View Full Version : HELP - new cat owner what do I need to buy?

10-01-2004, 08:56 AM
I haven't owned a cat before but will be getting one from the shelter today. They are going to take it to the vet on Monday and I can pick her up on Monday night from the vet. They will be fixing her and checking her out and updating shots. SO - what should I buy? Cat food (what kind?), litter (what kind is good to change often?), litterbox, scatching post?, treats? Please help! The cat is probably about a year or two old. She is a short hair brown tabby bobtail. Small cat and very independant. Should I somehow cat proof my house? Like all my nicknacks etc? She does jump on things the shelter said. They had her for 5 weeks because they begged to keep her (they would have killed her) but she was real sweet and they didn't want too. She had her babies the second day she was there and has been a good mom but they are adopting out all her kittens and want to find her a home before they have to kill her. Thank you for all your help. She will be alone in the house for about 9 hours each day as we both work - no other pets or kids. What kind of bed should I give her?? Thanks! Debbie

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
10-01-2004, 09:33 AM
Welcome to PT Debbie! My name is Debbie also and Tubby & Peanut are my snots. ;)

Everyone has different opinions on food, but I've been feeding T & P Science Diet since day on practically, and they are now 18 1/2 and 16 respecively, so it can't be all that bad. ;) Since she is not a kitten anymore, the Science Diet Feline Maintenance would work well. You could just buy a smaller bag to make sure she likes it. I'll let the others answer the litter question because I'm in the process of switching myself and haven't found one I really like yet.

Does she still have all her claws? If so, you're definitely going to want to get a scratching post or some type of scratching "equipment." They also make the cardboard scratchers which are relatively cheap and can be replaced as often as needed. You might also want to consider a cat tree of some sort - if you have room for it - and several toys like catnip mice etc. She is going to need to have something to occupy her time while you're away. She will probably demand attention when you are home, so buy some toys that you can interact with her like the feather on a stick thing - Peanut loves that one.

And yes, you should probably cat proof to some degree, especially since you know she likes climbing on things, especially if you have any really valuable or treasured items. No matter how high up or how secure you think they are, she will get to them. ;) Do this at least until you get to know her habits. Once she's been with you for awhile, you'll learn what you can leave out and what you can't. And expect her to get everywhere - including counter tops and on tables and the top of the refrigerator. There's just no getting away from this. Cats like to be up high and they like to jump and climb. Which is another reason for the cat tree. If you give her a nice place to climb - that has a view - it might keep her away from the other places.

Anyway, I could go on and on and on, but you'll get a lot of good advice from the others also, so I'll just say Welcome to Pet Talk and thanks so much for adopting an adult cat. She sounds like a real sweetie. Oh, and have you got a digital camera? If not, you'll need one of those because you'll need to be posting lots and lots of pictures of her here so we can all oooh and aaah over her with you. ;) :D

10-01-2004, 09:57 AM
Welcome to PT! My name is Kristina and I am owned by the brat in my signature :D Thank you and Bless you for giving a kitty another chance at life!

I just got my first kitty about 3 months ago. I found that I got more stuff for him after he had been homer for about a week than when I first got him! I feed him Nutro Natural choice (both dry and the wet food in the pouches.) he really loves it. I found out reciently he is a little treat beggar and have gotten him some Purina Whisker lickins (those were an instant hit). Your kitty will pretty much tell you what type of toy she will go after, Remus sure did! I got him a bunch of fancy toys and what does he go after? My office chair and plastic seal wrappers off of catsup bottles :rolleyes: I use bulk litter from PetCo, it seems to scoop easily and is dust and odor free. (Remus kind of is bothered by the dust)

10-01-2004, 10:03 AM
Keep in mind that whatever you buy, the more expensive the toy, the more likely it is she'll just play with the wrapper - it's some rule of cattitude! This rule often applies to beds, too.

Anything breakable nees to be moved off open shelves. Anything fragile and precious should be hidden away for now. After she's been home for a while, you'll understand her personality better, and know whether she's a leaper, a shelf-cleaner, and monkey-climber, or just a docile lap-kitty, and can readjust your decor accordingly.

Oh, congratulations on taking this kitty to your heart and soon your home, so exciting!

10-01-2004, 10:16 AM
Thank you - that is just what I needed. I have long door handles that all you do is push down on them and I'm afraid she'll figure it out real quick so I'm trying to figure out what to do with the glass Beta fish bowl and fish... :) I hope she likes us. We thought an adult cat would be the best since we are not home all the time and it would be hard to train a kitten without the time. I hope she thinks we are as cool as she is! :) Debbie

10-01-2004, 02:12 PM
Congrats on adopting a cat! Especially an older cat, as sometimes they get looked over even though they make wonderful and loving pets! It's sounds like you have chosen a great kitty.

I feed my two kitties Nutro Natural Indoor formula and they really seem to like it. For toys both of mine love little furry mice, you can get them at petsmart for really cheap. They also love those wands with a feather attatched to the end of it. Other than that they don't really care for any of the other toys.

Good luck with your kitty and I hope we get to see some pictures of her after you bring her home :)

smokey the elder
10-01-2004, 02:39 PM
Welcome to Pet Talk, and thanks for rescuing an adult cat! Cats are usually very little trouble; I'll add to the litany above: make sure she can't get into any cabinets where there's household chemicals. Also, if you have plants, make sure none of them are poisonous.

Good luck!