View Full Version : Guess who's here?!

10-01-2004, 05:08 PM

Yup. I decided the sooner the better for it and moved her over tonight. She just got here not long ago. First she hid under my bed but is now exploring. She was afraid of the dogs and hissed. She had her fur on her tail all out when she first came into my room too, but she seems ok now. Josie is whining outside my room though T-T I gave them bones to chew on. I think Zeke will be really easy to train to leave Kiba alone, but I'm worried about Jo. Oh well, I have a feeling I can make this work.


I'll take some pics when she settles in a little

10-01-2004, 07:11 PM
Im glad to hear that things are going well so far!!

I hope everything works out :D, and I can't wait for the pictures ;)

10-01-2004, 07:27 PM

Still doing well. Actually, I'm very suprised at how well she is doing. I remember when my mom moved with Smitten and Smitten hid for like 5 days straight and wouldn't come out AT ALL.

Kiba in the 2 hrs shes been here has done a lot of exploring, eatten a little, played, snuggled with me for a bit (and purring) and sometimes she gets scared if she hears the dogs right outside the door and will hide for a few mins...but she's doing VERY well. I guess I don't have to worry anymore about where she'd be happier. I know she's happy if she gets attention so I think she'll love it here. I just HOPE Josie will be ok with her :( The dogs have never seen a cat up close so I have no idea what they'd do..

10-02-2004, 09:58 AM
She wiil ,be rightened,by both the size,of your Dogs,and thier energy,as Dogs think,that rushing towards,another Animal,is an invation,to paly,but the Smaller Cat,takes it as a threat! Good Luck,with the Found Cats,with the Socialization!!