View Full Version : Surgery? Broken bones?

10-01-2004, 12:24 PM
I am bored out of my mind, soooo....

Has anyone ever had surgery?

I did once - I was born with a heart murmur. The doctors at the hospital never caught it. My pediatrician never caught it. It wasn't until my mom took me to the family general practicioner when I was two that we found out. The doctor asked my mom, "So, what are you going to do about her heart murmur?" My mom said, "WHAT?!" :eek:

So after I started walking, until my surgery at age 5, I was constantly blue-lipped. I couldn't run. I couldn't play ring-around-the-rosy in my preschool play like the other kids. So I went to Cincinnati and had it fixed once I was big enough :) . They went in through my back (thank goodness) so my scar isn't bad at all. It's about six inches long, horizontally behind my heart. The doctor said the hole was as big around as his thumb - and he was over six feet tall and had huge hands (according to my mom, hee hee). :eek: I don't remember ANY of it. I was apparently out for a whole week. :D

Anyway that's my only surgery. I had stiches once over my eye from when I fell out of a tree. I've never broken a bone. :D

Samantha Puppy
10-01-2004, 12:35 PM
I had surgery at 4 months old to correct my spina bifida. The surgery itself went well but the stupid nurses kept feeding me AFTER they fed the non-intensive care kids, on the same apron, so I was constantly getting bugs and germs and went from 8 lbs. down to 4 lbs. during my time there. My mother also said they never came in and did anything to stimulate me so I just stared a lot... until my mom had enough and moved into my room (even though it wasn't "allowed").

After the surgery, the incision kept getting infected. During one of the times my parents took me in for a check-up, my doctor's intern decided he was going to take care of me, saw the infected incision (which was swollen and pussing) and took a pair of surgicial scissors and stuck them in my back. Thanks to him, I have a huge, disgusting, puckery scar on my lower back that I've been ashamed of my entire life.

This jerk, having plunged scissors into my back, caused massive scar tissue to form and it pushes my tumor against my sciatic nerve, so I have absolutely no feeling down the back of my right leg or foot.

PJ's Mom
10-01-2004, 12:52 PM
I had a C-Section to deliver one of my twins. I also had surgery on my hand when I put it through a window and severed a tendon.

I haven't broken any bones...yet. ;)

10-01-2004, 12:53 PM
Several of each...My Mom used to say it wasn't really spring until I had a cast on!

I broke my right leg when I was 5. I jumped off our garage roof, just like my big brother had done minutes before. I kinda forgot that Lance was 15 and much more agile than me.

When I was eight, I shattered my right arm. Had to have surgery to reset the bones. My elbow is still crooked. They could have set it straight, but I would have had a frozen elbow joint. This way I have a normal range of motion and as long as I am not holding my arms straight out in front of me, you can't see the curve.

I broke eight fingers at once trying to slam my sister's head in the car door. We get along much better now. I have repeatedly broken fingers playing various sports.

I broke my foot a couple years ago when I kicked the end of my bed in the dark. My toes were pointed back at my face. Not fun!

Surgeries--I had surgery in hospital to remove my wisdom teeth. I have jaw problems from a car accident and can't keep my mouth open for long so they knocked me out to do the teeth.

I've had my right shoulder rebuilt after I tore the rotator cuff. My shoulder would pop out of joint at random intervals! It's fine now.

Currently I have a chronically sprained right wrist which may require a surgical repair at some point.

10-01-2004, 01:29 PM
Glacier - :eek: Wow!! That's a lot!

Samantha Puppy - I would have sued!! :( :mad:

Samantha Puppy
10-01-2004, 01:48 PM
My parents *so* aren't like that... and by the time I got old enough to find out exactly what happened, the statute of limitations was waaaaaaaaaay over. :( Otherwise, *I* would have.

10-01-2004, 02:05 PM
I had to have a C-section when I had Maegan. Because she was breech and they could not turn her.

10-01-2004, 02:13 PM
Originally posted by Glacier
Several of each...My Mom used to say it wasn't really spring until I had a cast on!

I broke my right leg when I was 5. I jumped off our garage roof, just like my big brother had done minutes before. I kinda forgot that Lance was 15 and much more agile than me.

When I was eight, I shattered my right arm. Had to have surgery to reset the bones. My elbow is still crooked. They could have set it straight, but I would have had a frozen elbow joint. This way I have a normal range of motion and as long as I am not holding my arms straight out in front of me, you can't see the curve.

I broke eight fingers at once trying to slam my sister's head in the car door. We get along much better now. I have repeatedly broken fingers playing various sports.

I broke my foot a couple years ago when I kicked the end of my bed in the dark. My toes were pointed back at my face. Not fun!

Surgeries--I had surgery in hospital to remove my wisdom teeth. I have jaw problems from a car accident and can't keep my mouth open for long so they knocked me out to do the teeth.

I've had my right shoulder rebuilt after I tore the rotator cuff. My shoulder would pop out of joint at random intervals! It's fine now.

Currently I have a chronically sprained right wrist which may require a surgical repair at some point.

Wow! Hearing about all of those broken bones makes me hurt!! Geesh, Glacier!

I've had too many surgeries for my liking :) Hmmm..let's see.

tonsils removed
ruptured ovarian cyst
abdominal hernia
lymph node disection

I think that is all of them.

The ruptured cyst happened the day before my wedding. We had to cancel everything. Such a pain. The wedding took place the following month after my recovery.

10-01-2004, 02:15 PM
nope lol I am prone to injury, but I never get bad ones :p the worst I have ever had, I cracked my head open, but it was not even big enugh to warrant a trip the doctor, I just just dizy for a week lol I fell out of a moving car when I was 2, I had a scar for a while, but I did not even need stitches. I have never broken a bone, or ever needed stitches, or surgury... lol but I have a bad back, bad knees, I need a knee brace, that is a result of my dancing, yet I still dance lol I just wear knee braces :p umm I tor a ligimant in my foot in grade 8, I fell through my frineds porch this summer... I think I am just really really lucky lol I have had some pretty bad accident that COULD cause me to break a bone or need stiches etc.. I just never end up with anything more then some scrapes and bruises lol

10-01-2004, 02:32 PM
Several years ago I broke my arm in three places.
It was my brother's fault. He stole my blanket from me and would not let me have it back. So I tried pulling it from him, and he let go sending me flying backwards. I put my right arm out to break my fall and it broke both big bones, and chipped a bone in my wrist. It was during the summer and THANK GOSH we were capable of getting a "Waterproof" cast. I think I wouldn have gone insane without a waterproof one.

Other than that, i've broken my toes many times before, but there's nothing you can really do for those. :p

10-01-2004, 02:36 PM
Originally posted by Samantha Puppy
My parents *so* aren't like that... and by the time I got old enough to find out exactly what happened, the statute of limitations was waaaaaaaaaay over. :( Otherwise, *I* would have.

I know you hate to hear it, but it could have been worse. I have a good friend who had something similar happen to her as a baby, they did a spinal tap on her and managed to ruin her spinal cord. She's a paraplegic now and has spent her entire life in a wheelchair because of a mistake on the doctors part. But it's still sad that something like that happened to you. It's things like that, that make me scared of doctors.

And there is no reason to be ashamed of a scar, scars are are a unique part of your body nothing at all to ever be ashamed of.

10-01-2004, 02:46 PM
My cousin, Nipper's_mom has Spina Bifida.
She is 21 years old and has been in a wheelchair her whole life.
She cannot feel anything from her waist down. She has had many surgeries and complications with her health.
Things could be far worse, you're very fortunate and from what i've seen you're a very beautiful lady, Jaime. A scar is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of.

10-01-2004, 02:48 PM
I broke my arm when I was like 3 from falling off a playground:p I've broken a bunch of fingers and toes. I've never had surgery though.

Samantha Puppy
10-01-2004, 02:50 PM
Well, thanks for the compliments guys. :) I know things could be worse, I rarely complain about my tumor and numb leg. It's just a pain in the butt more than anything now. As for my scar, it's hard not to be ashamed and embarrassed of it when anyone who sees it (like the girls in the locker room for gym class) would comment that my butt crack was showing. Even adults who've seen it think it's the top of my butt (if it were, that means I'd have to basically lay down to potty #2). It's just embarrassing. I wish I had a pretty, non-pucker back. (I wouldn't even let Josh see it until we were married... that's how much I hate it. It makes me feel completely unsexy and deformed.)

But at any rate, yeah - I know it could've been worse.

10-01-2004, 03:56 PM
I have never had a broken bone or a single surgery. I do have many, many scars, but they aren't bad ones.

My only thing is that due to scoliosis I wore a big, thick, hard, solid plastic back brace for 31/2 years. 22 hours a day. It was complete torture. It came up high under my armpits, then curved down just my chest. In the back it was up over my shoulder blades. The bottom went down over my hips and dug into my legs when I sat in a chair.
School was hard on so many levels. Some kids made fun of it, but most were pretty good. I had a difficult time getting in and out of desks. It was hard to carry my book bag. It was hard to climb stairs. I couldn't participate in any activities and could rarely attend any field trips. I ruined my childhood.

10-01-2004, 04:26 PM
Originally posted by lizzielou742
Glacier - :eek: Wow!! That's a lot!

Yeah, I was a little clumsy as a kid and loved active sports (still do). I grew very tall at a young age. I like to say it just took me a while to grow into my legs. :p

10-01-2004, 04:36 PM
I broke my nose playing softball in 7th grade.

The only stiches I had were to have a growth removed from my leg. That came off just before I started college, and people asked me if I got in a knife fight!

10-01-2004, 04:56 PM
I broke my wrist when I was almost 12, I was swimming in my friends pool and I don't rmember exactly what happened but we both fell out, and I ended up breaking my wrist:rolleyes: It's kind of a ridiculous story. It still hurts sometimes though and it's been quite a few years since I did that.

10-01-2004, 09:02 PM
I've sprained my wrist but didn't need anything but a sling for a few weeks. I cracked my head open when someone bumped a wooden beam while I was on stage for a play and the set collapsed on me and I had an ambulence ride for my first and only time (so far.) Thats pretty much the worst thats happened to me, nothing too bad.

10-01-2004, 10:33 PM
I had surgury for one of my miscarriages. Broke some toes and a thumb once, but couldn't get them fixed, I was pregnant with Jaden. May of last year I had my shoulder surgury. That was pretty extensive. I had a torn rotator cuff, ligaments, muscles, nerves, and some bone spurs. It sucked worse then childbirth and my shoulder still hurts all the time.

10-01-2004, 10:53 PM
never broken a bone & never had surgery....

.....thank god too! :p

10-01-2004, 10:59 PM
Originally posted by RobiLee
lymph node disection

I've had these, too.

Also had another surgery along with those that NO ONE wants to hear about. :o

Prior to all of that I had laprascopic surgery, when they thought it was going to be as simple as removing a benign tumor from my ovary. Didn't quite work out that way. :rolleyes:

Had my wisdom teeth out, and stiches in my eyebrow when I crashed and burned at the skating rink. It was gnarly; blood was EVERYWHERE! :p :D

I've never broken a bone, but I've had a broken nose. Ouch!

10-02-2004, 12:26 AM
I have had very little surgery and I want to keep it that way, had my Tonsils removed as a child and some oral surgery for tooth removal and that is it so far, fingers crossed it stays this way.;)

10-02-2004, 12:55 AM
Ohh enough for my age.

I had a heart murmer when I was small...not sure how old.*Surgery

Then...dog bite, left arm, stitches.

Some sort of thing in my eye was removed..can't remember what, cyst I think? *Sugery

Broke my arm....*Surgery

Broke my arm again....

And maybe 1 or 2 more things...can't remember!

10-02-2004, 04:53 AM
I guess everyone at PT (and the immediate world) knows that I'm recovering from knee replacement surgery.I have a frankenstein type scar running down the middle of my left knee about six inches long. As a kid, I was playing in the woods an I climed on top of a log. slipped off and fractured my left arm.

10-02-2004, 05:43 AM
For luck I havent had any surgery and I hope I wont...
When I was about 6 years old I broke my leg.. I dont remember much of it :D

10-02-2004, 07:09 AM
Glacier I am glad you weren't my daughter!! LOL! When I was about 4 years old I broke my left arm. I was riding my cousin's three wheeler down a steep incline and three wheelers don't have brakes. It turned over and I landed on my arm. :eek: Have given birth twice (the normal way - no C sections) and had a D & E after a miscarriage. Had my wisdom teeth taken out in the oral surgeon's office with IV medication that put me in LaLa land. :) All in all, not very exciting.

10-02-2004, 08:46 AM
I've had laprascopic surgery to remove a cyst that was about to rupture my ovary. When they went in, they also found out that I had Endometreosis and a benign tumor on my other ovary.
And I've had my wisdom teeth out at the oral surgen.
Those are the only surgeries.

As for broken bones...

*Right thumb twice
*Left thumb once
*Two fingers on my right hand
(I was the catcher on my highschool softball team)

*Right foot once, in highschool doing a cartwheel
*Right elbow falling off a desk in school

*Left foot and little toe falling down steps when I had to much to drink:o (it didn't hurt till the next morning)

*My right shin falling UP steps

I didn't break my ankle, but sprained it VERY bad when I fell in my driveway wearing a pair of very heavy/chunky shoes that my hubby told me not to buy :o

The nickname my family has given me is Grace!!!:D

4 Dog Mother
10-02-2004, 06:07 PM
Amy broke my tail bone when she was born. The dr. said it probably had been broken sometime before that and healed in the wrong direction. It made a very loud noise in the delivery room! I thought the rubber ring they gave me to sit on was something all new mothers got to sit on because of the stitches! :D

I had my gall bladder out the old fashion way when Amy was 2 and Rob 3 months. Now I have a long scar diagonally across my stomach.

I also had a hysterectomy and a few years later an ovary removed and a cyst from the other ovary.