View Full Version : Advanced Obedience Classes

09-30-2004, 06:33 PM
Hey everyone,

Sorry I've been scarce around here lately. School's beginning to take up a lot of my time during the day, and most evenings.

Anyway, my question is, for those of you who have or still do take your dogs to advanced obedience classes and/or compete, what *exactly* in the classes do your dogs learn? Daisy and I have been through regular obedience class when she was a puppy, and did great, but I'd like to take an advanced course with her. I think she's got great potential, and she catches onto things and learns really, really quickly. If she does well, I might want to compete in actual trials, but I'll have to read up on that and see. :) Any other information is greatly appreciated, too.


09-30-2004, 06:41 PM
Well you would learn exercises that are used in competition obedience.
For instance in your basic class you probably learned heal, sit, down stay, and a recall.
In advanced you will focus more on healing off lead and getting precision. ie, a nice straight sit instead of slumped onto one hip.
You may also be introduced to formal retrieval work.

Is the class you might be taking being taught by someone who has competed before? If so they will be able to help you get started. I hope you do decide to try going to trials. It is a lot of fun, I love it. Good luck.

Here's a simple break down of AKC obedience:

And also the rules for Novice obedience.

09-30-2004, 06:55 PM
Thanks Shelteez2! Those articles were really helpful. :)

I haven't found a class yet. Right now, I'm just trying to read up and get some basic information on it first, and if I decide this is something I think we should try, I'll start looking in the area for classes offered.

09-30-2004, 07:04 PM
You're welcome. :)

In case you didn't see it in the links I provided you can go here:

put in California and it will give you a bunch of dog clubs that are affiliated with the AKC and can help you get started in finding a class.

Remember to always go watch a class to make sure you are comfortable with the methods being used.
Have fun and good luck.

If you have any more questions just ask :)

Oh I just remembered. Is Daisy registered with the AKC? She will need to be if you want to compete.

09-30-2004, 08:32 PM
In Kai's class, we covered:

-heel off lead
-down on recall
-not sure what it's called but it's where we got the dog to down from a heel
-heel from a down
-broad jump
-high jump
-retrieve (the one thing Kai didn't want to learn LOL)
-5 minute sit/stay with the handler out of the room
-5 minute down/stay with the handler out of the room

We also played games. We played a sit/stay and down/stay version of musical chairs and also did a mini agility type course. :D

Kai LOVED the high jump. It boosted his self-confidence. In the beginning of the class, he was afraid of everyone and at the end, he was making friends with everyone. :D I totally recommend going into advance obedience with Daisy. I'm sure you two will do wonderfully!

10-01-2004, 11:24 PM
Thanks again guys! I appreciate it!

Yep, she's registered with AKC.

It sounds like a lot of fun, so maybe we'll try it. I'll keep you posted! :)

10-01-2004, 11:27 PM
I don't have any advice(but I don't think that matters because you already got great advice ;)), I just wanted to say good luck, and that I hope all goes well! :D