View Full Version : First EVER pictures with Buddy and Hubby!!

10-02-2004, 07:59 AM
OMG!! I am such a happy happy girl!
As some of you know, We have had Buddy for almost 2 years (will be 2 years on Dec 21st) Buddy has never warmed up to my Hubby.
SLOWLY over time, Buddy has loosened up. He lets Rick pet him... sort of. As long as it's on Buddy's terms and as long as Rick is at least an arm's length away. He has been able to do this for awhile now, but I have never been able to get pictures until now!!


Sierra was getting VERY jealous!!



Oh Sierra.... you are SUCH a drama queen!!!

10-02-2004, 08:06 AM
I am so happy for you! I know how long you have waited for this. I love this picture because Buddy's eyes are closed.
That to me spells T-R-U-S-T! Before you know it your hubby is going to have a Buddy in every sense of the word! :)

10-02-2004, 08:08 AM
What great news!!! How wonderful that your husband has been so patient.

10-02-2004, 09:13 AM
Wow, what progress. Your husband is wonderful to work with Buddy til he was ready for more contact!!!!
Great pics!!!

10-02-2004, 10:12 AM
That is wonderful! It is awesome of your hubby to have the patience too. My husband isn't much of a dog lover, so I know if one of my dogs disliked him, he'd probably try to make me get rid of it.

4 Dog Mother
10-02-2004, 10:14 AM
How great that Buddy is finally beginning to trust your husband! And that you got a picture of it. None of my dogs would last that long because they are attention hogs! No matter who is petting who, the others have to try and get in on it!

10-02-2004, 12:07 PM
Tonya- Buddy has snapped at Rick a few times and had bitten him twice. Both times he bite him, it was on his hand as Rick was reaching to pet Buddy. (never broke the skin) Rick has asked me MANY MANY times to find another home for him. I had called rescues, shelters, etc. and was trying to tell myself that I was really just a foster. Trying to keep from it hurting to bad once Buddy was gone.
My in laws tell me to gid rid of him all the time too.
This has not been easy on anyone. Buddy is stressed out the second Rick walks in the house, Rick's upset because I won't get rid of a dog that does not like him, and I'm stressed out about he entire thing!!!
This has put so much stress on our marriage, it's been very hard for us to stay together!!!
What sucks is that Buddy will have days like when I took the pictures, but then the next day Buddy will just walk past Rick and grunble/growl!!! It's like one HUGE emotional rollercoaster in our house! The only one 100% happy is Sierra!! (Lucky Dog :p )

10-02-2004, 12:08 PM
Originally posted by 4 Dog Mother
How great that Buddy is finally beginning to trust your husband! And that you got a picture of it. None of my dogs would last that long because they are attention hogs! No matter who is petting who, the others have to try and get in on it!

Yes yes. I know what you mean. I've got five dogs myself and sometimes it almost breaks out into a full scale war to see gets the most lovin'.

pitc9 - That's great! I hope things still progress at a steady rate. Buddy will get better on his own time. Tell the hubby to stick with it and good work! Hugs to you all.

10-02-2004, 02:12 PM
Originally posted by pitc9
Tonya- Buddy has snapped at Rick a few times and had bitten him twice. Both times he bite him, it was on his hand as Rick was reaching to pet Buddy. (never broke the skin) Rick has asked me MANY MANY times to find another home for him. I had called rescues, shelters, etc. and was trying to tell myself that I was really just a foster. Trying to keep from it hurting to bad once Buddy was gone.
My in laws tell me to gid rid of him all the time too.
This has not been easy on anyone. Buddy is stressed out the second Rick walks in the house, Rick's upset because I won't get rid of a dog that does not like him, and I'm stressed out about he entire thing!!!
This has put so much stress on our marriage, it's been very hard for us to stay together!!!
What sucks is that Buddy will have days like when I took the pictures, but then the next day Buddy will just walk past Rick and grunble/growl!!! It's like one HUGE emotional rollercoaster in our house! The only one 100% happy is Sierra!! (Lucky Dog :p )

Awww, my heart hurts just reading that. I totally feel your pain. My husband and I don't argue much, but when we do, it is about the animals. 99% of our fights are over the dogs. It is really painful for me because I've lived with and love dogs all of my life. I never even noticed any of the "flaws" like digging, fur, poop, etc... It really sucks to constantly hear from him and the inlaws about my dogs.

10-02-2004, 03:31 PM
Oh Angie...a rollocoaster is right. I'm so sorry for the great stress this has placed on your family. Your husband is a sweetheart for hanging in there and trying to make it work. I hope for you all that you have LOTS more days like this one! Good job BUddy:)

10-02-2004, 03:49 PM
Angie, such touching pictures, and a heart wrenching situation for you. I can relate to a small degree, as Tasha does NOT like my brother-in-law, Donnie. Donnie loves dogs and every time he comes over he tries to woo Tasha into just letting him touch her, but she snarls and barks and raises her hackles at him every time. My other brother-in-law Daniel she accepts and though she is a bit suspicious and barks at first, she eventually warms up to him and will even give him a kiss or two and let him touch her. I think it's partly because Daniel is more laid back about it and he's willing to just accept it if she doesn't want to come by him, where as Donnie will just keep trying and trying to win her over, and somehow it makes her more suspicious and upset.

I feel so bad for him because he will ask me why she hates him so much and he tries so hard. I wish he would just stop trying, because I think that is part of the problem, he's just trying too hard and pushing the issue too much. I can't imagine how difficult it would be if she were that way with my husband, and the strife it would cause.

I very much hope and pray that things will get easier, I know how your heart must feel so torn in two.

10-02-2004, 11:52 PM
Geesh, I'm so sorry that the situation with Buddy has put such a stress on your marriage. How hard it would be to relinquish Buddy (again) cause the poor dear must have been through some terrible experiences in his past. I know that those good ole GSD's are as sharp as tacks, and I'm working hard on some of Klo's issues too. It must be awful scary for your hubby never to know from day to day how Buddy's going to react, but, despite everything, he sounds like a very patient guy, so Bless him for that! (not to mention really good looking..does that count?) ;) :)

10-03-2004, 12:36 AM
aaww what cute pics
I am sorry you have had such a hard time thru this. :( It is never easy when to people have such passion for opposite things. (I think that is what I want to say....) That's too bad that you're in laws don't support you.
My sister's dog is the friendliest dog albeit not the brightest bulb in the box, but he is terrified of my dad. My dad has never done anything to him - is a big dog lover - my dog (both that I have had/have) can't get enough of Grandpa. We think that maybe he was abused by someone before my sister got him (from the H.S) that looked like or sounded like my dad. He doesn't growl or anything tho - he just stays away from him. The only time he has ever come up to him was when Scooby had to pee very very very badly - which was impressive b/c he is over 5 years old and still pees in the house. The only other person my sister has found that he doesn't care for is a young black neighbor boy. They don't know why but when he is around Scooby growls and his hackles get all raised. :confused:

Goodluck to you and hubby and Buddy. ( Sierra doesn't sound like she needs luck ;) )

10-03-2004, 05:32 AM
Sure is a sad situation for you. Good thing your husband has patience! Hopefully with a little more time it will work out! :)

10-03-2004, 05:41 AM
What a great news :) I´m so happy about you :) Those are really great pics :)

10-03-2004, 06:31 AM
Originally posted by K9soul
. I wish he would just stop trying, because I think that is part of the problem, he's just trying too hard and pushing the issue too much.

OMG!! I feel the same way about Rick and Buddy!!
Rick will put the gate up in the kitchen to trap Buddy in the living room with him!! AH... WRONG!!
Rick is the only man Buddy acts like this towards! We had a salesman in our house, and I had them in crates in the basement, they were making noises and the guy told me he loved dogs and to let them out. So I did, the guy stuck his hand out and Buddy licked his name and let the STRANGER pet him!!!
(of course Rick was in the kitchen seeing all of this:( it really hurts him!)

K9Karen.... Yeah... that counts too!;)

10-03-2004, 07:07 AM
Gosh Angie that is amazing that Buddy allowed a stranger to pet him and not your hubby. That would have been sooo sad for hubby to see for sure. Does your hubby ever feed Buddy or give him treats? I am sure that you have thought of this, but if you haven't it might work. If I was a dog it would be hard to dislike someone who was filling my tummy. Of course I am not a dog and have no idea what really goes on in their little furry heads. :rolleyes:

10-03-2004, 07:28 AM
Yeah, we've tried everything everyone has told us to do... I could spend half an hour here listing all the things we've done, things we've given him (like rescue remedy... etc) to get him to calm down, people we've spoken to. (the money we have spent :o )The next thing I am going to do is to go see an animal communicator!! I just found out about her, and she's only 30 minutes away!!! (hey... something is bound to work!!) The funny thing... Rick is all for it!! I can't believe he doesn't think I'm nuts for wanting to do this!

10-03-2004, 08:21 AM
Angie, it almost sounds like Buddy and Tasha's issue might be similar. Donnie is so bent on winning her over that he is almost pushy about it. Last time he was here, he even asked me if I could leash her so he could pet her without her being able to run away. I told him I didn't think that would be a good idea. I've tried to explain to him that he can't force it, that I think that is a big part of her problem with him, but I think he just feels like if only he could pet her she'd learn he wasn't a bad guy. The thing is she doesn't WANT him to pet her and I think she feels threatened because she senses his determination.

When she was 6-7 months old and first started showing signs of skittishness around him, he reached and took hold of her collar when she was sniffing his hand cautiously.... Wrong wrong wrong thing to do... she panicked and felt trapped. She didn't growl or bite but she was obviously frightened and he let go, and that was it, she never trusted him again. I wonder if Rick has that same sort of determination and Buddy senses it and that is what makes him feel threatened. He might even be perceiving it as Rick being determined to dominate him. If that's the case Rick trapping him in the room with him isn't a very good idea.. but I know how hard it is to explain these things. Donnie just doesn't understand either. :(

Maybe if the animal communicator can tell him he needs to just totally ignore Buddy and let the trust develop on its own.. I really think that could be the issue if it is anything like Tasha and Donnie's issue.

10-04-2004, 08:13 AM
I know, I guess some people just don't understand the way dogs see things!!

I have tried many times to explaine to Rick how Buddy is feeling when he traps him in a room. But Rick just does not understand!

But... I will keep on trying to get Rick to understand, and I'm sure you will keep trying with Donnie!!

10-04-2004, 08:40 AM
What great photos but such a sad situation. :( I wish you the best of luck with the animal communicator. {{Hugs}}

10-04-2004, 08:50 AM
I know how stressful it can get when the dog and the hubby don't see eye to eye all of the time. Though, in my case, Dale and Rob get along fine, but it can get frustrating around here, when hubby loses patience with Dale. Dale is still in puppy mode and we still have to train him, and a 100 lb dog in puppy mode can get frustrating...and hubby just doesnt have the patience with him that i have...and i deal with my 3 year old toddler and Dale all day (which is like having 2 toddlers in the house), and hubby doesnt spend nearly as much time with both of them ( since he works during the day)...anyway, it can get hard when you love the dog, but then conflict arises...so (HUGS)) to you and hope it continues to work out for you BOTH...your hubby sounds great for being so patient with Buddy, i am sure, most husbands would have given up by now...

10-06-2004, 12:30 AM
WOW - you sure have perservered .......... and I am so happy to read that.

I hope that the Dog Communicator can shed some light ...


10-06-2004, 01:00 AM
Somehow I missed this until now....
What wonderful progress! I hope things continue to improve! This is obviously very hard on everyone (except Sierra ;) ) and it's amazing that you have perservered so well.
Thank you so much for sharing these great pictures! I hope you'll have more to show us soon! ;)

10-06-2004, 09:02 AM
What wonderful news! :D

10-06-2004, 09:05 AM
Angie I bet you are happy! I remember when you came to the park and was telling me about how they don't get along and you hated to even leave them both at home with each other.
This is such a huge step for Buddy and your hubby! I'm so glad Buddy is getting where he can trust him:)

10-06-2004, 09:16 AM
Yes Anna, I am very happy!

I think I'll be okay with leaving Buddy home with Rick when Sierra and I come to the Park the end of this month.

I'll feel like a bad mom for not taking him with us, but he just does not travel well (the barfing machine that he is:o )
I really think the reason he was so freaked out last year was because there were sooooo many dogs! Also he is very protective of me when other dogs are around! :D

I think them having a day together... just the two of them, could be a good thing!

I pray it is!!:confused: :(

10-06-2004, 10:07 AM
This reminds me so much of my parents dobie Max. For a while he growled and carried on if anyone other than dad aproached him. I let him check me out on his own and I didn't act afraid of him (although with his big teeth it was kind of hard!) Now we are good pals, and he always bugs me to pet him whenever I visit! It takes time and patence, and I applaud your husband for trying to work things out instead of just giving poor Buddy away.