View Full Version : Traveling in car - need carrier?

10-01-2004, 09:01 AM
Just curious how is best to travel with cat? What do you all do? When I had a dog as a kid we traveled and it traveled with us - no carrier. Is it best for a cat to be in the carrier? I'm new to this so have lots of simple questions that are probably obvious to most. We will be traveling mostly back and forth to land we own where we will stay in an RV over the weekend - about an hour and a half one way. Thank you Debbie

10-01-2004, 09:07 AM
Carrier. Dangerous for them and you without being confined.

10-01-2004, 09:24 AM
After losing one, very tragically, once, after not having her in a carrier, I will NEVER have my cats in the car outside of a carrier, ever again.

10-01-2004, 09:50 AM
Thank you both. I will use the carrier. :) Debbie

10-01-2004, 09:54 AM
I use a carrier for all of my cats and if I am going any distance (i.e. greater than a couple of blocks), I actually buckle the carrier in using a seat belt.

If you are in an accident and the carrier is not buckled in, then it will go "flying".

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
10-01-2004, 10:05 AM

This is a good carrier to get. It's a Samsonite. As you can see, the two sides zip down and the top zips open. This type of carrier is more expensive than the plain ol' plastic ones, but Peanut likes it sooooo much better! I leave it open like this all the time and she sleeps in it all the time. The last time we took her somewhere, it was so easy to get her in the carrier because she was already sleeping there so all I had to do was quickly zip up the two sides and wallah - kitty in carrier with no trauma to either of us. :D I've since put a little towel on the bottom so make it a little more comfy for her and she just adores the carrier. Another nice feature this has are straps that you can put the seatbelt through so kitty can be belted in also, which is just as important as belting a child in, especially if you're traveling with kitty in the front seat like I like to do so I can reach her to help calm her down if she starts meowing.

K & L
10-01-2004, 10:07 AM
Also, make sure they have a tag and collar on just in case they would get away from you. Keep info handy on vet information also.

10-01-2004, 10:12 AM
Just something to remember. Be careful if you stop for a rest and decided to let the cat out of the carrier. My sister and her family were moving from TN to TX and stopped in Arkansas for a break. She let the two cats out of their carriers to eat, drink and use the litter box in the car but when her husband opened a car door one of her cats shot out and ran off into the woods. That cat was afraid of everyone but my sister and wouldn't come to them. They even stayed the night in the area so they could keep searching for her but never found her. That was 14 years ago and my sister is still crushed over loosing that cat.

10-01-2004, 10:22 AM
What sort of collar should I get - any in particular? Also would you leave it on if it is an inside cat at home and just put it on when traveling? Or leave on all the time? thanks, Debbie

K & L
10-01-2004, 10:27 AM
Originally posted by cruisetime
What sort of collar should I get - any in particular? Also would you leave it on if it is an inside cat at home and just put it on when traveling? Or leave on all the time? thanks, Debbie

Get a "break away" collar. This type will let them escape from the collar if they were to get hung up on something. Leaving them on all the time is a personal preference. It can't hurt if you do!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
10-01-2004, 10:39 AM
Ok, so I just re-read your entire post and just saw where you mention the RV, so I've got more advice. ;) :rolleyes: :p :D (This might be kind of long, so sit back and relax while you read).

First of all, absolutely, definitely make sure when you travel that kitty has a collar with ID tags, and I would get her chipped before you bring her home also. That way, if she should ever get out, you've done everything you could to make sure others know she has a home. I'm going give you links to other posts I've made about taking T & P in our motorhome, but you have to know up front that the way I do it with these two is not the way I recommend doing it. You have to remember that T & P are old (18 1/2 and 16 respectively) so I don't need to worry about door darting and such things as much as someone with a younger cat. And Tubby being on the leash is something we've done since the day I got him (practically) so I could never get him in a carrier. Neither one of them has also never worn a collar except when they're outside on their leash. If/when I get a new kitty, everything will be done the right way - kitty will have a collar, a chip and will be transported in a carrier that is seat belted in.

Sounds like you go visit on a regular basis. If you take kitty with you regularly, she will get used to the car ride and will become an old pro at it. Once you get to the RV, unpack kitty first, but keep her in the carrier until you get everything out of the car and into the RV. Don't want to take a chance of her running out while you've got your arms full of groceries or something. Like I say, if you take her on a regular basis, she will become accumsted to life in the RV also, but you need to be doubley, tripley cautious of her getting out. It's a good thing I've got slow, old cats that aren't overly curious because even though they've only been in the motorhome 3 weekends now, unfortunately there have already been way too many times someone (not to mention any names but it's spelled t-e-r-r-y) has left the door open and if I had a door darter, kitty would have been gone in a flash! :( Which is also the reason for a collar and a chip.

I could go on and on about this, but I'll just give you the two most recent pictures I took of them this past weekend, and then I'll give you the links to the other posts so you can read them at your leisure, then if you have any more questions, feel free to ask. I'm obviously not an expert at kitties in RV's since I've just started myself, but I'll do my best to answer any question you might have.

Here's Tubby, navigating for his daddy. If you'll notice, I lost my seat to a cat :rolleyes: but that was ok because I was on the floor keeping Peanut company.

And here's Peanut sleeping on the edge of her carrier. She just loves that thing and it gives her a little hidey hole where she feels safe. She's kind of a skittish kitty, so any loud noise would send her straight to the carrier.

And here are the links to my other posts. Enjoy! :D
T & P’s Big Adventure

T & P’s Adventure Continues

Peanut’s New Carrier

Kamping Kitty Videos

New Digs

T & P Outside

PS - In the picture with Peanut, we were not moving at the time. In Tubby's pic we were, that's why he has the collar with his leash on.

10-01-2004, 10:44 AM
Carrier is safer for the both of you. When you open the door for a pitstop, you won't have to worry about poor kitty running off into traffic or who knows where. (My Mom and Brother once spent 2 days parked alongside the Alcan in the middle of nowhere trying to find their baby -- they did).

Also, it will be more pleasant for you. Halo is notorious for peeing when she's frightened. Being soaked with stinky kitty urine is not a pleasant experience.

We love our Nylabone fold-away carrier. It's hard plastic and has plenty of room. It can be used for airline travel. And the best thing is that when you unlatch the sides, it collapses flat so that it can be stored away. Petco.com has several sizes and they just happen to be on sale right now on their website.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
10-01-2004, 10:50 AM
Ok, I'm losing it. :rolleyes: I forgot to mention why I included the last two links. Those are links to threads I started about the little pen I'm going to use when T & P get more used to the RV'ing lifestyle. ;) It was less than $100.00 for the frame, the fencing, the ties to keep the fencing on the frame, the fake grass, netting for the top (which I don't use since T & P don't jump anymore because they're old), a tarp to go over the top in case there's no shade and a carrying case for it all....and that less than $100.00 price included shipping!

This thing is perfect for the motorhome or your RV because it breaks down into a relatively small package. The frame is actually PVC pipe that can be dismantled quite quickly. It takes me about 20 minutes to set it up and about 10 to break it down. And since they're not quite ready for it yet in the motorhome(well, Tubby is, but Peanut's not), I've got it set up at home in the backyard, where I just keep it set up. I just love the thing and they will too. We're planning on going full time in the motorhome in about 2 more years, so this will come in handy then.

Aaannnyyyyway....now that you know my life story as it regards to Kamping Kitties, I'll just shut up and let others respond. ;) :rolleyes: :D However, please feel free to ask if you have any questions. :D

10-01-2004, 03:52 PM
Thank you all for all the information - I printed off all your replies to this post and the other on "What to buy" and will be doing some shopping and house proofing this weekend. I purchased her "Joney" (after the volunteer at the shelter that put up a huge fight and got them to keep her and the kittens instead of killing them) and will pick her up Monday night at the vet. The shelter takes her to the vet on Monday to get fixed. It is policy here that you have to have the adults fixed before they go home with you. That is a very good thing I think! :)

Debbie - I love all the RV ideas - I printed them off to show hubby. I love the outdoor cage you set up - this would work really well I think. I'm going to call the vet on Monday while she is there and see about the chip.

I'll keep you all posted - I'm so excited!!!!! :) Debbie