
Dude knows her. and is being friendly and licking her hand and happy to have her back
He seemed to know her right off
but pepper is totally ignoring her.. she has been home since thursday and today is monday
I do not understand.... I myself have the suspisicon that she is jealous of mother now that mother is back
Pepper has always been my cat and she thoroughly enjoyed having me
all to herself particularily in the evenings..
Now mother gets much of my attention as I am looking after her while she heals
of course I would not write this theory in stone... as I do not really know
Pepper and my mother have always got along though they were never particularily close
It was mostly only when I was not at home, that she would go sit on mothers knee
anyone have any insight into this
would love some feedback


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
10-04-2004, 02:30 PM
I would have to agree with your theory. Have you been gone since your mother got home? Just curious because you say it was mostly when you were gone that Pepper would sit on your mother's knee. Tubby is like this also. If I'm around, Tubby will always come to me and, for the most part, ignore Terry. But if I'm not around, Terry tells me that Tubby is all over him, bumping on him, climbing on him and wanting pets from him. Tubby is not jealous of Terry, but he is extremely jealous of Peanut, so it is possible for a cat to be jealous. I'm sure Pepper will get back to normal, it might just take a little time.

10-04-2004, 02:38 PM
hi ya
thanks for the feedback
I have been here looking after mother and have not been out much at all.... when i have it has only been for a few hours
Mother is using her walker and I can not leave her for longer periods of time yet
pepper does not go near mother when I am out
I see what your getting at.. If I went out for the whole day or entire evening she might warm up to mother
I like you am hoping she will come round.. I thought by now she would of warmed up to her

you got to love em

10-05-2004, 09:57 AM
You never know,what Cats,are thinking,or what,will set them,off,but your theory,is asound one,as Cats,contrary,to popular belief,do get attached ,to certian people,more than others! Hopefully Pepper ,will change,but Cats are stubborn!