View Full Version : Lounging around...

10-02-2004, 06:13 PM
Not all the dogs went for a training run today.

Preacher stayed home. He'd probably love to come, but he just can't do it anymore.

Sleet was far too busy guarding her collection of treats to go anywhere.

Muskwa probably would have loved to tag along, but he isn't allowed to run for a few weeks yet. So he did his best pathetic face and stayed on his cushy bed.

10-02-2004, 06:26 PM
I love your dogs but Muskwa is GORGEOUS:eek: :D

10-02-2004, 06:31 PM
Your dogs are soooo beautiful!

10-03-2004, 12:13 AM
Aww.. :D
Your dogs are all so very beautiful!! :)

10-03-2004, 12:23 PM
awww, those are great photos :) and I really loved pic of Muskwa :D

10-03-2004, 12:28 PM
Originally posted by Glacier
Not all the dogs went for a training run today.

Preacher stayed home. He'd probably love to come, but he just can't do it anymore.

Aww, that pic is so cute :D it looks like he's saying: "Whadda YOU lookin at???huh??"
lol! :p

10-03-2004, 01:11 PM
You're dogs are all very beautiful. And though Muskwa and Sleet are simply georgeous, I think Preacher appeals to me more. I like the grandfatherly type. :)

Preacher - I'm sure it's not that you can't do it anymore, but hey, if you get to lounge around then why not just let them think that, eh? ;) I'm sure you'd get along well with my dog, Blackfoot. She's almost 13 years young and doesn't get to do the things she used to do either. Hang in there sweetie and know that you aren't alone.

Sleet - If everybody else is out, why do you need to gaurd you're treats? Get out there and run pretty girl.

Muskwa - Ah, you are such a pretty boy. I'm not sure why you can't run yet, but hang in there buddy. The snow will be beneath your paws before you know it.

10-03-2004, 01:26 PM
glacier,, you have such lovley looking doggies,,,,,,

10-03-2004, 02:09 PM
Originally posted by The_Duck

Preacher - I'm sure it's not that you can't do it anymore, but hey, if you get to lounge around then why not just let them think that, eh? ;)

Nope, he really can't. Preacher is at least 11 years old now; he's blind, hypothyroid and getting very stiff. He was never very fast, but there's no way he could keep up now. He likes to bark at the team as they leave the yard though. He still gets around well, but he's retired from sledding.

Sleet - If everybody else is out, why do you need to gaurd you're treats? Get out there and run pretty girl.
Someone might sneak in and get her treats and that would be the end of Sleet's world! :rolleyes: She's also at least 11 and slowing down. She still pulls, but only for short runs now. We went way too far for Sleet yesterday. I take her once a week in harness so she doesn't get too mad at me.

Muskwa - Ah, you are such a pretty boy. I'm not sure why you can't run yet, but hang in there buddy. The snow will be beneath your paws before you know it.
He can't run because he got kicked by a horse last week. He's still on muscle relaxants. He's done those in a few more days and then he has to take it easy for a couple weeks. It probably be a month or so before he gets back up to being able to work.

10-03-2004, 02:27 PM
Originally posted by Glacier
Nope, he really can't. Preacher is at least 11 years old now; he's blind, hypothyroid and getting very stiff. He was never very fast, but there's no way he could keep up now. He likes to bark at the team as they leave the yard though. He still gets around well, but he's retired from sledding.

Ah yes, I thought such things might be the case, but I was aiming to cheer the handsom boy up. :( If only dogs could talk, I'm sure he and Blackfoot would get along like wto peas in a pod. :)

Someone might sneak in and get her treats and that would be the end of Sleet's world! :rolleyes:

Hehe. My Husky/Malamute is the same way with her food. Come to think of it..so is Blackfoot. They both watch their dishes and snacks as if they would suddenly jump up and run away. :p

He can't run because he got kicked by a horse last week.

Aww, poor baby. I assure you that he's not alone on that one. Both Blackfoot and J.W. have been under the hoof more than once. I hope he gets better soon.

10-03-2004, 02:31 PM
Originally posted by The_Duck
[B]Ah yes, I thought such things might be the case, but I was aiming to cheer the handsom boy up. :( If only dogs could talk, I'm sure he and Blackfoot would get along like wto peas in a pod. :)

Oh, Preacher is a happy dog. I actually think he's happier retired than he was as a sled dog. He totally enjoys being a pampered house dog. Life has not been kind to Preacher, he deserves a long, spoiled retirement!

10-03-2004, 10:34 PM
What comfy looking beds - no wonder they don't want to go out! Pretty doggies, and my, that Muskwa is a handsome guy! Mine have never been sledding, being that I'm pretty much a city slicker. I guess I feel a little guilty about that, but they seem to do just fine with lots of walks and dog-park trips. Star "treat-guards", too, and can keep a biscuit warm for days lying on top of it. Hope they're all rested up soon!

10-03-2004, 11:37 PM
Originally posted by Glacier
Not all the dogs went for a training run today.

They are all hansome fellows but I have to agree that Muskwa is a Doll Baby...Who couldn't love that face ;)

Muskwa probably would have loved to tag along, but he isn't allowed to run for a few weeks yet. So he did his best pathetic face and stayed on his cushy bed.

10-04-2004, 10:02 AM
Awww I love seeing them curled up on their beds, even if some of them have rather sad faces (Muskwa ;)). I'm sure they had a very nice relaxing snooze-fest!