View Full Version : Where we goin Mom??

10-02-2004, 03:19 PM
I told Gomer we were going out tommorow so he's been following me all day lol... :D He thinks I mean now... Whenever I go towards the door him and Mercedes run to it and bark at me :rolleyes: then I hafta take them out so I don't feel bad. LOL

where'd u say we were goin' mom????


10-02-2004, 03:24 PM
So adorable!
I love the cone shape head when dogs put their ears back like that!
I do the same thing if they think their going somewhere i have to take em outside so they wont be sad:(

10-02-2004, 03:52 PM
Oh, how could you deny that face anything:):):) My girls NEVER forget when I tell them we're going somewhere. They pace and paw and grab their leashes off the hook and pursue me relentlessly:D So Gomer, where'd ya go sweetheart???:D What a precious picture:)