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10-02-2004, 07:40 PM
Well, I'm planning on getting a bird *Sort of like a birthday present from my parents*
Either I can get an indian ringneck next week from a breeder we know or I can wait to get a cockatoo next summer. The problem is I'm not sure what to pick, I know a lot about both birds(If I get a cockatoo it will either be a goffins or umbrella maybe even a sulphur crested). I love both types and will be a good responible owner, I'm not worried about the long-term care for them either.
I just can't seem to decide. I'm worried about not being a good cockatoo owner because this will be my first large parrot breed. I've had an indian ringneck before, so I know how to care for them and such, but Mesha was mean*He never let us pet him!* and when I went to see a baby ringneck for sale he wouldn't let me touch him either.... I'm worried if I get another ringneck it'll be the same.... I can't decide I guess I have until Friday to choose.

10-02-2004, 11:31 PM
I would talk to the breeder of the ringneck about taming. Was the baby ringneck handfed? Maybe he doesn't let you pet him because he's not used to humans handling him. Plus, he's just a baby. I think with a little bit of work, he'll open up for you and let you pet him and stuff. But like I said before, maybe talk to the breeder? Can you meet the parents of the bird and see how the parents act around the breeder? (like if they let the breeder handle them and stuff)

10-03-2004, 08:12 AM
I have both an Indian Ringneck and a Goffin Cockatoo. I would without a doubt recommend a ringneck over a cockatoo.

Ringneacks are smaller size which means a smaller cage. They are generally better talkers. Because they are smaller there is less of an injury if they bite. They are less destructive. Cockatoos are notorious for feather plucking, mine doesn't but I know it is very common. Cockatoos are termites and you can't leave them unattended for even a second (out of their cage), because they are so very destructive. Cockatoos are more expensive than ringnecks, both initially and in the long run. Cockatoos toys need to be bigger than a ringnecks, therefore more expensive, and they destroy their toys much faster. My cockatoo can go through a toy in a day or two, but my ringnecks will last weeks or longer. Cockatoos are also louder. Generally they have a scream off twice a day, first thing in the morning and late at night. My cockatoos screaming usually last about 10-15 minutes, but there have been times she will go on for hours.

I love both my birds and wouldn't want to be without ether of them, but if I were getting one or the other I would get a ringneck.

My ringneck as never bitten anyone, I've even taken him into my sister-in-laws k-3 classroom. My cockatoo doesn't bite too often but has bitten before. I too would suggest getting a baby that has been hand raised, they are less likely to bite. Get to know the bird a little before you buy it, if he is bitty then don't buy him, move on to another bird or another breeder.