View Full Version : A letter

10-02-2004, 07:27 AM
Hi Folks, Nicki here. I gotta beef with my mommy. She hasn't been paying much attention to me lately... its all about her foster kittens! Kitten this, kitten that - ugh! you'd think there was nothin in life outsidda these kittens!

On top of doting on kittens, she set up a blockade at the bottom of the steps so that no kittens could pass. Well it works for blocking Nicki's too. Hmph. What does she expect me to do? nose it open myself? I prefer the whine and wimper method. that usually gets 'em to open it for me.

The only time she pays me ANY attention is when I'm licking my hot spot. Can I help it if I itch? Here's a new photo of me. Mommy took it right after she yelled at me about licking... I wasn't licking! I swear! But mommy said you can tell what I was 'thinking' because of where my back paw was. Yeah, she thinks she's so smart. So what if I WAS going to start licking, she yelled at me for licking! and I wasn't licking -yet.


PS: Here's a picture of that gate I was tellin' you about. Mommy swears that since its hinged like a door I should be able to swing past it like I get every other door open. I don't THINK so... its in a place it shouldn't be and I'm not so sure its a good thing. I don't trust it.

With much love,
Miss Nicki

10-02-2004, 07:38 AM
It's just agate Nicki, go ahead and give it a nudge and see what happens! I think you are a smart girl and can find a way around it!
Your mommy is helping those kittnes so they have a wonderful life! You should be proud of her!!

I'm sure you already know how much your mommy loves you!


10-02-2004, 07:52 AM
I'm sorry, Nicki, but I too have to say STOP LICKING!!! I am constantly telling Sadie that cause she thinks her feet make a good snack, so it wouldn't be fair to tell you any different!

You are a pretty girl though! And you don't look miserable in your picutre...in fact you look like a happy girl :) Just hang on. Your mommy is doing a good things for those kittens, but they are fosters...which means not forevers!! maybe?

10-05-2004, 10:04 AM
Oh Nicki, you are so adorable. I know how hard it is not to scratch an itch and so does Duke! I get onto him about this sometimes, too. You are such a pretty girl. I didn't get to see this the other day because I was at Kay's and didn't get on the computer too much. I don't blame you for not trusting that gate. It looks scary to me. If I were there, I'd give you lots of attention and loving. Hope you've gotten some since then. Nice seeing your gorgeous face.

10-05-2004, 10:10 AM
Hello Miz Nicki i have missed you beautiful girl. I too will have to echo your Mama and everyone else "Stop licking" ,Clover used to get nasty Hotspots and would scratch and lick them and they would take forever to heal. Tell your Mama we would like to see you more often ;).