View Full Version : an honest question..

10-03-2004, 10:28 AM
ok if anyone flames me for this or twists my words around etc.. I will delete this thread. this is just something I have been wondering about for a long time, and cant come up with any logical answer too... I will try to phrase this as best I can, but I was having trouble organizing the thoughts in my head, so lets see how I do, writing them down lol

why is it, that in the dog world pur breeding and breeding for show, and appearence standerds holds so much weight, and mutts are often looked down upon, and breeding a mix is a horrable crime etc.... etc..., when in any other animal, cats, horses, sheep, guinea pigs, Rabbits etc.. while they do have shows, and have appearence standerds etc.. noone looks down on mixes, or breeding mixes, and shows hold very little weight, your not looked down on as irrisponsable if you mix breeds etc..

I hope I phrased that right.. just something that has been going through my head for a while now...

10-03-2004, 10:45 AM
Well, there's an overpopulation of dogs all around the world in which millions of them are euthanized each year just because there's not enough homes for them all.

I don't know what you mean by saying "mutts are looked down upon". Do you mean people prefer purebreds to mutts? Purebred dogs were created by man in order to perform specific tasks. Border Collies were bred to herd, Golden Retrievers were bred to retrieve and help with hunting, etc. Responsible breeders try to keep this going, and *most* of them also use their show dogs for what they were bred to do, instead of JUST showing them. Mutts are usually the outcome of accidential breedings, ignorant people who want to have puppies, etc., although some mutts are also bred to do certain things. (EX: Goldendoodle. They're used as Guide Dogs, and they combine the poodle's hypoallergenic coat, and the Golden's personality, willing-ness to please, etc.) Dogs and Cats IMO are the #1 animal overpopulant, which is why so many people here and everywhere are so against bringing puppies into the world if they're not from responsible breeders, such as puppymills or BYB's.

I'm not sure if I answered your original question.. lol.

10-03-2004, 10:49 AM
Look at all of the mixes and mutts killed each day because of people breeding.

It's pretty obvious and you should be able to answer your own question.

10-03-2004, 10:51 AM
see overpopulation is an answer I thought of, of then I thought cats are just as, if not more overpopulated then dogs, but noone cares about mixes etc.. Rabbits are over poplulated as well. I know differnt breeds are for differnt jobs with dogs, but before appearence came into the picture, breeds were mixed all the time in order to better the working ability.

hmm perhaps I should try to rephrase the question. I am not asking why breeding mixes is considered bad, I am asking why dogs are considered differnt from every other animal

10-03-2004, 11:19 AM
I am not a big cat person, so maybe I am wrong, but I think why cat mixes are "flamed" in the same way dogs are is becuase the breeds are less recognizable outside the show world. Most people on the street can recognize and name several dogs breeds...poodles, labs, golden retrivers, etc. But ask those sample people to name cat breeds, and could they? I couldn't!
Cat shows aren't televised the way Westminster is, and do see cat sports on TV, so I think ingeneral the breeds are less recognized.

10-03-2004, 11:24 AM
No one cares about mixes? Have you ever seen the many kittens that PT'er alone rescue, and how PO'd they get at those who do breed their cats?

I care, and many people care. Maybe you just don't pay much attention the cats, since you're more of a dog person.

10-03-2004, 11:26 AM
but I think why cat mixes are "flamed" in the same way dogs are is becuase the breeds are less recognizable outside the show world.

hmm ok, again the question is WHY? lol ummm ok I understand the telivised thing etc etc.. but what I dont get is WHY are the dog stuff all telivised, and given all sorts of special recignition etc.. like.. umm im trying to put this simply.. why are dogs considered different from the other animals I guess the question would be.

lol sorry I think my brain is going into overdrive about this, every answer I am getting, my mind is questioning lol

10-03-2004, 11:28 AM
actually I am a cat and dog person, I have always wanted a cat, but my dad was allergic, and I have to many critters, and dogs that dont like cats.

anyway I am not talking about pettalk, or irrispnsable breeding. I am talking about in general, in real life.

10-03-2004, 01:01 PM
Originally posted by GoldenRetrLuver
Purebred dogs were created by man in order to perform specific tasks. Border Collies were bred to herd, Golden Retrievers were bred to retrieve and help with hunting, etc. Responsible breeders try to keep this going, and *most* of them also use their show dogs for what they were bred to do, instead of JUST showing them.
Sadly, a lot of people that show Border Collies are breeding them to be more mellow so they can be pets, not working dogs. This upsets a lot of working BC people because it isn't what the BC was originally bred for. But I agree with what you're saying.

Cali - To answer your question, I don't know. I do know that the AKC is pretty strict about breed standards and if you breed a dog that isn't AKC quality, it can be looked down upon as a "bad breeding" or "bad quality" or something. For example, Megan is supposed to be a purebred Pom, but she's much larger and longer than the average Pom. She could never be shown in the ring. But she's one of the smartest little dogs I've ever met. :D
Personally, I am very against breeding unless you plan on doing a job with your dogs and selling the pups to working homes. For example, breeding the dogs to herd, hunt, do dog sports, search&rescue, guidedogs, etc... Then the dogs will most likely not end up in shelters and will go to good homes. That's what I call responsible breeding - when you breed for a purpose and you make sure the pups go to good homes. Not breeding just for the heck of it or something. Plus, there are millions of dogs that end up in shelters and get put to sleep just because they couldn't find homes, and most of those dogs come from backyard breeders or accidental breedings. I see a lot more dogs in shelters than I do rabbits.

I don't think I answered your question either. Mostly because I don't really know the answer lol.

10-03-2004, 01:27 PM
The AKC Standard is basically their opinion of what the "perfect" dog for each breed should look like. The dogs are judged on how well they match up to it.

I guess all I can say is that Dog Showing is a HUGE "business". I know there are cat shows, rabbit shows, etc. but I don't think they're as well known as people who show dogs, thus televising it.

10-03-2004, 02:37 PM
This doesn't really answer your question, but in some circles purebreds are looked down on. I get all sorts of hassles about running purebred huskies and siberians in my sled team. Almost nobody runs purebreds anymore and those that do are rarely competitive in races.

Aspen and Misty
10-03-2004, 03:58 PM
If I understand you right, you want to know why when someone breeds a mixed breed dog everyone considers them bad but when someone breeds a mixed breed rabbit or other small animal no one thinks anything of it.

It angers me so much when people think that breeding dog's is bad and should only be handled by profesionals but anyone can breed rabbits, even if they are mixed Breed and this person has never done it.

People like that have not done enough research to have an opionion! Rabbits are over populated, there are hundreds in each state that need homes despretly. If there aren't any in your shelter, look else where. In every state there are abused, neglected and over populated rabbit area looking for good homes for them.

I dunno, this always angers me. Over population isn't always about dog's, sorry to say, but it's not. Other animals need homes to and breeding mixed breeds of them needs to be looked down on just as it is in the dog world.

There are such thing as breeds of rabbits, horses, guinie pigs etc.

There are such things as over population of rabbits, horses, gunie pigs etc.

Mixed breeding and irresponsible breeding shoul not be tolerated with any of the animals.


10-03-2004, 04:27 PM
I understand your question.

There are groups of people that believe breeding mixed breed dogs, breeding done by back yard breeders and puppy mills are very wrong. This board, for the most part, happens to be one of those groups. We are not, sadly, the majority of the dog world, though our numbers are thankfully growing.

There are many groups of people that believe breeding mixed breed dogs, breeding done by back yard breeders and puppy mills is a perfectly fine thing to do. Perhaps you are just not exposed to these people. Be thankful for that.

I know there are also groups of cat and rabbit fanciers that share the same thoughts as both of the above groups. My grandma was in the Persian cat show/breeding world for decades, and her group was just as adamant about mixed breed and unwanted cats as we are about dogs. My neighbors are very much into 4-H and would never dream of breeding any but the purest lines of registered rabbits.

To answer your question about the prominance and recognition of dog breeds vs. cat or rabbit breeds, I'll give my opinion. There is a VAST difference in dog breeds. Compare a chihuahua to an Irish wolfhound, a malamute to a dachshund, etc. Dogs range from 2 pounds to 200 pounds. Dog breeds are much more recognisable than cat or rabbit breeds, and frankly much more interesting to the general public. If one watches a dog show, every breed looks different, there is much more variety. The variance in size, weight and appearance of cats and rabbits is rather minimal.

Also, dogs have truly been "man's best friend" since we lived in caves and hunted wooly mammoths. Dogs were the first domesticated animal, and have served and worked for us for ages untold. I am certainly hoping not to offend the cat and rabbit people here, but frankly, dogs have always held a more important place in man's society over thousands of years than other animals. Only very recently in the history of man, for example, have rabbits become pets, instead of food.

Aspen and Misty
10-03-2004, 07:58 PM
Originally posted by Twisterdog

To answer your question about the prominance and recognition of dog breeds vs. cat or rabbit breeds, I'll give my opinion. There is a VAST difference in dog breeds. Compare a chihuahua to an Irish wolfhound, a malamute to a dachshund, etc. Dogs range from 2 pounds to 200 pounds. Dog breeds are much more recognisable than cat or rabbit breeds, and frankly much more interesting to the general public. If one watches a dog show, every breed looks different, there is much more variety. The variance in size, weight and appearance of cats and rabbits is rather minimal.

It's the same with rabbit breeds though. Take Julian and Jaxom - Julian, A Holland Lop, chunckier, longer coat, down ears
Jaxom, A Mini Rex, Short Coat, Skinner, Up ears

Tottally diffret personliter -
Julian, Kind, Gentle, patient, lazy
Jaxom, Active and stuborn

Although they both weight 5 pounds, you can get bunnys who weigh 2 pound or one who weigh 25 pounds. There are alot more diffrences, I'm just not going to list them all.


10-03-2004, 09:15 PM
I agree completely with Golden, Kay, etc.. I love mixed breed doggies, theyre adorable and many have great personalities, however there is and overpopulation in the world and it is just completely irresponsible to purposely breed mixies, or even poorly bred purebreds, for money (OR for hobby). Generally, most people who do mix breed are therefore very uneducated and ignorant, and pay little attention to breeding healthy, stable litters. I am always mad when I ask people where they got their mixed breed puppy and they answer, from a pet store, or from the people down the street, when *so* many of the mixed puppies at pounds around the country are dying. basically, the only reason anyone should breed is to better the breed of dog, and when you're breeding mixes you aren't doing anything like that. so thats why I'm against it... it also becomes pretty horrible to think of how many people are breeding unwanted litters, after you have voluntered at an animal shelter, and have seen first hand the consequences of the overpopulation in this country.

it's a completely valid question Cali, dont worry :D

10-03-2004, 09:40 PM
I think twisterdog got the answer the closest to answer your question.

10-04-2004, 07:32 PM
Originally posted by Aspen and Misty
It's the same with rabbit breeds though. Take Julian and Jaxom - Julian, A Holland Lop, chunckier, longer coat, down ears
Jaxom, A Mini Rex, Short Coat, Skinner, Up ears

Tottally diffret personliter -
Julian, Kind, Gentle, patient, lazy
Jaxom, Active and stuborn

Although they both weight 5 pounds, you can get bunnys who weigh 2 pound or one who weigh 25 pounds. There are alot more diffrences, I'm just not going to list them all.


Yes, Ashley, to a rabbit fancier those differences are readily apparent and important.

However, cali's question was, why is the general public less concerned/aware about animals other than dogs, when it comes to breeds and breeding. And to the general public a rabbit is a rabbit is a rabbit. You may have a lop or a rex or a dutch rabbit sitting on your lap, and the person who walks by is going to think, "Oh, look! A bunny!" Period.

Whereas, the person who walks by is definately going to notice whether you have a chihuahua peeking out of your handbag, or a Saint Bernard sitting beside you. I wasn't saying there aren't important differences in breeds of rabbits, cats, ferrets, etc. ... I'm just saying that the vast majority of people don't know it.

10-04-2004, 07:41 PM
The breed differences are more exaggerated in dogs than any other common pet species. Yes, there are 2-pound rabbits, and 20-pound rabbits, but there are no 180+pound rabbits. The same goes for cats, gerbils, hamsters - there aren't any 100-pound pet cats around, or guinea pigs the size of a beagle, never mind a GSD!

Everybody knows that there are ponies and horses, but most are confounded when they meet a miniature horse, or simply view them as an oddity. I can think of no other species of pet that has the range of difference in size, weight, height, coat and temperament as dogs do.

Ally Cat's Mommy
10-05-2004, 01:52 AM
Originally posted by Karen

I can think of no other species of pet that has the range of difference in size, weight, height, coat and temperament as dogs do.

I WAS going to jump in here with pics of different breeds from the Cat Of The Year Show in South Africa, but if we are limiting our discussion to the GENERAL PUBLIC I would have to agree with Karen that dogs, at first glance, do have more ditinguishing characteristics than other domestic animals.

I think one cause for concern which I have seen repeatedly on the "Cat Side" is when a potential cat owner askes "what breed should I get" but they have NO intention of showing the cat, and haven't even researched different breeds. Usually they are advised to get a shelter / rescue cat and this save an animal from being PTS.