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10-01-2004, 04:29 PM
I have a tendency to pronounce other peoples usernames in my head. I know some are easy because they are actual words, but some are abbreviations and things put together.

For instance "molucass" I call molasses. I know it's stupid, but they look similar.

Anyway how would you pronounce your username?

mine is Kay- blakes
- because k is my first initial and Blake is my last name (Justin and I are "the Blakes") Justin's been using that variation on the web for a long time. He's website is even blaix.com.:)

10-01-2004, 04:33 PM
Mine is pretty easy U- A Bassoon (like the instrument) The UA is because I went to the University of Arizona, and bassoon because I was a music performance major and that was my instrument.

10-01-2004, 04:42 PM
umm like cal=pal and EE lol Cali(short for Calico23-my orginal online name) :p not difficult ;)

10-01-2004, 04:44 PM
D as in Dog, J as in jump Fire (on fire ouch!) Wolf (Howwwwll) :D

Oops, almost for got the number Its suposed to be thirty six, not three six like most people interpret it (sounds like it wouldnt be such a big deal but the three six thing has encuraged people to send not so nice emails to me :rolleyes:, if someone can explain why such thing would cause people to rant please let me know!)

DJ Fyrewolf is My stage name :) and name for most of my online stuff lol the 36 comes from the number of my favorite Giants baseball player and was my softball number.

10-01-2004, 04:52 PM
It's funny you brought this up because it has made me noticed that in my head I say the names wrong. Like I always call you Kblax as in flax with a b. I was also inverting the letter on DJ and was calling her DJFryewolf. Wonder how many others I've butchered, LOL!

10-01-2004, 04:54 PM
No... .its not molasses! Lol!

Its Mol--- Like for Molly.... Lu-- like Lou... Cass.... sounds like Pass.

I've had several people call me molasses... :p

10-01-2004, 05:24 PM
Originally posted by jazzcat
It's funny you brought this up because it has made me noticed that in my head I say the names wrong. Like I always call you Kblax as in flax with a b. I was also inverting the letter on DJ and was calling her DJFryewolf. Wonder how many others I've butchered, LOL!

Fryewolf...Like Fry wolf? LOL, is that an omen as to the direction of my career?

LOL Im not offended in any way, I kind of find it funny...in fact Ive had promoters call me Fryewolf (That would be embarassing at a show if some announcer did that!) :D

10-01-2004, 05:28 PM
LOL! Interesting thread. I'm positive I say several user names wrong.

Mine is very obvious.......Popcorn-Bird. The funny thing is, people tend to call me PCB on the board to shorten my user name. Anyway, I always understood PCB as my user name's abbreviations, but I never imagined calling myself *P-C-B*, in letter form. I have talked to several PT'ers on the mic on Yahoo Messenger, and nearly fell over when someone called me P-C-B. I think two people have done it. Its fine when I see the letters on the board, but to hear someone say (Hi P-C-B) out loud on the mic was hilarious. :o

10-01-2004, 06:35 PM
I think mine's easy. Lizzie-Loo-Seven-Forty-Two. Or just lizzie lou. :)

There's one I always wonder how pronounce....slleipnir - are you out there? ;) :D :D In my head I always say it like this: sleep-in-ear. :o :D slleipnir, please come tell me how to say your name! :)

10-01-2004, 06:44 PM
Originally posted by lizzielou742
There's one I always wonder how pronounce....slleipnir - are you out there? ;) :D :D In my head I always say it like this: sleep-in-ear. :o :D slleipnir, please come tell me how to say your name! :)

I've wondered how to pronounce her username too.... I thought maybe it was pronounced "sleep-near", but who knows? :)

10-01-2004, 06:47 PM
Karen - like one pronounces the name, 'cause that's all it is. Not very exciting, I know. Funny enough, I've been pronouncing names in my head all the right way so far by your guides.

And Popcornbird, I would NEVER call you PCB as PCBs (Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)) are nasty awful chemicals. See here (http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/tfacts17.html) for the CDC's (Center for Disease Control's) page on them.

10-01-2004, 06:52 PM
mines easy 2

as in jo-d-z

10-01-2004, 07:01 PM
I usally pronounce sleppiner (or whatever lol) like slep-in-ear or slep-in-er or suhlep-in-er LOL

Mine is just normal. Muh. Re. Uh. Em. (MariaM)

Molucass - I never say "Mol Lu Cass" I always say "Mol U Cass".

Uabassoon - I always thought that a bassoon was some sort of monkey...and I always figured yours meant "You are a bassoon!" (monkey) Turns out I was way off!

10-01-2004, 07:35 PM
Originally posted by popcornbird
I have talked to several PT'ers on the mic on Yahoo Messenger, and nearly fell over when someone called me P-C-B. I think two people have done it. Its fine when I see the letters on the board, but to hear someone say (Hi P-C-B) out loud on the mic was hilarious. :o

Oh hush! :p LOL.

Mine is pretty easy. Golden-Retriever-Lover. The "Retr" part is just an abbreviation, obviously, and the "Luver" part is just different spelling.

I used to ALWAYS pronounce Cataholic's name as Catholic, and still do if I'm reading quickly. There's a few others.. but I can't think of them right now.

I pronounce Audrey's [slleipnir] name as slip-nir. :p

10-01-2004, 07:40 PM
lol XD To be completely honest, I'm not 100% sure how to pronouce my name either XD

I say it 'sill-eep-ner' so I guess saying it like sleep-ner works too XD haha. I know Esster goes to a barn with a horse named sleipnir..I'm sure she'd know how to pronouce it

10-01-2004, 07:48 PM
How do you pronounce:


Please don't think I'm being rude, I honestly want to know how we should pronounce these! :D

10-01-2004, 08:52 PM
Mine's easy... seer-uh-ved. For those of you that don't know, it's our last name backwards plus the first three letters of our first names--also backwards.

Uabasson-- I always said your name like... "Ooooh! A bassoon!"
lol... maybe this is because I always wanted to play the bassoon?

10-01-2004, 09:00 PM
Mines easy.


King is my last name & all my pets have my last name. & Rattus was my first female rats name. & on most documents they put my last name first, so I did that for my name.. I use kingrattus almost everywhere, except things before her time, like ICQ & MSN

My Gmail account is [email protected]

I just need to find the main gmail web page to log into my account hehehe

10-01-2004, 09:19 PM
Originally posted by popcornbird
I have talked to several PT'ers on the mic on Yahoo Messenger, and nearly fell over when someone called me P-C-B. I think two people have done it. Its fine when I see the letters on the board, but to hear someone say (Hi P-C-B) out loud on the mic was hilarious. :o

Well, if you'd tell us your name, we would have something to call you.

What will I call you on chat tomorrow? (new mic ;) )

Originally posted by lizzielou742
How do you pronounce:


*I* pronounce them as:

Soul ah dad (like the news anchor)
pit see 9
this next one I do weird, and I don't know why I do it this way
tats excell - LOL, sorry Sandra!
kate er
boss ke bow


10-01-2004, 09:20 PM
I think mineis pretty easy, buy maybe not...Cincy is short for Cincinnati, where Ralph and I met. I guess phonetically would be Sin C's mom

10-01-2004, 09:21 PM

Easy huh?

10-01-2004, 09:23 PM
I'm sure everybody gets this, but I wanted to feel all important and have my name up here too :p ;) :cool: :) :D

So here goes..ish pronounced...

The Duck

*thunderous applause and such* ;)

10-01-2004, 09:24 PM
Originally posted by Karen

And Popcornbird, I would NEVER call you PCB as PCBs (Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)) are nasty awful chemicals. See here (http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/tfacts17.html) for the CDC's (Center for Disease Control's) page on them.



Ok, no one's allowed to call me PCB anymore. Call me Pops, Poppy, PopTart, Popsicle, any of my many PT nicknames....but not PCB. ;)

Thanks for the link Karen. I now know why that *green electric box thingy* by the sidewalk in front of our house says *NON-PCB* on it. When we first bought our house, and I saw that, I couldn't believe it. It immediately reminded me of my PT *abbreviation*, and made me wonder what it REALLY meant. Until I saw the *NON-PCB* sticker on the green electric box thing (I always forget what they're called), I thought I was the only PCB on this planet. :o

No more calling me PCB. ;):p

Ps. Micki....the person who called me PCB knows my name...:p (she didn't at the time though).

10-01-2004, 09:47 PM
I guess there's not really a pronounciation for mine.

I've always said "Kay-fam-er" in my head but my name isn't even a word, it's just words put together:p

When I had lost all of the info on my room's computer, i went into the family room computer and made a new Pet Talk screen name.

Thus ~


Micki, your right about Soledad. That's how my Spanish teacher pronounces it.

I've always pronounced Audrey's as "slep-ner"

Samantha Puppy
10-01-2004, 10:01 PM
I think boscibo is pronounced bo-see-bo. I could be wrong though!

Mine is easy... Suh-man-thuh Puh-pee. I chose it because that's what I call my girl a lot and I wasn't feeling especially original that day. At most other forums, I go by Spike.

PJ's Mom
10-01-2004, 10:15 PM
Mine is pretty easy:

Pee Jay's Mom.


I really need something more original. :)

10-01-2004, 10:23 PM
Originally posted by lizzielou742
How do you pronounce:


Please don't think I'm being rude, I honestly want to know how we should pronounce these! :D

Here's how I pronounce those:


Pit-See 9

Tax... sorry! Lol

Stack-a-wase... lol


Usually bos-key-bo... but sometimes I get fancy and say it with a slint Japanese tint... Boss-ee-bo!

Mines easy. I-Love-My-Abby-Girl. :D

10-01-2004, 10:31 PM
I pronounce mine like the monkey Orangutan-and just add the rest of Tango's name so it's pronounced like this Orang-uh-tango:D I hope that made sense.

10-01-2004, 10:34 PM
How do you pronounce:

I pronounce them :

soledad = soul dad
pitc9 = pict9
tatsxxx = tax tax lol
stacwase = stawaycase
Kater = Kay-ter
boscibo = I dunno lol I have never tried :p

10-01-2004, 10:40 PM
Originally posted by micki76
kate er

Originally posted by ILoveMyAbbyGirl

Originally posted by cali
Kater = Kay-ter

Yup! Just like this! :D

10-01-2004, 10:41 PM
Originally posted by lizzielou742
How do you pronounce:


Please don't think I'm being rude, I honestly want to know how we should pronounce these! :D

I pronounce them as:
Soledad- Soul Dad
pitc9- Pict9 (I don't know why)
Tatsxxx11- (I have no clue)
Stacwase- Stack ways
Kater- Kayter
boscibo- Bosskibow

10-01-2004, 10:53 PM
I always pronouce Tattsxxx11 either as
tat-sksksk-eleven or Sandra ;)

stacwase as stay-sways

slleipnir I pronounce slepp-ih-near with the ih being really short, barely there. That one particularly it'll be interesting to see what Esster says!

10-01-2004, 11:00 PM
Mines pretty easy to figure out...

Am-bur :p

10-01-2004, 11:43 PM
The Duck, that is too funny!

Kfamr, that's how I pronounce your name too. Yay I got it right! Interesting to know the explanation behind your name. :)

I pronounce them as:
Soledad- Soul-ah-dad
pitc9- pit-see-nine
Tatsxxx11- tats-ex-ex-ex-eleven
Stacwase- Stack-wase
Kater- Kayter
boscibo- Boss-ski-bow

10-02-2004, 09:28 AM
Mine is easy Knee-ko won

Neko is my cat's name and he is the first kitty out of my four.:)

10-02-2004, 10:26 AM
Hehe,Neko is japanese for cat XD (which your prob knew ne?)

I always pronouse it neigh-ko hehe. neko koneko

10-02-2004, 11:35 AM
Mine is quite easy:


because I do:)

Disclaimer: At the time that I signed up for Pet Talk, I only had one dog, my Shiba Inu. I do love my beagle, my labbie, and my rotten just as much, but they weren't part of my life yet.

10-02-2004, 11:47 AM
Soledad- like...Soul Dad
pitc9- Pit-C
Tatsxxx11- Taxts
Stacwase- Staw - case (that's what I thought it was! :o )
Kater- Kay ter
boscibo- Boss kuh bo
Kfamr - K-farm-er

10-02-2004, 11:53 AM
Mine is pretty easy...Nibblets, like the corn :D

10-02-2004, 12:07 PM
I always thought Cincysmom was Cindysmom..for the LONGEST time....I'm so slow :x
I always said pitc9 pick-t 9 lol XD
tatsxxx - tats x x x

10-02-2004, 02:07 PM
Originally posted by slleipnir
Hehe,Neko is japanese for cat XD (which your prob knew ne?)

I always pronouse it neigh-ko hehe. neko koneko

Yep I knew that ;)

I know I'm pronouncing it the wrong way but he loves when I go Neeeeeee-koooooo, he comes running to me:) :p

10-02-2004, 04:50 PM
Mine is mom of fuzzy faces

10-02-2004, 04:58 PM
I think my name is easy to pronounce da-vid p. Originality is not my thing LOL

4 Dog Mother
10-02-2004, 06:22 PM
Four Dog Moth-er. Another tough one!

Amy (Cincy's Mom) and Christy (Dakotasmommy) wanted me to join for a long time and I couldn't decide on a name. Then I decided on 3 Dog Mother like in 3 Dog Night a music group from my teenage years. And then we got a 4th dog. So ........

And then we got a fifth dog - what can I say????

10-02-2004, 06:23 PM
Haha I totally butchered yours, Audrey. When I first signed on I think I just imagined an 'F' somewhere in there and have been pronouncing it slef-neer for the longest time. :p I knew it wasn't that but I never bothered to try and correct myself. :o

Mine's pretty simple..
pr-ee-ma bell-uh

10-02-2004, 07:19 PM
Originally posted by micki76

*I* pronounce them as:

Soul ah dad (like the news anchor)
pit see 9
this next one I do weird, and I don't know why I do it this way
tats excell - LOL, sorry Sandra!
kate er
boss ke bow


funnyy,,, I always thought soledad was just-
Soledad- "Soul-dad!"
also, in another thread, pitc9 stated that pitc9 means "poop in the corner"9. Lol! :p
Also I've always imagined Kfamr as, "K- fame-er.

Also I guess mine's easy, Flame (as in a fire) Pony- (duh :rolleyes: ) and, my lucky number,12!

10-02-2004, 07:29 PM
Mine is TALIA22

Talia which is 1 of my dogs name u say the TAL part just like you would say the word DOLL so like DOLLIA but TALIA..most people say Talia like you would say TAIL-IA but its not pronounced that way..and the 22 is twenty two

10-02-2004, 09:53 PM
Umm I don't think mine is that hard. Wolf and then the letter Q. I can't stand it when people pronouce wolf as "woof" though lol.

guster girl
10-02-2004, 10:13 PM
Mine's easy. But, some people pronounce Guster like Gooster. :) But, just in case, it's pronounced like the name Gus (the football playing donkey!) and Tur. Gus-Ter. :) Oh, yeah, and, Girl. Ha. ;)

10-02-2004, 11:12 PM
Uabasson-- I always said your name like... "Ooooh! A bassoon!"

Me, too!! :D

slleipnir ... Tatsxxx11

I don't even attempt it!

10-03-2004, 07:08 AM
Ok, I think I butcher everyones usernames the worst.

uabassoon- I've known for a long time that it was U-A-bassoon, but I always call you abyssinian. (I don't know why, I'm sorry)

slleipnir- I call you sill-ip-er (kind of like slipper)

Cincy'sMom- admittedly I too thought you were Cindy's mom

Kfamr- I call you Kem-fur

Orangutango- I pronounce yours like "aren't you tango?" but I say the aren't like orange-ya as in:
knock knock
who's there
knock knock
who's there
knock knock
who's there
orange who
orange-ya glad I didn't say banana.

pitc9- I say pict-9 (like picture)
tatsxxx11- I call taxi
stacwase- I call stew case

I hope I haven't offended anyone by completely mispronouncing their usernames. Sorry everyone.

10-03-2004, 07:48 AM
Originally posted by KBlaix
Ok, I think I butcher everyones usernames the worst.

uabassoon- I've known for a long time that it was U-A-bassoon, but I always call you abyssinian. (I don't know why, I'm sorry)

slleipnir- I call you sill-ip-er (kind of like slipper)

Cincy'sMom- admittedly I too thought you were Cindy's mom

Kfamr- I call you Kem-fur

Orangutango- I pronounce yours like "aren't you tango?" but I say the aren't like orange-ya as in:
knock knock
who's there
knock knock
who's there
knock knock
who's there
orange who
orange-ya glad I didn't say banana.

pitc9- I say pict-9 (like picture)
tatsxxx11- I call taxi
stacwase- I call stew case

I hope I haven't offended anyone by completely mispronouncing their usernames. Sorry everyone. Kblaix, Mine is one you can't butcher!

10-03-2004, 09:28 AM
Originally posted by KBlaix

Cincy'sMom- admittedly I too thought you were Cindy's mom

Not a problem!! When we do therpay visits Cincy very often become "Cindy" or "Sissy", esp. in the nursing homes. I often add, "like Cincinnati", to help people hear the unusual name.

10-03-2004, 04:09 PM
Mine is pronounced "Preacher's Wife" because my husband is a preacher, and I am his wife. The spelling is a take-off on the spelling he always uses for a screenname.

10-03-2004, 04:12 PM
uabassoon- I've known for a long time that it was U-A-bassoon, but I always call you abyssinian. (I don't know why, I'm sorry)

LOL It's ok, there are plenty of names here that I have totally said wrong even though I know that it's not correct.

Uabasson-- I always said your name like... "Ooooh! A bassoon!"

LOL that's usually the response I get after concerts when people point and say "What kind of instrument is that thing!?"

02-27-2007, 08:45 AM
I never saw this thread :o (yes, I know it was a loooong time ago) but it was brought up in another thread about usernames.

As stated by Flamepony, my name is an acronym for Poop In The Corner and 9 is my fav number.

So you pronounce it like: P.I.T.C. 9

02-27-2007, 09:49 AM
Mine is easy :)

02-27-2007, 09:56 AM
Ceph..pretty easy....sef would probably be the right pronounciation :)

critter crazy
02-27-2007, 09:58 AM
Hmm...Mine is pretty simple, Critter Crazy! I am crazy about my critters!:D

02-27-2007, 09:58 AM
Bee-See Mom. Simple, right? :)

02-27-2007, 11:15 AM
Okay- I will give this a shot in typing how it pronounced.. /bor-zo-e/... lollllllllllroflmbo- now I tried to type it 3 times..

02-27-2007, 01:49 PM
Saw Fist.

02-27-2007, 03:03 PM
xcolbi - pretty easy. :p Sounds like (ex-coal-bee)