View Full Version : fritz

10-02-2004, 07:35 AM
o fritz you are sutch a nice looking boy it sounds to me that you like your family very very much i just love your eyes.

congtates on being cat of the day

10-02-2004, 08:32 AM
What a sweet boy - Fritz, you are just adorable. It is nice to meet you and we loved the fact that you and your poodle have a unique relationship! Catgratulations, cutie, on this "your day" as Cat of the Day!

Noserubs, snuggles and purrs...Bari and the Cat Happy Pride

Gail Wolfe
10-02-2004, 08:55 AM
:cool: Fritz,

What an unusual kitty you are. With that fur you should do a milk commercial. Your tail is stunning and the eyes have it. Pretty baby, keep your dogpal happy, as I am sure you will. As for the Maine Coon, :mad: don't fret, you may get through to him yet.;)

A BIG congrats from Flippy Tail and The Tummy Rub Kid

10-02-2004, 09:23 AM

Dan Holder
10-02-2004, 10:58 AM
An odd-eyed Persian wrestling with a poodle. Think I'd pay admission to see that. Fritz is quite a kitty. No surprise he's not much of a lap kitty, when he can snuggle with someone named Betty Page, instead. Good luck with frisky Fritz.

P.S., if the younger members are curious enough to do a web search, try spelling it "Bettie Page"

10-02-2004, 12:16 PM
What beautiful eyes!

10-02-2004, 12:38 PM
How adorable are you!!!
I love your pink nose and mouth! and of course, your eyes are just wonderful!
Congratulations, sweetie, on being our special Cat of the Day today!:D

sasha the cat
10-02-2004, 01:24 PM
A NY, NY boy! Me-oow, what a neat place to live. My KatMa thinks New York City [especially the Manhattan part] is the absolute centre of the universe! Montreal to Saratoga Springs to Manhattan is a fabulous way to spend a week...

Your purrents have good entertainment watching you and doggie Betty Page. I'd love to see the show. Mew, I'm still afraid of dogs 'cause I was an abandoned kitten who had to defend herself against bad boys, barking bully dogs, cars & loud garbage trucks before I found my KatMa. My late cat sibs loved their doggie, Bobby the Beagle the way you love Betty Page. Your catsib, the refined, stately Maine Coon named Priscilla probably finds her fursibs too rambunctious for such an elegant pussycat goddess!

Fritz, you certainly have something in common with me: I also need to be within arms' reach of my purrents; I love the computer and the dinner table! I have my own special china plate and my Paw-Paw puts little cubes of his fish or meat on the plate for me. I sit on the floor in the dining room right in between my purrents every night. We dine together! Mew, as it should be because, after all, why have pets if you can't spoil them? -- which is why I sleep in my purrents' bed with them. I sleep across the bed, right in the middle 'cause I like being close to both Paw-Paw & KatMa. Paw-Paw believes I sprawl out this way because I'm a beg hog ...

Fritz Rules!!! said your purrson. King Fritz let me CATgratulate you on being chosen our very fine and fancy CAT OF THE DAY. Live long, healthy, happy, adored with your fursibs & the humans.

Kisses from me to you: http://www.l33t.net/msn/kiss.gifhttp://www.l33t.net/msn/kiss.gifhttp://www.l33t.net/msn/kiss.gif

10-02-2004, 03:06 PM
Oh Fritz!!! You're one of the most adorable kittens ever!!! Those eyes are to die for! AND, you have the same name as my much loved and missed first kitty, Fritz the Cat:) Sounds like you're as sweet and loving as you are handsome Fritzy:) What a precious friend you have in Betty Page the Poodle:) And I'll bet secretely, Priscilla thinks you're pretty special too, though he'd never admit it;) Fritzy, we're honored to have such a beautiful and special kitty as our very own Cat of the Day! Have a super Saturday celebrating your much deserved day in the spotlight with your loving purrrents, Betty Page and Priscilla! Congratulations to you dear Fritzy:) Hugs and purrrs to you from Sandra and kitties Mr. B and Oliver:)

10-02-2004, 04:47 PM
Is that precious Fritz as a youngster, or did he grow up small?

10-02-2004, 11:25 PM
Well, Fritz, aren't you just the cutest little kitty! Your fur is so soft and clean. You look so little and gentle to be wrestling with the dog! Keep working on Priscilla and she'll warm up to you. It's always nice to have another friend. Much happiness to you Fritz with your family you loves you so much.

smokey the elder
10-03-2004, 08:08 AM
What an adorable kitty! I love your different-colored eyes!

10-03-2004, 12:47 PM
Thanks everyone! Fritzy is the best little man!! Fritz is a"small boned" gentleman, lol, but very robust, and he most certainly holds his own with the canines! He also likes to leap on our neighbor's bichon frise. Fritz says "thank you"!!

10-03-2004, 05:13 PM
Fritz, you have one blue eye like my Schuyler so I can tell you are a special creature! Your fur is much longer than his and that just makes you look so cuddly . . . congrats on being our special COTD!:)

10-03-2004, 10:30 PM
Oh, Fritz...you grew up very nice!!!! What a beautiful boy! Jax, snuggle him for me!

Bari - mother of the Cat Happy Pride