View Full Version : Bear ransacks kitchen, steals chocolate

10-04-2004, 08:03 AM
First beer....now chocolate? :rolleyes: :eek: :confused: :confused:


Bear ransacks kitchen, steals chocolate
Thursday, September 30, 2004

DENVER, Colorado (Reuters) -- It's a tale of man against nature. A paralyzed man in Aspen, Colorado, lay helplessly in bed for two hours while a black bear known as "Fat Albert" went through his kitchen breaking dishes and looking for a tasty snack.

"I had 4 pounds (2 kg) of chocolate from a ski trip. He ate it all -- it's war," Tom Isaac said, recounting with a sense of humor how the 500-pound (230-kg) bear made himself at home at his house on September 20.

"I could hear things breaking for two hours," he said of the bear's "visit" to his home.

Isaac's bedroom was only about 10 to 15 feet (3-5 meters) from the kitchen, and he feared the bear would come in and attack him.

This time of year bears are busy fattening up before going into hibernation and residents in mountain towns often recount stories of rummaging bears.

In fact, Isaac, who has been paralyzed since a skiing accident in the early 1980s, says his home has been invaded nearly a half dozen times by the bear Aspenites call "Fat Albert."

"The next afternoon the wildlife agents found him sleeping in my dining room," Isaac said.

Isaac, who holds elective office as the Pitkin County assessor, said he does not want to see the bear shot, but he is worried about how the needs of residents can be balanced against the needs of wildlife.

10-04-2004, 08:58 AM
Chocolate?? Must've been a female bear suffering from PMS. :p

PJ's Mom
10-04-2004, 10:36 AM
I thought this said "Bear ransacks kitten!! I was about to get mad. :D

10-04-2004, 11:10 AM
Originally posted by moosmom
Chocolate?? Must've been a female bear suffering from PMS. :p


10-04-2004, 12:56 PM
I'm with the bear...........................4lb of chcolate in the kitchen.................NO!!!..................... ..........in my tummy! :D :D

Tom sounds a lovely man - a definate animal lover - bless him.


10-04-2004, 03:35 PM
I think I'd take the chocolate too! :p