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View Full Version : Need some more advice

09-30-2004, 09:21 PM
I posted a while ago about having Kiba move in with me at my dads...anyway, I was wondering (from other peoples experiances) which would be better.

1. Take Kiba over for a few mins at a time then take her back home or
2. Have Kiba stay in my room completely (like living here) and gradually introduce them that way.

My dad says I should go with #1 but I was thinking 2 would be best....I've brought Kiba over a couple times and she was just stressed everytime..so I though it would be better for her to get used to my room and feeling she is safe with the dogs..

I also want to teach the dogs that biting (even playing) is NEVER acceptable with kitty. I'm afraid they might get rough with her and hurt her..I hope it works out...It would make me SO happy to have her here.

09-30-2004, 09:33 PM
Hmmm... I like #2 because of the stress issue. I never considered that before, when I did it with Nicki. I tried #1 when intorducing Nicki to my husband's dog, RB Sammie, and once I moved in full time with Nicki, we STILL had to have the separation time as if we'd never brought Nicki over.

I'm sure everything will be fine once the two get used to each other. If Sammi could learn to libe with Nicki, ANYTHING is possible! LOL!

09-30-2004, 11:02 PM
If you go with #2 you might think about using some of that Feliway stuff to help her stay calm. I've never used it, but from what I read on the board, it sounds like good stuff.

10-01-2004, 08:54 AM
I like option 2,the best,as it is not good,for a Cat,to be going,back,and forth,as Cats,needa stable Home,where they know,that they belong! Good Luck!