View Full Version : I should do this again sometime! lol

10-02-2004, 08:47 PM
I took the dogs for a run in the park tonight, I normally dont take them after dark, but they were wired, and I wanted to be able to sleep tonight. anyway at the park there were Rabbits everywhere! and I swear Happy and Misty had a field day! they chased the rabbies in circles all over the park for like 15 minuts, and it tired them out! Happy is now sprawled under a chair sleeping, and Misty....wow, I swear I have never seen that dog worn out before! lol see when playing she has this thing about conserving er energy, she uses about half her energy, then stops to re-energize, however the Rabbits were too exiting apperntly lol because she is sprawled out on the floor lol perky and Blair are easy to tire, they never even ran, they got a 10 minut walk and now that are tired and sleeping lol I will post pics of them in sleepy mode in a minute ;)

10-02-2004, 08:48 PM
Sounds like they had a lot of fun!

Can Snowy join them sometime? She loves rabbits and I would love to be able to sleep through the night without hearing "WOOF WOOF WOOF!" lol

Next time will there be pictures?

10-02-2004, 09:06 PM
lol here is pics of then sleeping after ;) it was to darm outside to get pics of them at the park though.




and Misty:

10-02-2004, 09:19 PM
Awww. What precious babies you have. I simply LOVE Misty. Her coloring is awesome and her persona seems to match up with mine pretty well. :)