View Full Version : I'm sick of being sick...

10-04-2004, 11:45 AM
I'm sick again, and Im so miserable! I'm going to go nuts. My nose is stuffed up, and my nose is running, and my head hurts so bad. My throat was sore, but not anymore. And going to bed at night is useless, because I either can't sleep or I keep waking up during the night. Ahhh!! Im majorly bored too, and I'm going to take picture of the dogs, so be prepared. hehe

Is anyone else feeling this way?

Pitties are my life
10-04-2004, 12:24 PM
Aw I hope you feel better soon.

PJ's Mom
10-04-2004, 12:54 PM
I haven't been sick in the last 3 years, but I remember how much it sucks. :( feel better soon! :)

10-04-2004, 12:55 PM
I'm sorry that you're sick Amber.

However, I'm sorry but that's as far as my sympathies go--I feel the same way!!!! I've been sick pretty much all summer--never in my life have I looked forward to winter, but I am this year!! No more runny nose, stuffy nose, headaches, cough, sore throat, sneezing, watery eyes and all of that other fun allergy/sinus stuff!!!!

Feel better soon!!!

10-04-2004, 12:58 PM
Aww Amber - wishing you well very soon - feeling poorly is miserable - curl up and have furry cuddles.


10-04-2004, 02:00 PM
Yes, I too am sick of being sick. I was all this weekend (but not too bad, just a runny nose and a bad cough), all last week (the same, bad cough, runny nose and sore throat) and the weekend before, which was the worst. It was slowly getting better but I think because the weather has been quite cool its starting up again..

I'm sorry you're feeling bad:( Elvis and Katie can come snuggle with you :)

10-04-2004, 03:30 PM
*Sniff* *Cough*

Sounds like we have the same thing. I've been sick since last Wednesday and was sick with a similar virus 2 weeks before! Sick of being sick also! ARGH!

10-04-2004, 04:56 PM
Amber sweetie you have my empathy, being sick really does suck, I have been battling with Bronchitis for over a month now, although I feel quite well now, I still have the cough, feel tired and cannot dare get in the cold, its mean't to be spring in NZ, but believe me its not, its cold southerlies, and wet, not much sunshine here yet. I have this every year and find it distressing, and I am sick of it too, I know how you must be feeling, its very depressing.

Just get plenty of rest, and keep warm and drink those fluids, maybe a course of vitamins, or some sort of tonic might help pick you up, maybe you are slightly run-down and that is why you are getting sick so often, take care and let us hope you will be well again and soon and stay that way.:)

10-05-2004, 01:23 PM
whew! glad Im not the only one here.

I feel alot better, but still really blah. My nose is so sore, from blowing, lol and making up 2 days missed school work, is going to oh so fun. :rolleyes:

Everyone else whos sick, get better soon also!

10-05-2004, 06:18 PM
Amber make sure you are using those super soft tissues, the ones with Aloe vera in them, they are so soothing for a very sore nose, and maybe a bit of vaseline around your nose might help, Get well soon !!! and take good care of yourself, I don't envey you having to catch up your schoolwork, I can remember how hard that is, not a task one takes lightly.

10-05-2004, 06:42 PM
Ya'll need to drink ORANGE JUICE!!!

I'm not saying that I never get sick, but as long as I have a glass of OJ every morning, I usually don't get colds.

:D :D :D

Hope you get to feeling better!!!