View Full Version : I found my digital camera (pics)

10-02-2004, 12:29 AM
I finally found the box that held my camera! Yay! I'm to tired to take pics of the whole house or anything like that right now. Once I get unpacked and decorated, I will give the grand tour. But here are a couple pictures for now.

Sorry some of these are so dark and unfocused, I forgot how to use my camera!

The gameroom:

This is our master bath. Mike and I just did this slate tile ourselves. The bathroom came carpeted and we couldn't stand it. The pictures don't do any justice, it turned out beautiful!


We don't quite have Jaden's room set up. But here is a pic of what my little man is doing right now:

The belly! And my dirty mirror. :rolleyes: I'm five months now, starting to show fast all of a sudden.

Ally Cat's Mommy
10-02-2004, 04:30 AM
The house looks great, and I see the tummy is coming along nicely too!!
